offer rating site

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27-10-2006 17:51:01

i am looking to work up a web site that keeps track of offer rating, pretty much like ratetheoffers, but i get frustrated since it is not updated often with new offers. I'm half doing it to learn some PHP also.

is there any features that ratetheoffers doesnt have that you would like to see? any advice or suggestions would be appreciated


27-10-2006 18:52:56

good luck with this but from a site owners perspective (setting aside the huge number of issues i have with the concept itself) it is frustrating that, say, "blockbuster" is "one" offer. there are at least three different versions of blockbuster (two hosted and one direct) and each is picked up by different networks which each add more reporting layers (and hence, chances for crediting failure).

it may be impossible but if you really want an accurate picture of an offer from a user's perspective you should take into account the different 'versions', maybe even go as far as to break it down by affiliate network.

getting that data, let alone using it, will be somewhere between difficult and impossible.

good luck, you'll need it! php is fun, but take care you don't leave any holes...


27-10-2006 19:02:48

the affiliate part of it was a part of it i did plan to implement, since some sites credit for the same offer that others dont