05-11-2006 17:06:59
Well, I don't know if anyone knows about a ring light, bu I thought it would be a pretty nifty idea. It's used so the camera looka as though it is the light source After a trip to home depot and around $55, I had my box.
Here is the finished product. I painted the inside white to reflect a bit and added visors on the side to concentrate the light.

http//radiantstatic.com/photos/ringlight/ringlight_01.jpg[" alt=""/img6c53db8173]
Close Shot
[img="6c53db8173]http//radiantstatic.com/photos/ringlight/ringlight_02.jpg[" alt=""/img6c53db8173]
[img="6c53db8173]http//radiantstatic.com/photos/ringlight/ringlight_05.jpg[" alt=""/img6c53db8173]
Lights on (not on full)
[img="6c53db8173]http//radiantstatic.com/photos/ringlight/ringlight_06.jpg[" alt=""/img6c53db8173]
With Camera
[img="6c53db8173]http//radiantstatic.com/photos/ringlight/ringlight_04.jpg[" alt=""/img6c53db8173]
The back wiring and dimmer switch
[img="6c53db8173]http//radiantstatic.com/photos/ringlight/ringlight_07.jpg[" alt=""/img6c53db8173]
Socket wiring
[img="6c53db8173]http//radiantstatic.com/photos/ringlight/ringlight_03.jpg[" alt=""/img6c53db8173]
There are definitely a few things I'll be adding/fixing. I'll add a handle and tripod stand, ill also try and make it seamless.
Made of medium density particle board, heat-resistant spray paint, 6 weather proof sockets, 6 light bulbs, 10 feet of 14 gauge b/w wire, dimmer switch, and 14 gauge plug. C&C welcome!
05-11-2006 17:09:03
Very creative indeed!
You should try using flourescent lightbulbs. If you want to use it as the light source, normal lightbulbs will definitely not be idea since they usually make the scenery kind of orange/tanish.
05-11-2006 17:16:36
Dude that's cool as shit.
You should write a small tutorial on the whole process.
Also, as VrExe mentioned, you should invest in some CF lightbulbs. Not only will the light from them be less harsh, but they last for years, saving you hundreds of dollars on regular incandescent bulbs.
Have you used it yet?
05-11-2006 17:19:58
[quote3b51c056c9="theysayjump"]Have you used it yet?[/quote3b51c056c9]
I have not used it yet, I'm going to buy a backdrop tomorrow, as for the lightbulbs, ya, the only reason i put these in were because of the wiring. Seeing as I'm not even close to being "electricity" saavy, I put in these bulbs incase they blew or something. Once I get my Digital SLR I'll be sure to show pictures. I'll also make a tutorial, sadly being low on cash I can;t make a new one from scratch but I;ll certainly draw one up!
05-11-2006 17:22:39
You could get some sticky mirrors and stick them to the insides of your box, possibly aiming a little outwards. You could get some cool lighting effects with 6 different light sources all being reflected off each other.
05-11-2006 17:24:57
Oh, if you wanted the lights to shine further, you could always use an aluminum foil and kind of wrap it around your outside of the box. I can't really explain but you probably know what I mean. It would be like a satelite dish.
Edit it would help protect you from "the Soviets" to spy on you while you take pictures.
05-11-2006 17:43:19
I work w/ a couple of dvt vision sensors (really high res digital cameral) used to inspect different manufactured parts for flaws/defects. Many of them use a ring of LEDs around the camera to illuminate the object.
05-11-2006 17:51:05
This reminds me of the makeshift wi-fi antennas I used to make. You never know hat you can do with stuff around the house. )