What do you guys think?
20-01-2007 23:21:01
So I have been pursuing the NoCC.YourGiftsfree website. So I payed people and as I had some refs I began talking to YGF on AIM.
So I was at a point where I had 11 refs. So I asked him "How much paypal can I get with 11 refs" so he told me 165. So I saw the any color nano and I asked him, "so if I get one more ref (12) that will make a 35 dollar difference since nanos are 200" so he replied "Yes" . So I was surprised that it was a big difference from 11 refs to 12 refs, so I asked him why that was and he said something like 'its a bonus since you reached 12 referrals'. So I was like sweet.
So today I logged on to my account and I talked to him about when the next payment was and he said he can pay me tonight. So I was like Cool man shock . So offcourse he sticked to his word and he payed me, but when he payed me, he payed me 180 shock .
So I messaged him telling him about the problem since we had talked many time and he had said that 12 refs would equal $200.
So he told me
[quotec4a8af29aa]We are 15/ref on a base scale for custom orders[/quotec4a8af29aa]
[quotec4a8af29aa]2gb is 149 dollars. We both made a mistake I see[/quotec4a8af29aa]
So then I replied with "so if people choose a nano you keep 30? instead of getting the 30 extra if they wouldve done the custom order?"
So 15/ref is a base scale for custom orders, so its more for non custom orders. so why isnt the nano more than 15/ref base scale if its not a custom order? The nano is 12.50/ref.
So he kept telling me that it was for a 2gb nano, so I replied with "And also 2gb nanos come out only in silver you advertise a green and state "any color" " So that kinda sounded the same mistake that I-Deal made and people are mad at them for that. So then this happened.

http/" alt=""/img180.imageshack.us/img="180/5993/860467114mm.jpg[" alt=""/imgc4a8af29aa]
Now I am not a yourgiftsfree hater, I have had good experiences with them but I just felt I had to post since. If only I could look at my history on AIM to pull out the old IM's. Is that possible? I swear on anything he told me 12refs=$200
So what do you guys think? Do I deserve 200 or not? I know this wont change his mind, but I just want to know what you guys think.
[img="c4a8af29aa]http/" alt=""/img265.imageshack.us/img="265/5818/725519804jg.jpg[" alt=""/imgc4a8af29aa]
EDIT People I traded with, PM me!
21-01-2007 00:00:23
yes sir I think you should be pizaid!
21-01-2007 00:10:28
Hey X,
I think we both made a mistake. I did not tell you or anyone you get a bonus. Didnt you tell me that the ipod nanos that were at 12 refs are worth 200, then you asked if you can ge the paypal equivalent. Then you talked about the jump. The ones at 12 refs are the 2gb ones. Not the 4 gb (200 dollar) ones. It is my mistake though that it says any color. I wil fix that. But , the 2gb ones you were asking about arent the 200 dollar ones.
21-01-2007 00:16:02
But in the beginning I asked "Will 12 refs be 200 dollars" and you said "yes" I remember clearly.
21-01-2007 00:19:39
You were referring to if the item has a value of 200 dollars.
21-01-2007 00:21:06
[quotecdd568366d="YourGiftsFree"]You were referring to if the item has a value of 200 dollars.[/quotecdd568366d]
I just wish I could see my aim logs evil
21-01-2007 00:33:11
What you are saying is mostly correct. You said the iPod nano is 12 refs, it is worth 200.00 can I get the paypal equivalent? It would be a jump of 35 dollars. I said sure because you can get the paypal equivalent of anything. But the iPod you were referring to was not worth 200.00 right?
21-01-2007 00:40:01
"So if I get 12 refferals I get $200?" "Yes" "Thank you"
So the people who choose the nano are getting screwed out of 30 dollars? Since they can get 180 on a custom order.
And also I believe you were irresponsible for changing what you were advertising since unknown uchiha told you
"2GB Nanos are only available in Silver. 4GB Nanos are available in Silver, Green, Blue, and Pink. 8GB Nanos are available in Black only.
You should change the 2GB Nano/12 refs from "Any Color" to just 2GB Nano."
When you opened this website. http//forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=46940
21-01-2007 01:01:57
Damn, that's a hell of a lot of So's.
21-01-2007 01:05:45
[quotea10176e265="x323smostwantedx"]"[ba10176e265]So[/ba10176e265] if I get 12 refferals I get $200?" "Yes" "Thank you"
[ba10176e265]So[/ba10176e265] the people who choose the nano are getting screwed out of 30 dollars? Since they can get 180 on a custom order.
And also I believe you were irresponsible for changing what you were advertising since unknown uchiha told you
"2GB Nanos are only available in Silver. 4GB Nanos are available in Silver, Green, Blue, and Pink. 8GB Nanos are available in Black only.
You should change the 2GB Nano/12 refs from "Any Color" to just 2GB Nano."
When you opened this website. http//forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=46940[/quotea10176e265]
Not really...
21-01-2007 06:50:45
Well, so you had a misunderstanding.. and if you ask me... YGF.. just pay him the extra for the 200$... dont be hard with the users )
just my 2 cents.
Have a great day all of you and BEST OF LUCK getting it solved! )
21-01-2007 07:20:03
[quote1d295b4323="Psyc"][quote1d295b4323="x323smostwantedx"]"[b1d295b4323]So[/b1d295b4323] if I get 12 refferals I get $200?" "Yes" "Thank you"
[b1d295b4323]So[/b1d295b4323] the people who choose the nano are getting screwed out of 30 dollars? Since they can get 180 on a custom order.
And also I believe you were irresponsible for changing what you were advertising since unknown uchiha told you
"2GB Nanos are only available in Silver. 4GB Nanos are available in Silver, Green, Blue, and Pink. 8GB Nanos are available in Black only.
You should change the 2GB Nano/12 refs from "Any Color" to just 2GB Nano."
When you opened this website. http//forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=46940[/quote1d295b4323]
Not really...[/quote1d295b4323]
read the first post D
26 so's i think.
but anyway, after reading (and counting the so's) i agree with you x323smostwantedx.
but i dont think a pole should have been made about it though.
21-01-2007 08:12:08
Try using Trillian for AIM....It logs everything to text files ) and handles most popular im clients too )
21-01-2007 08:19:57
X20, you got 12 refs. Does the 12 ref nano on the front equal 200 dollars? You and I were mistaken. You thought it did, and I thought you were talking about the 200 dollar one.
$30 seems like nothing with all the offers that are being 'declined' and all the odd accusations for account holds
21-01-2007 09:42:20
[quote18700e96d6="d11m"]$30 seems like nothing with all the offers that are being 'declined' and all the odd accusations for account holds[/quote18700e96d6]
Offers being declined I don't get paid for, what do you mean by accusations? Every user on hold is for a legitimate reason. 12 refs= 180. The ipod for 12 refs on the site was not 200, I believe it was 150. X20, you made the mistake of thinking it was 200, because of the mistake I made of the wrong color. Now if you got the amount of referrals needed for the 200 dollar nano you would get 200 dollars.
Now, I just sent you an extra 20 dollars so it equals 200. This is because of my mistake of saying yes, when I thought you were referring to the 4gb nano when you were referring to a nano that is 50 dollars less. Sorry for the confusion, it wont happen again. I hope this does not affect your decision in the future to pursue any yourgiftsfree.com sites.
21-01-2007 09:45:32
Good man. That's what I like to hear. That's what makes you have such a great reputation and an amazing network! D
21-01-2007 10:48:09
so then this was a $20 post?
21-01-2007 10:52:33
Justinag, what do you mean?
21-01-2007 11:01:58
sounds like his post got you sending him an extra $20, so it is a $20 post.
21-01-2007 12:10:48
Grats....YGF never ceases to amaze.
21-01-2007 14:16:51
Wow, thanks YGF, that little incident was not going to stop me from doing your site, especially since I am going to start to pursue them next month ;), but I appreciate it that you stick to your word ). Thanks!!! This can be closed!
21-01-2007 14:19:28
[quotefb13f36a4a="x323smostwantedx"]Wow, thanks YGF, that little incident was not going to stop me from doing your site, especially since I am going to start to pursue them next month ;), but I appreciate it that you stick to your word ). Thanks!!! This can be closed![/quotefb13f36a4a]
No problem, again sorry for the confusion! I am SURE you will all enjoy the surprise next month!
21-01-2007 14:19:36
you should get the money.. and i would say never do that site again because there are other sites with much greater rewards
21-01-2007 14:22:33
Like CraftyCash?
21-01-2007 14:22:38
[quotef0444a5e50="findme"]you should get the money.. and i would say never do that site again because there are other sites with much greater rewards[/quotef0444a5e50]
and I'm assuming thats your site? plz tell me ts no-cc site.
21-01-2007 14:25:26
[quote95d0cb554e="findme"]you should get the money.. and i would say never do that site again because there are other sites with much greater rewards[/quote95d0cb554e]
Like craftycash? ;)
edit Wow lol didnt see anyones post above me.
21-01-2007 20:42:05
[quote10f1f4a883="findme"]you should get the money.. and i would say never do that site again because there are other sites with much greater rewards[/quote10f1f4a883]
Haha that made me laugh. His sites are IMO some of the greatest, mainly because of CS and honestly. Personally I don't think he should have been paid, but that's just my two cents.
I can't wait for the surprise next month....
Hmm, who wants to take wagers on what it'll be? 5-1 says it's [spoiler10f1f4a883]I won't ruin it[/spoiler10f1f4a883]
22-01-2007 11:51:26
Mods, i think you should honor OP's request and change his title to $200....
//////i dont think he is entitled to the money either...
22-01-2007 12:33:58
[quote8dcae7d5c3="av2600"]Mods, i think you should honor OP's request and change his title to $200....
To speak on behalf of the forum...
22-01-2007 13:09:29
he means that X made this post/poll over $20 when hes already getting $180