What in the name of Baby Jesus is this?
05-12-2006 20:23:58
I was talking to doylnea and we got to talking about Christmas presents.
[quote7a03911cac][2247] doylnea want to see my GF's Christmas present?
[2247] Frank Yeah
[2248] lilili doylnea is trying to send you "WCAP70.jpg"
[2248] doylnea might be kind of hard to see
[2248] Frank You're giving her your penis?
[2248] Frank ;-)
[2248] doylnea yes, can you tell what the growth it on the end of it
[2249] Frank No, but you should make a thread about it[/quote7a03911cac]
So he sent me a picture of this thing on his balls but he's too embarrassed to ask himself.
So, what is it?

http/" alt=""/img291.imageshack.us/img="291/2262/hpvsf2.jpg[" alt=""/img7a03911cac]
05-12-2006 20:26:55
Too funny. lol + karma for sure
05-12-2006 20:27:21
05-12-2006 20:27:41
Aww fuck that.
05-12-2006 20:28:10
That's gross oops
05-12-2006 20:31:25
05-12-2006 20:33:15
Dude, I'm just trying to help the guy out. He's obviously worried about this so I'd appreciate it if I could get a sensible answer.
Geez, you people. roll
05-12-2006 20:35:41
so if I kiss my dog with that, will the dog get sick?
05-12-2006 20:37:37
Ask your girlfriend.
05-12-2006 20:42:03
[quote813b5d3ced="theysayjump"]Ask your girlfriend.
better call the hospital, because I'm gonna be a new victim in the burn unit.
05-12-2006 20:42:49
05-12-2006 20:44:35
if anyone posts the real picture that I sent to TSJ (you can find it on google) I'll give you +50 Karma
05-12-2006 20:49:53

http/" alt=""/img56.imageshack.us/img="56/6263/untitled3ok.jpg[" alt=""/imgcd11dc6ef6]
05-12-2006 20:50:29
[quotec96fccf9b8="doylnea"]if anyone posts the real picture that I sent to TSJ (you can find it on google) I'll give you +50 Karma[/quotec96fccf9b8]

http/" alt=""/img291.imageshack.us/img="291/2262/hpvsf2.jpg[" alt=""/imgc96fccf9b8]
05-12-2006 20:51:25
[quotef7d9987451="doylnea"]if anyone posts the real picture that I sent to TSJ (you can find it on google) I'll give you +50 Karma[/quotef7d9987451]
Ugh this better not be a cruel joke. I spent 5 minutes putting in all kinds of nasty search terms and I couldn't find it.

http//forum.freeipodguide.com/smilies_mod/upload/c1acee1e05bf58b9720aaad8e6d0a90e.gif[" alt=""/imgf7d9987451]
05-12-2006 20:58:00
[quotee170ad2353="J4320"][quotee170ad2353="doylnea"]if anyone posts the real picture that I sent to TSJ (you can find it on google) I'll give you +50 Karma[/quotee170ad2353]
Ugh this better not be a cruel joke. I spent 5 minutes putting in all kinds of nasty search terms and I couldn't find it.

http//forum.freeipodguide.com/smilies_mod/upload/c1acee1e05bf58b9720aaad8e6d0a90e.gif[" alt=""/imge170ad2353][/quotee170ad2353]
Not cruel at all - it's legit and cool and worksafe. And I'd like you all to see TSJ's response to my "wang" pic
[quotee170ad2353][2250] Frank That's cool as shit......[/quotee170ad2353]
05-12-2006 20:59:43

http//www.penissizedebate.com/images/doc/tiny_penis2.jpg[" alt=""/img3eb8e11035]
EDIT I think I [i3eb8e11035]can[/i3eb8e11035] see a growth on the end of your crotch there.
05-12-2006 21:00:13
Hmmm well good luck to everyone else. I'm done with sifting through pages of filthy penis std pictures lol.
05-12-2006 21:22:54
The degradation of the threads in FIG over the past few days has been shameful.
05-12-2006 21:51:04
[quoteb10692dbee="Gooogler"]I GOT IT!
EDIT I think I [ib10692dbee]can[/ib10692dbee] see a growth on the end of your crotch there.[/quoteb10692dbee]
Wow, the pic that TSJ posted was gross enough...
05-12-2006 21:54:32
Hints please.
05-12-2006 22:02:24
Yes, we've reached a new low.
Eww...I can't believe I posted in this thread. 140 other people have also been scarred by doylnea's disease. Btw, Frank, you might want to get checked out in case you caught whatever Doylnea has. picsplz
unknown uchiha
05-12-2006 22:03:34
god this thread is nasty.
05-12-2006 22:11:12
You took it too far Googler
05-12-2006 22:15:07
[quotedc7ade2b97="hehehhehe"]Hints please.[/quotedc7ade2b97]
it's music related
05-12-2006 22:20:43
uhh.. are you guys searching google for penis images? I hope someone walks by.
05-12-2006 22:54:02
yea the days of checkin freeipodguide at my local panera bread are long gone i'm afraid to say... but more importantly, tsj, are you Frank? I know i don't know you really but i just didn't see Frank coming thats all. I guess i called you a tim or some sort of jeff variation
05-12-2006 23:16:36
Yes I'm Frank. Nobody thinks I'm a Frank, but Jeff would be sweet!
Anyway, this thread was made in parody to the other threads that have been made. doylnea didn't send me a picture of his cock or balls but something (as he said) completely unrelated.
06-12-2006 00:54:20
Well, thank heavens for that.

http/" alt=""/img291.imageshack.us/img="291/2262/hpvsf2.jpg[" alt=""/img6dcf6d48c8][/quote6dcf6d48c8]
The bump on the right looks like Bill Clinton.
Just sayin'...
06-12-2006 03:53:52
Thanks for makng me sick.
06-12-2006 04:06:11
[quotea8eeea1d7e="ilanbg"]The degradation of the threads in FIG over the past few days has been shameful.[/quotea8eeea1d7e]
Well said sir!
06-12-2006 05:36:01
06-12-2006 09:22:08
[quote87669bd20e="ajasax"]Yes, we've reached a new low.
Eww...I can't believe I posted in this thread. 140 other people have also been scarred by doylnea's disease. Btw, Frank, you might want to get checked out in case you caught whatever Doylnea has. picsplz[/quote87669bd20e]
Not 140 people, 140 clicks. ;)
And now we're around 250. shock
Anyway, so that entire time I was searching Google for STD pics was for nothing? It's something music related?
x x x
06-12-2006 09:59:44
thanks guys i really appreciatte this thread while I am at work thank good one of our admins put it up roll (why do i feel like junior right now)
06-12-2006 10:03:08
[quote35ea9df530="Stroid"]thanks guys i really appreciatte this thread while I am at work thank good one of our admins put it up roll [b35ea9df530](why do i feel like junior right now)[/b35ea9df530][/quote35ea9df530]
Hmmm... I don't know.
roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll
06-12-2006 10:15:00
[quote52d97ed8ac="doylnea"]if anyone posts the real picture that I sent to TSJ (you can find it on google) I'll give you +50 Karma[/quote52d97ed8ac]
"genital warts" from Human Papillomavirus - please dont google image those words unless you want to vomit your lunch.
06-12-2006 10:32:49
I'm not clicking that...
I've seen my fair share of STD's for now thanks to doylnea's while goose chase. lol
06-12-2006 10:36:07
[quote4ac4a9fdc5="J4320"]I'm not clicking that...
I've seen my fair share of STD's for now thanks to doylnea's while goose chase. lol[/quote4ac4a9fdc5]
lol all it was was the original photo posted first. I found it by googling genital warts, lol. If you want to see gross I can post gross though, Im pretty good at finding REALLY nasty pictures. lol
06-12-2006 10:37:45
Daaaaaaaaaaayum now you get +50 karma. shock
06-12-2006 10:39:40
Daaaaaaaaaaayum now you get +50 karma. shock[/quote51c50b9077]
LMAO I wonder if I will actually get it.
06-12-2006 10:52:51
Aaaaactually, doylnea said that he would give you +50 if you could find the picture that he actually sent me during our conversation. What you found ER is where I found the actual picture I posted in this thread.
See? You see???1!!111
06-12-2006 11:02:27
lmao, can I have at least +1 KMA lol
06-12-2006 11:41:24
yeah I don't think it is penis related at all people, get your minds out of the gutter! I'm going to take one shot in the dark at this.

http/" alt=""/img113.imageshack.us/img="113/2906/xmasbox2mc1.jpg[" alt=""/img50dc3db813]
06-12-2006 11:55:45
This is actually better than that insane Russian painting, people don't even understand the actual question.
So far, I don't have a clue with the hints given so far.
06-12-2006 12:21:04
[quote2aa02424e6="justinag06"]yeah I don't think it is penis related at all people, get your minds out of the gutter! I'm going to take one shot in the dark at this.

http/" alt=""/img113.imageshack.us/img="113/2906/xmasbox2mc1.jpg[" alt=""/img2aa02424e6][/quote2aa02424e6]
That's actually an awesome idea, but not what I bought. You're in the correct music genre though.
Clue 2 some would consider the gift art
06-12-2006 12:45:41
[quote0450ef7c04="egyptianruin"]lmao, can I have at least +1 KMA lol[/quote0450ef7c04]
06-12-2006 12:53:13
Sexy. -_-
06-12-2006 16:02:57
I love Jesus dance