14-11-2006 15:38:56
Yeah. So that's the system I plan on purchasing, because the PS3 is way too expensive, and I don't have a 170" HDTV for it, so it wouldn't look as good.
Anywho...the Wii. The stores where I live are not allowed to be open on Sundays, which is when the Wii is released. I did not get any preorders. The two Best Buys near me, so I've heard, are not allowing lines until they open ( 10 A.M.). Does anyone know how many Nintendo is releasing, how many each store will be receiving?
Best Buy is allowing preorders for the Wii games, but not the Wii itself, which is weird. P
I'd have to get the Wii on Monday, and I probably wouldn't be able to get to Best Buy until around 5 PM. What do you suggest I do, or do you think there will be enough?
14-11-2006 15:41:45
I went to TRU sunday to preorder it, I was there 1/2 hour early and 2nd in line for the preorder. I don't think you'll have trouble, I'm guessing you're keeping up with the PS3 thread and probably know that you'll be OK since 2 million are being released at launch, I'm the pot that calls the kettle black, and I'm also the one that says this thread isn't necessary.
14-11-2006 15:41:59
not get a wii would be your best option 8)
14-11-2006 15:43:38
[quote958becda04="Tsmith10803"]not get a wii would be your best option 8)[/quote958becda04]
I concur and i told you there would be plenty.