21-01-2005 23:58:37
dont you hate them??? i have this one on the side of my nose, like right on the ridge where the nose meets the check (the littel crevise) and it hurts but its not mature enough to pop, its annoying me, lol
sorry for this random thing but hey it's 'Off-Topic'
o yea happy saturday, lol
22-01-2005 00:04:29
yeah thats really off topic and not necessary! LOL but a bit humors but since its you eatchex we will let it slide.
22-01-2005 00:07:52
[quote338e7a10e1="stroid"]yeah thats really off topic and not necessary! LOL but a bit humors but since its you eatchex we will let it slide.[/quote338e7a10e1]
lol thanks... but seriously tho, that stupid face soap doesn't work either. at least for me but then again i rarely get zits, and i rarely wash my face (like aside from showers) -P..
but yea everyone has 'em and everyone hates em, but i guess theres nothing we can do lol
oh yea this is off-topic but on-topic
zits[=http//www.kingfeatures.com/features/comics/zits/about.htm]zits the comic... doe sanyone know where the title came from? the comic strip is funny but the title has nothing to do with the strip, at least i can't tell anything..
22-01-2005 00:10:17
It works.
22-01-2005 00:15:48
It works.[/quoteb640b9bc93]
did you try it, or is it your product, lol
lmao, lol sorry im dang tired. and i got a kick out of it.
24-01-2005 08:23:20
Only time I get zits is when I don't wash my face in the morning, and then don't use a moisturizer. I generally wash my face with a gentle cleanser (not an acne soap) and I use that Oil of Olay 30spf moisturizer that costs $13 for a small bottle that surprisingly has lasted about 6 months. lishrugli But I'm a girl and it's "acceptable" that I use girly stuff.
They have some nice stuff for guys in the line of moisiturizers and such. You can always try it out.
12-04-2008 19:04:07
[quotec657d7df9b="EatChex89"]dont you hate them??? i have this one on the side of my nose, like right on the ridge where the nose meets the check (the littel crevise) and it hurts but its not mature enough to pop, its annoying me, lol
sorry for this random thing but hey it's 'Off-Topic'
o yea happy saturday, lol[/quotec657d7df9b]
Ha, I just dug this up using TSJ's "search" tutorial.
This is bullshit. I have really clear skin, but once in awhile, I will just get a mondo zit right on my nose. It makes my whole nose turn beet red for like a week and it's really really embarrassing. Why does it only happen on my nose? And only once in a great while?
So weird.
Yes, I have one on the side of my nose right now. It makes me not even want to leave the house haha.
And this thread made me laugh because EatChex was actually like......... Polite. Wow. You were a nice little kid back in the day D
12-04-2008 19:30:22
It works.[/quote07b5cb7c18]
did you try it, or is it your product, lol
lmao, lol sorry im dang tired. and i got a kick out of it.[/quote07b5cb7c18]
In my experience, I get zits when I don't get enough sleep and really tired. Make sure to get enough 8-10hours of sleep
and always keep your face not so dry and not so oily..
12-04-2008 19:34:04
Is that sleep thing true?
That might actually make a lot of sense now that you say it. Those rough weeks where I get 5-6 hours of sleep a night are when I tend to get them.
Wow. That's why I posted here, to get info like that D D D Thanks Puppet. +Karma.
You still have to change your picture though )
12-04-2008 21:25:09
[quotea4d2fe11a0="TravMan162"]Is that sleep thing true?
That might actually make a lot of sense now that you say it. Those rough weeks where I get 5-6 hours of sleep a night are when I tend to get them.
Wow. That's why I posted here, to get info like that D D D Thanks Puppet. +Karma.
You still have to change your picture though )[/quotea4d2fe11a0]
I wanted my Karma to stay "69"
Trav... you always gotta ruin things for ppl...............
12-04-2008 21:26:12
use Proactiv.
12-04-2008 21:29:06
^ roll
Proactiv is the biggest rip-off ever. I've been just as clear using Cetaphil which is a goo that cleanses with no harsh chemicals and I'm just as well off as I was when I was using Proactiv.
12-04-2008 21:42:18
but but but jessica simpson uses it, it must be good!!!
(sorry Puppet, I couldn't be a creep enabler anymore D )
12-04-2008 21:59:10
I prefer benzoyl peroxide 2.5%.. works the best to clear my skin.
http//www.acne.org is a good source
12-04-2008 22:49:26
[quoteb9fe225a95="bruman"]I prefer benzoyl peroxide 2.5%.. works the best to clear my skin.
http//www.acne.org is a good source[/quoteb9fe225a95]
Remember guys, we don't have the same skin so the people that refers to products such as this one, which is very acidic.. could cause irritation to some people's skin...
I never really used Proactiv, I just tried it few times and gave it up...
I found out that I get zits when I am really tired and didn't get enough sleep, and also when I am stressed emotionally... meaning staying up all night trying to study.
I also know that when your face is too try and oily, zits develop.. balance it out!
12-04-2008 23:28:52
I just make sure to wash my face with acne medication once a day shrug I use Clearisil, I think. Regular exercise, proper diet, all that good stuff probably helps as well (not that I do all of them).
12-04-2008 23:32:53
[quote3ee6895cd3="ajasax"]I just make sure to wash my face with acne medication once a day shrug I use Clearisil, I think. Regular exercise, proper diet, all that good stuff probably helps as well (not that I do all of them).[/quote3ee6895cd3]
Yes, exercise is a stress reliever... stress has great effects on acne....
Sex is the best med for everything..
12-04-2008 23:46:48
[quote9a429c5f37="puppeteer"]I never really used Proactiv, I just tried it few times and gave it up...
I found out that I get zits when I am really tired and didn't get enough sleep, and also when I am stressed emotionally... meaning staying up all night trying to study.[/quote9a429c5f37]
You mean staying up all night while spying on your little sister's slumber party, right?
12-04-2008 23:56:36
that's the weirdest fucking thing, i have a zit in the same damn place that i posted about originally.
fucking A
and my muscles hurt from working out really hard today. so double fucking A
12-04-2008 23:59:07
Having sore muscles is awesome. One time I worked so hard that I couldn't even straighten out my arms (biceps wouldn't let me). lol
12-04-2008 23:59:29
nothing worked for me. I went on the heavy stuff...accutane.
It fuck up my emotions and skin but it ended up working.
13-04-2008 10:13:37
[quote9040fe2fa5="zr2152"]nothing worked for me. I went on the heavy stuff...accutane.
It fuck up my emotions and skin but it ended up working.[/quote9040fe2fa5]
I went on accutane twice, never had the crazy emotional side affects though.
13-04-2008 10:22:14
Yeah I was on it twice too. I didn't help that I was smoking pot a lot while taking it.
13-04-2008 10:29:44
I don't mind having the occasional zit as long as there are no big scars when I reach adulthood. I have some small red marks when I look really closely but no dents or anything.
13-04-2008 12:05:47
[quote21aebe1142="J4320"]I don't mind having the occasional zit as long as there are no big scars when I reach adulthood. I have some small red marks when I look really closely but no dents or anything.[/quote21aebe1142]
yeah man, i wouldn't mind either, if they weren't always on the tip of my goddamn nose hahaha.
you shouldn't scar unless you are digging at them and severely drying out your skin. I've seen some pretty bad scarring on people though. I feel really bad for them. I know how embarrassed I am with one little guy on my face let alone all that. I really feel bad for those guys (
13-04-2008 12:16:52
My uncle has many scars. He had really bad acne when he was younger.
13-04-2008 12:20:24
[quote5cf5bf91bc="zr2152"]My uncle has many scars. He had really bad acne when he was younger.[/quote5cf5bf91bc]
There was this kid in my high school who had moved here straight from germany. He didn't talk, he was a dork and he had the worst acne I've ever seen in my life. His whole face was just beet red and pocked and he just had these giant red bumps everywhere. Like damn near a hundred every single day. Man, I felt bad for that kid. I tried to talk to him but he just wasn't having it, so that's all I could do was feel bad.
Jeez. Who knew pimples were so depressing.
13-04-2008 12:41:58
Acne can be a very tough battle, especially in high school. Especially bad acne... really kills the confidence.
13-04-2008 13:17:20
i don't really have bad acne, just a stray zit here and there.
right now I've got two, one in the nose/cheek position and then one on my right cheek where it meets the jaw.
oh and @ travman. . yes i used to be polite. but we all grow up sometime. twisted
Oh lawd. I'm thankful my mom gave me really good skin. I get a pimple [b38da80549f]so[/b38da80549f] rarely that I actually like messing with the one that does happen to form just for fun and then it goes away within a day.
My brother has teenage pimples though, his skin isn't as good as mine.
13-04-2008 14:58:27
[quote1dae2732b3="bruman"]Acne can be a very tough battle, especially in high school. Especially bad acne... really kills the confidence.[/quote1dae2732b3]
Totally agree... I hate it when I get pimples and knowing that I am going out to party that night. I can't even talk to girls, because they'd be looking at my big ass zit
13-04-2008 15:15:06
It's funny, cuz the stray zit that we hate so much kills our confidence, but I'm pretty sure girls don't really care about a pimple here or there haha. They get them too, they are just good with makeup.
But I agree with the creep, if I have one, I have a really hard time talking to girls when I'm out hahaha.
13-04-2008 15:21:27
Yeah I kind of agree with the creep too but I think we guys don't care about acne as much as the ladiez.
13-04-2008 15:47:08
[quotefc16a24eb8="J4320"]Having sore muscles is awesome. One time I worked so hard that I couldn't even straighten out my arms (biceps wouldn't let me). lol[/quotefc16a24eb8]
That happened to me this week, lol. I went to the gym with my friend, and he made me stay for three hours with him, and we did so much shit. I really wanted to go back to the gym kind of every day..but I couldn't. I was so damn sore; I couldn't scrub my armpits in the shower...I had to use my hand to push my arm to scrub. (
But...now I'm not sore, and for some reason I see muscle already.
13-04-2008 15:54:46
[quote230c94dfc9="TFOAF"][quote230c94dfc9="J4320"]Having sore muscles is awesome. One time I worked so hard that I couldn't even straighten out my arms (biceps wouldn't let me). lol[/quote230c94dfc9]
That happened to me this week, lol. I went to the gym with my friend, and he made me stay for three hours with him, and we did so much shit. I really wanted to go back to the gym kind of every day..but I couldn't. I was so damn sore; I couldn't scrub my armpits in the shower...I had to use my hand to push my arm to scrub. (
But...now I'm not sore, and for some reason I see muscle already.[/quote230c94dfc9]
did your chest un-invert?
13-04-2008 15:56:24
don't train for three hours at a time. Overtraining is not your friend and it will cause more harm than good. If you want to hit the gym a lot, great, go for it. But develop a plan that is going to work for you. Three hours ain't it.
If you are serious, let me know and I'll help work out a plan for you. I'm no professional, but I know a whole lot, and whatever I tell you is going to be better than whatever the hell you're going to try to do in there, I promise.
13-04-2008 16:36:09
On some days I'm in there for 2 hours. I don't overwork any particular muscle though. My friend benches every day and I roll at him.
13-04-2008 17:29:13
don't train for three hours at a time. Overtraining is not your friend and it will cause more harm than good. If you want to hit the gym a lot, great, go for it. But develop a plan that is going to work for you. Three hours ain't it.
If you are serious, let me know and I'll help work out a plan for you. I'm no professional, but I know a whole lot, and whatever I tell you is going to be better than whatever the hell you're going to try to do in there, I promise.[/quote4ff70336de]
Listen to Travman, I've seen his pictures on myspace......
And yes, buffing up takes time, so do not rush! 3 hours of working out is not really good for your muscles as they need rest!
13-04-2008 17:40:15
don't train for three hours at a time. Overtraining is not your friend and it will cause more harm than good. If you want to hit the gym a lot, great, go for it. But develop a plan that is going to work for you. Three hours ain't it.
If you are serious, let me know and I'll help work out a plan for you. I'm no professional, but I know a whole lot, and whatever I tell you is going to be better than whatever the hell you're going to try to do in there, I promise.[/quote1081903c9f]
Listen to Travman, I've seen his pictures on myspace......
And yes, buffing up takes time, so do not rush! 3 hours of working out is not really good for your muscles as they need rest![/quote1081903c9f]
i wish i wasn't so lazy or else I'd be huge haha. I know what it takes to get there, i just don't do it. I only do some of it D
how'd you find me on myspace?
13-04-2008 17:42:21
13-04-2008 17:45:33
go nuts
13-04-2008 17:59:28

http//a578.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/6/l_9cc7425b3b0e8a5b7ae22345203a4c21.jpg[" alt=""/img77ff6ba603]
plz don't kill me [img="77ff6ba603]http//forum.freeipodguide.com/smilies_mod/upload/6309177bbdce1878dd071699e49d58ee.gif[" alt=""/img77ff6ba603]
13-04-2008 18:07:47
hahahaha, i don't know what's funnier, the fact that you actually posted that or the smiley you found
13-04-2008 18:09:54
btw veek will go crazy over that link.
13-04-2008 18:10:17
don't train for three hours at a time. Overtraining is not your friend and it will cause more harm than good. If you want to hit the gym a lot, great, go for it. But develop a plan that is going to work for you. Three hours ain't it.
If you are serious, let me know and I'll help work out a plan for you. I'm no professional, but I know a whole lot, and whatever I tell you is going to be better than whatever the hell you're going to try to do in there, I promise.[/quote77f7a0cffa]
Listen to Travman, I've seen his pictures on myspace......
And yes, buffing up takes time, so do not rush! 3 hours of working out is not really good for your muscles as they need rest![/quote77f7a0cffa]
i wish i wasn't so lazy or else I'd be huge haha. I know what it takes to get there, i just don't do it. I only do some of it D
how'd you find me on myspace?[/quote77f7a0cffa]
You posted it here, when I told you to use a topless picture as your avatar
I think it was on Brag Bag category
found it..
13-04-2008 18:11:11
YGF = dum
13-04-2008 18:15:52

http//a578.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/6/l_9cc7425b3b0e8a5b7ae22345203a4c21.jpg[" alt=""/img8d52ec6768]
plz don't kill me [img="8d52ec6768]http//forum.freeipodguide.com/smilies_mod/upload/6309177bbdce1878dd071699e49d58ee.gif[" alt=""/img8d52ec6768][/quote8d52ec6768]
13-04-2008 18:16:55
Oh man. Yeah I'm furious. hahaha. right D