Anybody ever had a condom break while having sex ?
24-11-2006 21:22:37
Pretty self explanitory
Just wondering, my girlfriend and I are just starting to have sex regularly or atleast hoping too and i was just wondering how safe are condoms. I keep hearing stories about them breaking from time to time.
Just wanna know your experiences.
24-11-2006 21:27:13
I have 29 children due to condom breakage.... DONT HAVE SEX!
24-11-2006 21:28:17
The pill and a condom would be better.
24-11-2006 21:30:00
If you plan on having sex regularly, not only should you be using a condom, but she should use the pill. If you're really scared (for lack of a better word) of getting her pregnant or anything else, then just don't do it.
24-11-2006 21:30:12
[quotee523975051="J4320"]The pill and a condom would be better.[/quotee523975051]
werd, better safe than sorry man. but no, i don't think it's a common thing.
edit is it peach?
24-11-2006 21:44:36
im trying to get her on the pill but its looking like a long shot
24-11-2006 21:48:13
condoms are good u only hear about broken ones noone is going to tell u a stat on how many they used that didnt break. just buy good condomns dont use free ones from any college campus
24-11-2006 22:01:00
just dont have sex, thats your safest bet
24-11-2006 22:49:42
[quote77dec0bdc9="zr2152"]just dont have sex, thats your safest bet[/quote77dec0bdc9]
Abstinence is the only sure-fire birth control.
24-11-2006 23:23:26
If you make the sex explosion in her mouth, make sure she has a plastic bag at the back of her throat to catch it all.
That's the second most common method of conception (without the bag).
24-11-2006 23:34:01
Don't do it..... If you start to do it regularly every little stomach ache she has, every day missed around that time of the month, every little thing will set her off thinking she's pregnant which will freak you out. Been there done that. My wife has 10 brothers and sister, 7 of them married with kids. 3 of them get pregnant when they were on the pill.
25-11-2006 00:03:59
If you wear a condom, have her on the pill, and pull out, you should be fine.
25-11-2006 00:10:46
If used as directed and your GF's crotch isn't made of metal shrapnel it wont rip.
25-11-2006 00:55:32
[quote49e9a3a6e8="Buster389"]If used as directed and your GF's crotch isn't made of metal shrapnel it wont rip.[/quote49e9a3a6e8]
o rly?
25-11-2006 06:18:56
[quotec8ade7bbc7="hairyferry"]Don't do it..... If you start to do it regularly every little stomach ache she has, every day missed around that time of the month, every little thing will set her off thinking she's pregnant which will freak you out. Been there done that. My wife has 10 brothers and sister, 7 of them married with kids. 3 of them get pregnant when they were on the pill.[/quotec8ade7bbc7]
So true. Over the summer me and my girl did it about two times a day, sometimes three, and sometimes we didn't even use condoms. I think we bought 3 tests and were scared a hell of a lot of the time. It was worth it, some good shit )
Seriously though, I've had a hell of a lot of condoms break, but I always knew when they did, because you can hear it AND feel it. What I did is just pull out, take it off, put on a new one, and get back to business.
Also, is 18 new topics a day necessary? evil
25-11-2006 06:36:39
who would have guessed a birth control thread would trun into the brag bag? roll Just make sure not to get shitty cheap condoms and you'll probably be fine... In the worst case senario, even if a quality condom breaks you've got three days to do whatever the fuck you gotta do to get your hands on the morning after pill wink
25-11-2006 06:39:57
You're obviously not "sponge-worthy"
25-11-2006 06:49:58
Oh also, if you need some condoms I'll hook you up......
There's a price though. For every 10 condoms I send you, you must go a day without posting, and these won't break.
25-11-2006 08:15:34
[quotea9c26a04a2="Xplic1T"]im trying to get her on the pill but its looking like a long shot[/quotea9c26a04a2] If she is 18 you can take her to Planned Parenthood (look it up every city has one usually) and she can get checked out and get the pill without parental consent and then make sure she uses that religiously. I get the sense that she cannot get the pill because she doesnt want her parents to know....and actually I think she might be able to get them without her parents at 16 and up not sure though
25-11-2006 08:22:01
She wont get pregnant that way!
25-11-2006 09:22:19
If they are THAT good - can you make the ratio 1 condom / 10 days without posting....please?
[quote3df570ab97="OldManWrigley"]Oh also, if you need some condoms I'll hook you up......
There's a price though. For every 10 condoms I send you, you must go a day without posting, and these won't break.[/quote3df570ab97]
25-11-2006 09:43:57
Haha that works too, how about this Xplicit, for free shipping and all, this is the following deal
5 Condoms = 1 Day Without Posting
10 Condoms = 3 Days Without Posting
15 Condoms = 5 Days Without Posting
20 Condoms = 7 Days Without Posting
25 Condoms = 10 Days Without Posting
25-11-2006 09:57:49
[quote03c902063d="OldManWrigley"]Haha that works too, how about this Xplicit, for free shipping and all, this is the following deal
5 Condoms = 1 Day Without Posting
10 Condoms = 3 Days Without Posting
15 Condoms = 5 Days Without Posting
20 Condoms = 7 Days Without Posting
25 Condoms = 10 Days Without Posting[/quote03c902063d]
hahaha... xplicit, accept these terms please!!