What should I do?
30-11-2006 12:58:09
Okay, I just pulled an all-nighter for a calc quiz that was scheduled for 2PM today and I decided to take a half hour nap before I would go back to studying for another hour and then head over to the exam room. The thing is, my phone didn't go off and so I woke up at 240 and the exam is collected at 255 so I had no chance of getting to the room and getting some work done.
So now I need to find an excuse to give to the student health center so that I may be excused and given a makeup date to take the quiz. I have absolutely no idea what to do, I doubt the professor will allow me to make it up without a doctor's note, and I don't know if a severe headache will be enough to warrant a doctor's note.
The only saving grace I have is that I can take an accelerated course from January 2nd to January 14th during our winter break to boost my score.
What the hell is a guy to do? (Please no sarcastic/obvious comments like "You're screwed" as I'm already aware of that)
30-11-2006 13:03:30
as soon as you missed the test, go straight get a docs note, make up every symptom, headache, stomache, tell them food poisoning, and ur throwin up and shittin on yourself constantly.
30-11-2006 13:12:23
[quote2965506b8c="kdollar"]as soon as you missed the test, go straight get a docs note, make up every symptom, headache, stomache, tell them food poisoning, and ur throwin up and shittin on yourself constantly.[/quote2965506b8c]
That is a valid suggestion however if the doctor puts the time on the excuse then you are screwed since it's probably a little late. You could say however that you were in the waiting room if it's not too late after the class ended?
30-11-2006 13:33:37
Yeah, say you studied, and when you woke up this morning you had bad stomach pains, so you laid down, and then started vomiting, so you went to the doctor because you thought you could get back before the test started, but you couldn't.
Go to a brown/desi doctor and he/she will do it for you. Once I missed a test and the teacher said you need a doctor's note, next day I come in with the note after paying $10 to the doctor (that's the fee, over here at least). I told the doctor what the situation was, and he was cool with it. He made of shit on the note...haha
30-11-2006 13:53:06
[quoteb041854d62="kala"]Go to a brown/desi doctor and he/she will do it for you. Once I missed a test and the teacher said you need a doctor's note, next day I come in with the note after paying $10 to the doctor (that's the fee, over here at least). I told the doctor what the situation was, and he was cool with it. He made of shit on the note...haha[/quoteb041854d62]
Yeah my guy is indian, but I rarely see him when I go to get physicals. Its usually this other guy. I don't know if he'd do it, but I'm pretty desperate right now so I'll see what happens.
[quotea09811e2a3="csurge"][quotea09811e2a3="kala"]Go to a brown/desi doctor and he/she will do it for you. Once I missed a test and the teacher said you need a doctor's note, next day I come in with the note after paying $10 to the doctor (that's the fee, over here at least). I told the doctor what the situation was, and he was cool with it. He made of shit on the note...haha[/quotea09811e2a3]
Yeah my guy is indian, but I rarely see him when I go to get physicals. Its usually this other guy. I don't know if he'd do it, but I'm pretty desperate right now so I'll see what happens.[/quotea09811e2a3]
Lol, perfect. Good luck!
01-12-2006 07:11:19
depends on how nice your professor is.
i've had friends miss finals and they told the prof straight up they slept through it, and the prof let them take the final later that day.
01-12-2006 07:58:28
[quote6480a09d1f="romanodog"]depends on how nice your professor is.
i've had friends miss finals and they told the prof straight up they slept through it, and the prof let them take the final later that day.[/quote6480a09d1f]
Happened to me - best prof I had at any level of school; college or grad school, and not because he let me take it later in the day. He was the kind of prof that getting an A meant you worked your ass off, and at the same time you felt badly for disappointing him if you didn't get an A.
01-12-2006 14:35:53
Woo! This desi girl wrote me a note =D
Yeah my professor doesn't seem that bad of a guy, but I don't want to take my chances. He did let me hand in homework late on the same day it was due so I'll see what he'll do about the quiz I missed.
01-12-2006 16:03:48
[quotea6758a10cf="csurge"]Woo! This desi girl wrote me a note =D[/quotea6758a10cf]
let's try to refrain from using terms that are considered derogatory, like desi
01-12-2006 16:16:40
Since when was desi derogatory?
No1 I know finds it offensive, but whatever you're the mod.
Maybe thats how you and me feel, since we are from New Jersey, well I am in Canada now, but I was there for 13 years. There are tons of you know what, in NJ.
01-12-2006 17:29:05
[quote1916b3f5eb="csurge"]Since when was desi derogatory?
No1 I know finds it offensive, but whatever you're the mod.[/quote1916b3f5eb]
[quote1916b3f5eb="http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desi"]Some South Asians feel that Desi is a derogatory term; others embrace it.[/quote1916b3f5eb]
01-12-2006 19:01:26
Ya I was going to link to that, but eh
01-12-2006 20:03:39
My freshmen year of college, I completely forgot about an exam I had in a programming class I was taking at the time. I skipped the class regularly, since it was very easy. The teacher was polish, heavy accent, and he wasn't really a friendly professor by any means. Anyway, I go to class one day and he was returning exams taken in the previous class, which I had skipped of course. After class, I went up to him and asked him when I can take the makeup test. In his accent he said i was unexcused, a make up is not possible. I then said, "WHAT?! U didn't get my email? I emailed you that I was sick, what's the problem?" "No, I didn't get any email from you..." Well I didn't send an email, but he let me take it the next day )
01-12-2006 21:26:32
I didn't even know what desi meant, I just thought he was talking about a girl named desi.
But yeah, it's kind of silly to point out the fact that she was south-asian or indian or whatever. Why talk about what race she was, when it has nothing to do with the story itself?
01-12-2006 22:44:29
detail is a vital part of narration
04-12-2006 00:38:24
I have indian friends. THEY can call each other "desi" and refer to something as "desi" and call someone else a "desi," but if i said it, they wouldnt like it.
I made that mistake [iceb40ce43f]once.[/iceb40ce43f] Will not happen again.
provided we are talking about the same thing (desi pronounced 'day-see')
anyway, most professors will let you make up an exam if you are honest and have a good track record. By that i mean show up to every class, participate, take notes, ask questions, turn in assignments on time, do well on assignments/tests/quizes.
So always stay after class the first day and introduce youself to the professor. Say something like, "Hi Professor/Dr. Blank. I'm John Smith (shake his/her hand). I'm a ___ major. I just wanted to introduce myself to you. I read your article on Blah Blah. Say something about Blah Blah"
Then make a point to stop in during office hours at least one a month.
This is good because when you need a recommendation (for grad school, a job, getting into an honors program, scholorship form, etc) you can ask them. If the professor does not know you and you ask for a letter of recommendation, all they can say is how you showed up, participated, and did well. It is better if they know you on a personal level and can say that have the ability to expand on ideas, interested in the subject matter, grasp abstract concepts.
SO if you develop a small communication window, then the professor is more likely to give you an extension on a paper, let you retake a quiz, LET YOU MAKE UP AN EXAM YOU MISSED, etc.
04-12-2006 01:20:50
I'm desi, and I don't care if others call me that....I didn't even know it was supposed to be derogatory...