Free keylogger?
04-11-2006 16:35:05
Anyone know where I can get a GOOD free keylogger? I need to monitor my younger siblings.
04-11-2006 16:40:25
I'm tired of the off-topic being poluted with stuff like this. Just use your brain... and Google.
04-11-2006 16:42:18
I'm tired of the off-topic being poluted with stuff like this. Just use your brain... and Google.[/quote77a2fbaaf1]
Thx for the threadcrap, enjoy your 3 day temp ban....
oh wait I cant do that...
04-11-2006 16:42:19
I've looked on the first 20 pages of google... nothing. Thats why I came here.
04-11-2006 16:48:13
There a reason why you want to invade your younger siblings' privacy? If that was done to me I would feel extremely unsecure, both on the computer and off.
04-11-2006 16:51:39
I'm tired of the off-topic being poluted with stuff like this. Just use your brain... and Google.[/quoteb855a2b6b7]
Thx for the threadcrap, enjoy your 3 day temp ban....
oh wait I cant do that...[/quoteb855a2b6b7]
I don't care if it's a thread crap or not. I'll express how I feel about these threads if I want to.
I don't make it a habit to go into threads and complain though, it's just the fact that these type of threads keep accumulating and they are starting to annoy me more and more.
Anyway, back to the topic, demonoid has plenty of nice keyloggers. Most of the free keyloggers are pretty crappy.
04-11-2006 16:54:07
04-11-2006 20:15:35
[quote44c47705ae="J4320"]I don't care if it's a thread crap or not. I'll express how I feel about these threads if I want to.
I don't make it a habit to go into threads and complain though, it's just the fact that these type of threads keep accumulating and they are starting to annoy me more and more.
Anyway, back to the topic, demonoid has plenty of nice keyloggers. Most of the free keyloggers are pretty crappy.[/quote44c47705ae]
You don't how stupid you sound. Learn to respect others and maybe (just maybe) you won't sound like a complete and utter ass.
04-11-2006 20:19:33
Anyway.....why do you want to monitor their activity benner? Aren't you the one with the porn collection? You aren't 18, and therefore not legally allowed to look at that, so who are you to tell them they can't?
04-11-2006 20:20:05
[quote9641031ba5="Jams44"][quote9641031ba5="J4320"]I don't care if it's a thread crap or not. I'll express how I feel about these threads if I want to.
I don't make it a habit to go into threads and complain though, it's just the fact that these type of threads keep accumulating and they are starting to annoy me more and more.
Anyway, back to the topic, demonoid has plenty of nice keyloggers. Most of the free keyloggers are pretty crappy.[/quote9641031ba5]
You don't how stupid you sound. Learn to respect others and maybe (just maybe) you won't sound like a complete and utter ass.[/quote9641031ba5]
i liked what he said cheer
04-11-2006 20:54:22
[quote0df81a65b7="tylerc"]Anyway.....why do you want to monitor their activity benner? Aren't you the one with the porn collection? You aren't 18, and therefore not legally allowed to look at that, so who are you to tell them they can't?[/quote0df81a65b7]
they are 9 & 10 and they have this guy neighbor friend that comes over a lot who comes from a questionable family. I want to make sure he isn't exposing them to things they shouldn't be seeing. If I had a 13 14 or 15 year old brother then yea sure thats ok, but 9 and 10 year old little girls is different. I have found stuff before after he left and I questioned my sisters and they said he showed them "bad things". Don't think I'm just "invading privacy." I'm trying to protect my little sisters.
04-11-2006 20:57:21
What the fuck? Are you saying you think a child molester is going to your house and playing with your brothers and sisters?
If you found questionable content because of him...wouldn't you report him to the police...rather than installing a keylogger?
04-11-2006 20:59:37
[quote60769808a5="TFOAF"]What the fuck? Are you saying you think a child molester is going to your house and playing with your brothers and sisters?
If you found questionable content because of him...wouldn't you report him to the police...rather than installing a keylogger?[/quote60769808a5]
hes probably close to the same age as them im assuming.
04-11-2006 21:23:38
[quote7c3844eb50="TFOAF"]What the fuck? Are you saying you think a child molester is going to your house and playing with your brothers and sisters?
If you found questionable content because of him...wouldn't you report him to the police...rather than installing a keylogger?[/quote7c3844eb50]
Uh yeah. If you already have evidence of child molestation. Why continue to allow your neighbor into your house just to keylog, which probably won't be as strong evidence as the word of your siblings. Just tell your parents to not allow that kid in your house again.
04-11-2006 21:59:57
[quoteea87a1f9d7="Jams44"][quoteea87a1f9d7="J4320"]I don't care if it's a thread crap or not. I'll express how I feel about these threads if I want to.
I don't make it a habit to go into threads and complain though, it's just the fact that these type of threads keep accumulating and they are starting to annoy me more and more.
Anyway, back to the topic, demonoid has plenty of nice keyloggers. Most of the free keyloggers are pretty crappy.[/quoteea87a1f9d7]
You don't how stupid you sound. Learn to respect others and maybe (just maybe) you won't sound like a complete and utter ass.[/quoteea87a1f9d7]
Are you kidding me? I have shown A LOT of respect to users throughout my time here. For you to just come in here and call me an ass from one post is ridiculous. What's your problem?
I don't make it a habit to critique other user's posts but it has come to a point where I don't even feel like browsing the off topic section anymore due to threads like these. We made a tech forum for questions like this so it belongs in there.
04-11-2006 22:29:45
The real question is... why the hell let him inside your house?
04-11-2006 22:33:08
He is probably the same age as the kids.
04-11-2006 23:23:46
[quote0bb028dfea="Allen626"]He is probably the same age as the kids.[/quote0bb028dfea]
....but what if hes not... shock
05-11-2006 06:08:40
Hes the same age... 10
05-11-2006 08:36:53
Tell the kid to get the fuck out of your house before you kick his teeth in.
05-11-2006 09:02:05
Our parents are good friends. I need to have some kind of proof that he is doing something. Otherwise they will just tell me not to worry or that it is just popups.
05-11-2006 09:05:28
[quote149b2ba3c3="benner410"]they are 9 & 10 and they have this guy neighbor friend that comes over a lot who comes from a questionable family. I want to make sure he isn't exposing them to things they shouldn't be seeing. If I had a 13 14 or 15 year old brother then yea sure thats ok, but 9 and 10 year old little girls is different. [b149b2ba3c3]I have found stuff before after he left and I questioned my sisters and they said he showed them "bad things"[/b149b2ba3c3]. Don't think I'm just "invading privacy." I'm trying to protect my little sisters.[/quote149b2ba3c3]
[quote149b2ba3c3="benner410"]Our parents are good friends. I need to have some kind of [b149b2ba3c3]proof[/b149b2ba3c3] that he is doing something. Otherwise they will just tell me not to worry or that it is just popups.[/quote149b2ba3c3]
05-11-2006 09:28:14
Okay, but I would rather bust him in the act. Or have hard evidence.
05-11-2006 11:23:50
im actually gonna post something that pertains to the fuckn topic other than scolding him like a 5 year old about this. Obviously he doesn't need our advice and just needs a frickn keylogger
theres a couple of goodones out there, the best being one that e-mails u like every 20 minutes or so when theres activty along with screen shots. Its all automatic and i would recommend making a free e-mail account cause it could get big. Ofcourse if your kids do know anything about this, they might be able to find it and dismantile it so u need to merge it with another running program.
Google perfect keylogger
05-11-2006 11:32:35
This one is really good. I used it and had no problems. It logs every key that is typed on your computer. If you don't want to download anything, you can just use browsing history or temperary internet files as proof.
05-11-2006 13:33:19
Are keyloggers totally hidden? Or can they easily be noticed?
05-11-2006 13:36:52
[quotea7547306b4="mnx12"]Are keyloggers totally hidden? Or can they easily be noticed?[/quotea7547306b4]
Not really unless you are looking for one. Some are active in the tool bar and then can be put into stealth mode and you can't find them other than hitting a certain key combination.
05-11-2006 13:48:55
How come EVERY keylogger I download, I cant open the install .exe?url==http://=http:///url
I click it and nothing happens.
05-11-2006 16:22:40
[quotebe17d353cb="benner410"]How come EVERY keylogger I download, I cant open the install .exe?url==http://=http:///url
I click it and nothing happens.[/quotebe17d353cb]
Anti-virus/Anti-spyware blocking the file from being opened?
05-11-2006 16:58:21
They have a good free one.
If you put it in stealth mode it will only be shown at startup