Picture of planets and stars scale... + KARMA
18-10-2006 18:58:24
Today at college, my professor presented a slide show with pictures of the universe showing planets, stars, etc. There were a set of pictures that I thought were pretty cool. The pics were of all of our planets, then the sun, then larger stars like arcturus. But each of these were on a gray table (As if each were a ball) sitting next to each other to show the scale of the sizes of each of these.
+KARMA to anyone who can find these pics for me. Thanks
18-10-2006 19:33:49
Can you guys understand what I'm looking for, or do I need to explain more?
18-10-2006 19:40:53
Whoever even attempts this is going to do exactly what you would do to find it. It's not like they have "special resources" for finding pictures of planets. Just search yourself.
18-10-2006 19:44:02
No kidding. I know what Google is. I was asking because someone may have seen this before and know where it's found.
18-10-2006 19:45:46
[quote7fe479dff9="ipodlover1"]No kidding. I know what Google is. I was asking because someone may have seen this before and know where it's found.[/quote7fe479dff9]
Just checking, and your specifications are quite limited so it's unlikely (but not impossible) that someone has seen it before. And offering +karma for someone to find it, well, if anyone wastes more than 5 minutes searching just for that +karma then, well, they need some help. lol
18-10-2006 19:53:20
why dont you just ask your professor?
18-10-2006 20:12:29
Why dont you just ask your professor????
plus you'll get "brownie points" becvause he/she will think you care. roll
18-10-2006 20:13:28
[quote837ed1df26="zdub08"]why dont you just ask your professor?[/quote837ed1df26]
ahhh dang it you beat me to it.
18-10-2006 20:30:56
These ones?

http//www.comagz.com/files/images/proportions%201.jpg[" alt=""/img4ee64381cf]
[img="4ee64381cf]http//www.comagz.com/files/images/proportions%202.jpg[" alt=""/img4ee64381cf]
[img="4ee64381cf]http//www.comagz.com/files/images/proportions%203.jpg[" alt=""/img4ee64381cf]
I've seen these before and they're really cool. I think there are more too. I'm pretty sure there's a picture of our sun looking like a pea compared to some other massive stars.
18-10-2006 21:06:07
Yup, those are them. Thanks. + KARMA. Can I ask where you found those?
Yeah, he showed one of Arcturus, which is a massive star next to the sun.
18-10-2006 21:11:55
Here's two sites that have them ---
I can't seem to find the last picture that has the sun compared to other stars. That one is pretty impressive.
18-10-2006 21:16:11
Thanks J4320. I'll keep looking for the last one with Arcturus in it.
18-10-2006 21:17:59
Alright, good luck man. ;)
19-10-2006 13:04:38
[quotece79517d97="J4320"]Alright, good luck man. ;)[/quotece79517d97]
i was just curious what you typed in the search box?
19-10-2006 13:21:10
Well I remembered seeing it through "StumbleUpon" which is a plugin for Firefox that takes you to random cool sites when you're bored.
So I turned on the StumbleUpon toolbar and typed in solar system, and searched. It was probably the 3rd or 4th generated site after I kept clicking the stumble button.
It's not always about searching Google. ;)
19-10-2006 13:36:12
Very, very cool...
19-10-2006 13:37:58
this puts things in perspective so much.
no wonder you wanted these imaged.
Very cool indeed.
19-10-2006 13:39:20
Uber cool. I love seeing things in perspective like this. I'll probably show it to my physics teacher at the same time when I show him this -> http//break.com/index/rubens_tube_expierment.html
19-10-2006 15:51:46
Man, that pvc thing is way cool.
Yeah, i love looking at pics like those of the planets. He also showed some nebulas, such as the Eagle Nebula which is 7000 light years away from our sun, and gave some crazy statistics. I can't remember exactly how many light years he said it would take to travel from the bottom to the top of it, but I remember that he said it was somewhere in the trillions of miles long!

http//www.floridamuseum.org/downloads/4_Eagle_Nebula.jpg[" alt=""/img3974dc9765]
19-10-2006 19:14:27
then the inverse
19-10-2006 20:03:21
Holy cow... those videos completely freaked me out. That's way cool. Thanks...
19-10-2006 20:16:22
then the inverse
+Karma for those videos... absolutely amazing. It really puts you into perspective.
19-10-2006 20:18:11
then the inverse
+Karma for those videos... absolutely amazing. It really puts you into perspective.[/quote253d7b60ca]
Yeah it reminds us of how insignificant our lives are. +karma
19-10-2006 20:57:38
Reminds me of how selfish humans are to think we are the only life in the universe...
20-10-2006 03:26:21
[quote53edd7afa3="TryinToGetPaid"]Reminds me of how selfish humans are to think we are the only life in the universe...[/quote53edd7afa3]
and of how monsterous the xbox controller is
20-10-2006 07:09:58
[quotef296ccd489="TryinToGetPaid"]Reminds me of how selfish humans are to think we are the only life in the universe...[/quotef296ccd489]
So true, I always and will always believe there has to be another form of SOME KIND of life out there.
Think of all the galaxies and all the solar systems in those galaxies
and all the planets. Yea theres some kind of form of life somewhere.
20-10-2006 10:53:30
then the inverse
I always love things of this nature....
I especially love the thought of the inverse....Every once in a while me and my friends will have in-depth discussions of the universe and the unknown, I've always had this theory that, since some scientists say the universe might go on infinitely, then maybe the "inverse" goes on infinitely.....So everything keeps getting bigger and bigger and then things also get smaller and smaller, and the cycle never ends...
Crazy as shit to talk about, one of my favorite past-times, and amazing to imagine shock
20-10-2006 15:23:35
[quote80b3c23745="TryinToGetPaid"]Reminds me of how selfish humans are to think we are the only life in the universe...[/quote80b3c23745]
Yeah, because I'm sure that our race is gonna encounter alien beings one day.
20-10-2006 15:35:13
[quote76a8dd4d8d="TryinToGetPaid"]Reminds me of how selfish humans are to think we are the only life in the universe...[/quote76a8dd4d8d]
What's interesting is that some of the same people that are convinced there's life on other planets would tell you it's logically absurd to believe in a higher power / creator.
20-10-2006 15:44:31
Most of the most intelligent people in the world (Einstein, Hawkings) do believe in a higher power, they just aren't all about Jesus...
20-10-2006 15:47:00
[quotec31db10b50="Wolfeman"]Most of the most intelligent people in the world (Einstein, Hawkings) do believe in a higher power, they just aren't all about Jesus...[/quotec31db10b50]
Nah, I just think it's ironic when someone says a higher power is absurd, while being convinced there's life on other planets. To me, it takes just as much faith to believe in either.
22-10-2006 20:32:56
That pic of the Eagle Nebula is on this page -> http//antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html
atleast it will be for another half an hour until it updates. It's called the Astronomy Picture of The Day. Where as you guessed... Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.
I use it as my homepage.
23-10-2006 07:00:13
[quote39c30341fc="CollidgeGraduit"][quote39c30341fc="Wolfeman"]Most of the most intelligent people in the world (Einstein, Hawkings) do believe in a higher power, they just aren't all about Jesus...[/quote39c30341fc]
Nah, I just think it's ironic when someone says a higher power is absurd, while being convinced there's life on other planets. To me, it takes just as much faith to believe in either.[/quote39c30341fc]
I don't think it's absurd, there probably is [i39c30341fc]something [/i39c30341fc] out there, but I certainly don't believe anything that we have come up with....If anything, Futurama was as close as I have thought...I think the Bible is completely wrong and contradictory....
Plus, I don't see how life on other planets takes the same amount of faith, a GOD is very unique and interesting idea that would be extremely hard to prove and/or believe when there are thousands of possibilities, whereas life on other planets can be justified by mere odds, I don't see how anyone can overlook the odds of two out a 100 trillion (and most definitely more) planets having ANY sort of life, even just a couple of bugs or animals....
17-12-2006 10:48:49
Check this out --
17-12-2006 11:18:13
[quotee5b3156540="J4320"]Check this out --

http//forum.freeipodguide.com/smilies_mod/upload/3565e10884181be2959585685d17ad5a.gif[" alt=""/imge5b3156540]
17-12-2006 12:20:00
[quote19e7f0171b="J4320"]Check this out --
wow..thats amazing