Free Burger King Food?

Live forum:


26-11-2006 20:27:36

[quotefb778acad9]Me and my friend were bored today after school and we thought of the idea of making our own coupon in photoshop and printing it out and using it to get us a free dinner. So we picked burger king because there are two on the same road right near us. Luckily I specialize in this shit and I made one kickass coupon. I'm gunna upload the psd for you suckaz so you can use it at your burger king lmfao. It fuckin worked NO PROBLEM...they read it, and hit some button on the cash register and then just handed me my food. didn't pay a mother fucking dime
http/" alt=""/"146/5793/bkcoupon2tl4.jpg[" alt=""/imgfb778acad9]

Enjoy your free mother fuckin food = )

I have the psd for it if anyone wants to give it a shot lol Pm me or aim me

Ps-I am not responablie for any trouble that you get into with this lol


26-11-2006 20:30:49



26-11-2006 20:31:17



26-11-2006 20:33:47


Exactly why this is about to turn into a Mod party.