Missed S.A.T - What Can I Do?
02-12-2006 06:38:34
I could have sworn on anything that when I registered, the SAT's were on the 9th. I realized today that SAT's were the 2nd, and ACT's are the 9th. I guess that's what happens when you try to be an over achiever and take both tests and fuck up the dates. Anyway, is there anything that I can do? I'd really rather not pay another $50, anyone had any experiance with missing ACT or SAT and know if you can just kind of tell them you were sick or something?
I don't even think it would matter because I woke up this morning at 5AM "being sick", haven't gone back to sleep and have been "sick" all morning.
[spoilere7a5736255]I use the "sick" phrase to keep from saying puking my brains out.[/spoilere7a5736255]
02-12-2006 06:45:34
well this is bad news, but you have to pay at least $20 to get the test date changed.
02-12-2006 06:59:15
Funny, I had a dream last night that I overslept and missed my SAT.
Then I woke up and went to take them.
The only thing you can really do is pay the late fee.
02-12-2006 07:00:33
Yeah. College Board will just say, "It's not our problem."
So as what everyone else said...you just gotta pay the late fee. (
02-12-2006 07:09:35
Yup, I guess it's a lesson learned.. late fees suck, but that's what happens if you can't be bothered to get the dates straight ahead of time.
02-12-2006 07:46:35
That sucks, man. Anyone who took the SAT's think it was hard? I didn't take it this time but I thought the SAT was 10 times harder than the ACT.
02-12-2006 08:24:18
If you thought the SATs were on the 9th, when did you think the ACTs were?
02-12-2006 08:27:50
same thing happened to me bro,
I missed the test date. And then when the next one rolled around, I was so late to register for that one that I couldn't even make the late fee for that one. But then I called, and she said if I showed up to the next one w/ my old admission ticket. There was a possibliy I could get one of the empty spots. Everything worked out alright, and I got to take it for free.
02-12-2006 10:12:24
haha. i'm glad SATs are over. I took mine last year.. twice.
02-12-2006 10:29:44
[quote47388685e2="JKirk"]That sucks, man. Anyone who took the SAT's think it was hard? I didn't take it this time but I thought the SAT was 10 times harder than the ACT.[/quote47388685e2]
I took it today for the first time and didn't think it was that bad. I haven't ever taken the ACT, but i thought the PSAT was easier than the "PLAN" test or whatever the practice act is called.
02-12-2006 12:14:50
i'm glad I didn't have to take the S.A.T...
02-12-2006 12:29:56
i missed my sat's so i couldnt apply to good colleges so im stuck at a jc
02-12-2006 12:30:34
I got a call at 8am from one of my friends and he was like "dude are you going to show up for the SATs?!" needless to say I made it there 20 minutes late and no one has let me live it down since.
02-12-2006 22:38:07
im glad im all done with that shit. the fees are such a racket. its unbelievable how much they can charge kids for all this. you gotta add another $9.50 per school to just have your scores sent to the schools you apply to. when your all done with that you have to pay the college $35 just to read your damn application.
03-12-2006 05:12:35
With standardized testing they usually only accept a death in the family or hospitalization (not just a doc visit). And you have to fax in documentation.
You are lucky they allow rescheduling after the fact. With the GRE for example, you have to reschedule 4 days prior to the testing date and they charge $40.
Hey, it happens. Just try and get it in soon so you can apply for school. Actually, you can still apply for school and they'll send the colleges you tell them to your scores.
[b874e552061]But it happens. Dont stress. [/b874e552061]They have them every two months.
Try what Amir said and do the standby thing. Sometimes they charge a fee for standbys, so visit the SAT website/call and find out, otherwise you'll be screwed when you get there if you dont have the money. Also, if there is a few, find out if they accept cash (because they might only accept checks).
If you go for a standby and they dont have room, then suck it up and pay for the next one. Because by then you'll want the scores for college admissions. You can send in your application without a score, but by March it is getting late and spots are filling up.
03-12-2006 07:21:17
Try taking the LSAT's, that stuff is even harder.
04-12-2006 00:14:32
Try taking the MCAT, that is even harder.
04-12-2006 04:22:03
Try staying on topic, that is way harder.