This sure as hell isn't deviant art but ....

Live forum:


04-12-2006 03:50:41

I'd figure I would showcase the KRZR I am working on for a final project at school just to get some opinions and suggestions. Keep in mind that since there are no textures on the surface, I can't show you the completely smoothed out view because you would barely see anything but the outer body shape. And thats basically why the bottom of the phone looks really bad. Sooo here is the bottom part of the phone that I lost sleep over shock (the battery part isn't anything special and the top half of the phone needs more work so I didn't bother taking screenshots)

[img9cbbae8980]http/" alt=""/"218/3744/[" alt=""/img9cbbae8980][=http//img="][img9cbbae8980]http/" alt=""/"218/3744/[" alt=""/img9cbbae8980]


04-12-2006 06:20:29

i dont have any suggestion but i wanted to say that is really cool. How long did what you have there take you?


04-12-2006 06:40:15

Thanks =)

I'd say about 6 hours because I was being really anal about the little details. Although I probably spent more time "working on it" but that was while I was IMing people so it was definitely more than that in reality.