NSFW: A blow to BluRay? Sony says "No XXX allowed"
[quote2dcb2b8fd8]Has Sony gone mad? Prominent adult movie producer Digital Playground (site) says it is forced to use HD DVD instead of Blu-ray, because Sony does not allow XXX-rated movies to be released on Blu-ray.
It does not matter how you stand to porn. It is here and it is a massive business. It is also an industry that is an early adopter for new media technology. VHS might not have won with out the adult film industry adopting it.
German Heise has interviewed Joone the founder of Digital Playgrounds at the AVN 2007 show in Las Vegas. Joone says actually said last year he is committed to Blu-ray. Now they announced four HD DVD titles in the United States. In the interview Joone says he was forced to use HD DVD, because no Blu-ray disc manufacturer would make his discs, because Sony was against it and they would loose their license.
If this holds true, Blu-ray is at a major disadvantage and could fail.[/quote2dcb2b8fd8]
What do you guys think? Could this really hurt (and possibly) destroy the Blu-Ray?
I know that if I was a horn dog consumer who just bought a Blu-Ray player and I walk into my local adult toy store and see only (HD)-DVDs and VHS, I would be infuriated.
11-01-2007 23:05:04
pretty stupid of sony... the porn industry is a billionare dollar industry from which none of it will go to them
11-01-2007 23:05:39
I guess those with Blu-Ray players will have Blu-Balls. Ba-dam-tsh. Thank you, thank you.
Seriously though, it will probably be a while until we find out if HD-DVD or Blu-Ray will win out. We're barely into the DVD stage and not everyone has the money to afford both an HDTV [i36881b25a1]and[/i36881b25a1] (what have you) player. Although I do think the adult industry has a huge influence in this.
11-01-2007 23:07:46
man this makes me want to see some HD porn.. but this just might make HD-DVD the winner.
11-01-2007 23:36:45
That is RETARDED! Porn fueled the Internet and if HD-DVD allows porn... RIP Blu-Ray lol
12-01-2007 05:46:40
Hm... Japan has had Blu-ray porn out since mid-December (http//www.glayz.co.jp/gbd_web/gbd_web.html) but it isn't allowed in the US? Anyways, I don't think that porn will have anywhere near the impact it did with VHS/Beta because of the internet. But in the end, even though Blu-ray sales have surpassed that of HD-DVD, if all of the porn starts coming out in HD-DVD, I will pick up the Toshiba A2.
12-01-2007 05:53:06
porn in HD .. ;)
12-01-2007 06:05:54
this is retarded the best format will win, and I don't think porn will affect it. Right now Blu-Ray has all the studios lined up, and the better titles out IMO.
Also sony is selling the PS3's at such a loss people are wanting to buy them just as a blu-ray player.
12-01-2007 06:26:25
Amazing. A company from the country that gave us bukkake says we can't have porn on their discs, but [if44228f69d]they[/if44228f69d] can.
I'm not sure HD [if44228f69d]or[/if44228f69d] Blu-Ray porn will do good business at all. As they were saying on O&A today, the backlash would be massive. No one wants to see the pimples, not to mention the gunshot and C-section scars. lol
More importantly, there was no Beta porn? shock
12-01-2007 15:39:25
Flashback to betamax and where it went.
12-01-2007 15:49:59
this is retarded the best format will win, and I don't think porn will affect it. Right now Blu-Ray has all the studios lined up, and the better titles out IMO.
Also sony is selling the PS3's at such a loss people are wanting to buy them just as a blu-ray player.[/quote
Actually, HD-DVD also has many studios lined up...
and betamax was more superior technologically than VHS..yet VHS won.
12-01-2007 16:09:07
[quote845a9d0cbb="mushybubbler"][quote845a9d0cbb="justinag06"]this is retarded the best format will win, and I don't think porn will affect it. Right now Blu-Ray has all the studios lined up, and the better titles out IMO.
Also sony is selling the PS3's at such a loss people are wanting to buy them just as a blu-ray player.[/quote845a9d0cbb]
Actually, HD-DVD also has many studios lined up...
and betamax was more superior technologically than VHS..yet VHS won.[/quote845a9d0cbb]
yeah that's what everyone keeps saying, but what does it really matter? That was then, and this is now.
Blu-ray has 7 of the 8 major hollywood studios lined up behind it last time I checked. It came out 6 months after HD-DVD and they already have more titles on the market.
And they are packaging their player in with the PS3's.
Now while the PS3's haven't exactly been the hotcake we all thought they would, I'd be willing to bet more american's own Blu-Ray players than HD-DVD, and most of them don't give a flip about HD porn.
12-01-2007 16:46:38
Yeah, Blu-ray has a more studios on its side, like Fox and Disney. Although there has been talk that Disney might release HD-DVDs also, I don't think they've announced it.
I don't know who was going to win but I always thought that Blu-ray always had an edge because of PS3, even though I thought the HD-DVD was a more 'elegant' solution because of its similarity to DVD technology and the resulting cost savings. There were more HD-DVDs than Blu-Rays being sold until the PS3 came out and now the sales are almost equal. I think technologically, they will pretty much be the same (Blu Ray will include more viewing features and use AVC, while HD-DVD will gain capacity), except to fanboys. Even the players on both sides are coming down in price so price won't matter too much either.
If you want to use the betamax analogy, go ahead but don't forget what the PS2 did for DVDs. (Not porn related, just to clarify.)
In the end, I think it's going to be like DVD-R vs. DVD+R. There will be many players that play both and we won't really have to choose.
Pron is a big market but it's not going to decide the format war. Sorry about most of my post which is general format talk.
12-01-2007 19:27:19
[quote5731e88b34="justinag06"]this is retarded the best format will win, and I don't think porn will affect it. Right now Blu-Ray has all the studios lined up, and the better titles out IMO.
Also sony is selling the PS3's at such a loss people are wanting to buy them just as a blu-ray player.[/quote5731e88b34]
do you believe everything that sony tells you. also warner brothers is releasing a disc that can play on both hd dvd and blu ray players. I think warner brothers is the studio.
[quote6155fc2c5e="Tholek"]Amazing. A company from the country that gave us bukkake says we can't have porn on their discs, but [i6155fc2c5e]they[/i6155fc2c5e] can.
I'm not sure HD [i6155fc2c5e]or[/i6155fc2c5e] Blu-Ray porn will do good business at all. As they were saying on O&A today, the backlash would be massive. No one wants to see the pimples, not to mention the gunshot and C-section scars. lol
More importantly, there was no Beta porn? shock[/quote6155fc2c5e]
I'm guessing it's allowed because there's some Japanese law that requires them to censor genitals (except for TNA), whereas good ol' American porn doesn't face censorship.
It makes no sense... You can't see natural intercourse because it's somehow offensive yet some guy bukkake-ing all over some girl's face is somehow more appropriate.
I guess I will never understand the Japanese. shrug
12-01-2007 22:07:23
Sony sucks at proprietary. BetaMax, MiniDisc, Memory Stick, etc...
Speaking of the Japanese... Japan is reporting an 8.2 magnitude earthquake and NOAA issued a Tsunami Warning for Alaska
[quote642d018f9f]Initial wave arrival expected at 1 AM Alaska Time[/quote642d018f9f]
If something happens to me... You guys enjoy the HD porn.

http//forum.freeipodguide.com/smilies_mod/upload/648e593bbf771bd069e89c02bc3165eb.gif[" alt=""/img642d018f9f]
13-01-2007 02:46:09
13-01-2007 15:29:26
yeahhh.. looks like Sony just stabbed Blu-Ray in its neck.
13-01-2007 20:39:42
I dont think your allowed to post pics of porn in public view /
17-01-2007 00:55:02
It'll be quite a while before I even have a HDTV, so I have no preference over BlueRay or HD-DVD. But, watching (some) porn in HD would be awesome.