$12 to whoever does this math assignment for me (SUPER EASY)
17-12-2006 12:20:03
I am doing a presentation and this is one small component that can be used for extra credit. I am tied up to my ass with work so I am offering an easy $12 to who does this.
Type a paragraph and include graphs as well as a model question. Explain thee need and derivation of the formal definition of the derivative. State the meaning of this definition in words. ABSOLUTE MINIMUM 1 page long
So yeah, as you see it has to be longer than 1 page long. I already got a good portion of the research so that will even make life easier for whoever can help. Let me know ASAP. First person that can do a good job will get this.
17-12-2006 12:22:16
17-12-2006 12:24:48
17-12-2006 12:35:19
For the graph part could I just have like y=3x^2+2x+1, then y1=6x+2, then y2=6 or something simple like that to demonstrate. I don't know a whole lot about derivatives, but I could do the research and make an example like that.
17-12-2006 12:48:15
[quotef0dd3c82af="zdub08"]For the graph part could I just have like y=3x^2+2x+1, then y1=6x+2, then y2=6 or something simple like that to demonstrate. I don't know a whole lot about derivatives, but I could do the research and make an example like that.[/quotef0dd3c82af]
pmed, it has to be good though. Including some graphs, equations, examples, definition of the derivative, what it means, formal definition, maybe a brief history of what it came to be, what it is used for. You know simple stuff.
EDIT zdub is working on it. Thanks.
17-12-2006 13:32:59
Wow....you ppl must be broke as a joke to even look at this for 12 bucks....It's not a hard assignment, but it's going to kill the better part of an hour, and for $12??? My time is worth a whole lot more than that even if I am just watching football on sunday afternoon. Let the fool do his own homework anyway....
17-12-2006 14:18:33
[quote35da673580="ILoveToys"]Wow....you ppl must be broke as a joke to even look at this for 12 bucks....It's not a hard assignment, but it's going to kill the better part of an hour, and for $12??? My time is worth a whole lot more than that even if I am just watching football on sunday afternoon. Let the fool do his own homework anyway....[/quote35da673580]
Done.. took about an hour. $12/hr isnt bad I guess?
17-12-2006 14:25:32
I thought Powerbook hated cheaters.
17-12-2006 14:30:59
Hmm sometimes opinions change under certain circumstances lol.
Mod please lock, I'm all set.
17-12-2006 14:48:36
If you hate cheaters you hate cheaters, you can't change your opinion to not hating them when it's convenient.
[quote7a73199602="tylerc"]If you hate cheaters you hate cheaters, you can't change your opinion to not hating them when it's convenient.[/quote7a73199602]
17-12-2006 14:52:46
[quote2ca107ffcc="Veek"][quote2ca107ffcc="tylerc"]If you hate cheaters you hate cheaters, you can't change your opinion to not hating them when it's convenient.[/quote2ca107ffcc]
IAWTC BEFORE THEY LOCK IT.[/quote2ca107ffcc]
You and your IAWTC veek lol. I don't mind homework help and people doing it and helping others out. I just don't like people that cheat on tests or quizzes. That's what pisses me off. For example, stealing answer keys and stuff like that.
17-12-2006 14:54:36
Cheating's cheating.
If you don't do it all by yourself (save help from the internet/books), unless it's a partner project, it's cheating, no matter what way you cut it.
17-12-2006 15:30:01
Yep, you damn hypocrite.
17-12-2006 15:31:28
you damn jerks D
give him a break
17-12-2006 15:33:25
Hypocrisy annoys me to no end. I have no problem cheating to be honest, I'll write papers for money, help friends out with a couple test questions, but I won't steal answer keys or anything like that.
17-12-2006 15:48:38
man i'd be ashamed of myself if i ever had to pay someone online to do my homework..
17-12-2006 15:49:35
[quotede306959d9="akalic"]man i'd be ashamed of myself if i ever had to pay someone online to do my homework..[/quotede306959d9]
man i'd be ashamed of myself if i took every opportunity to be an ass online
edit please lock this mods
17-12-2006 15:53:14
Tyler stop making yourself look like a fool. You aren't perfect yourself. Who cares I paid someone to help me with extra credit. At least I do not get stoned and crunked on a weekly basis. Mods please lock this thread.
17-12-2006 16:02:43
[quote26468a1052="Powerbook"]Tyler stop making yourself look like a fool. You aren't perfect yourself. Who cares I paid someone to help me with extra credit. At least I do not get stoned and crunked on a weekly basis. Mods please lock this thread.[/quote26468a1052]
I don't exactly see how I'm making myself look like a fool. I never claimed to be perfect, in fact, I know I'm far from it. I don't care that you paid someone to do the extra credit for you, that's not the problem. The problem is your hypocrisy, and the fact that you "hate cheaters" when you are one yourself.
What does drinking/smoking pot have to do with anything? Good call too, since you actually know me, and know what I do on a "weekly basis". I guess not smoking pot since this summer is a weekly basis, and drinking this past weekend for the first time in over 2 months is a weekly basis as well.
Yeah, you definitely "owned" me. Give me a break. roll
17-12-2006 16:02:54
Cheating is cheating. Stealing the answers or paying someone to do your homework will both have the same penalty. HS you will probably fail the class and get suspended (maybe less) in college you'd be lucky to not get expelled. I hate cheaters too. I work hard to get where I am and some idiot cheats and sets the curve. F them...