Too Scared to Do anything else?

Live forum:


16-01-2005 19:18:47

I'm just wondering if this is weird, however once I recieve my free Ipod (see sig) I'm promising myself that I'm not going to do another one of these sites... They are WAY too addicting and you can easily pulled into stuff without even noticing it. For example

When I completed my offer, I did the one which is no longer available. I actually used the offer for a class history paper, and had no use for the free trial and asked them to cancel the trial so I wouldn't get charged 6-7 days later. So I call the company, ask them to cancel my account, they say ok and I think all is good.

6-7 days later I get a call from my bank saying my account was over drawn by $80 ... I am seriously scared now as my parents start yelling at me, saying I had to pay the $30 bank fee ETC. Luckily I called up ancestry, and we worked it out, and they sent the money back to me.

So that was my little scare however I never want to have to go through it again, whether I'm trying to get a free flatscreen, computer, shuffle or whatever. I'm done.

Anyone else have a scarry moment and/or not going to do any more offers?


16-01-2005 19:25:37


they took $10 from my acct in authorization holds, then sent them back. then withdrew a $.99,

David Letterman

16-01-2005 19:28:25

Anyone had any problems with Blockbuster?


16-01-2005 19:47:43

I never did it. Never heard of any problems.


16-01-2005 19:51:33

Accidents happen man that doesnt mean you shouldnt try to get anything else. If you get in a accident in your car are you never gonna drive again, shit happens bro theres lots of free gear to be had get some of it D


16-01-2005 20:11:27

yah. im sure youll get it before i do. havent received anything yet, been doing this since august.


16-01-2005 21:11:23

YESS!! I am scared shitless when I tried to cheat and make a new acct and sign under my other acct for my second offer i did was for columbia house dvd!!! may i suggest.. [ba07f6cd2cf]DON'T FRIGGEN DO IT!!!![/ba07f6cd2cf]

they say u can cancel ur membership but only after you buy atleast 5 dvds (of the price range of their rules. which is about $25 per movie)

and u have to do all of that within two years.

it's fliliked, really (

but i do have a good story as well. acenstry was really good. well, i guess it was my luck for my uncommon last name P

i told them that my membership was useless cuz i couldn't find no history in my last name and i didn't want to be charged for a site i wouldn't be using so i didn't have to pay at all.


17-01-2005 13:31:56

Hehe yeah. I'm so tempted to do more sites, but I have to keep on telling myself "NO!" hehe


17-01-2005 13:35:26

ACCESSMEDIA! It's horrible. They charge you $29.99 for a free trial. Don't do it! We should sticky this topic.


17-01-2005 14:18:31

It doesn't say its a free trial. It says free DVDs, correct me if I'm wrong (screenshot, please) but no where on the site does it say free trial.


17-01-2005 14:58:51

You're correct, but they have misled many people.


17-01-2005 15:00:26

Lol, a huge number of the offers are 'misleading'

Unfortunatly, it must be very hard to get good offers. I'm sure gratis is working on getting better advertisers, with more desirable products.

As they say 'If it sounds too good to be true it probably is".