11-10-2006 05:37:55
I stumbbled across these last night. I have a feeling someone has already posted something about these programs... but for those of you who haven't heard about 'em, they use the Macbook's "sudden motion sensor" to do crazy shit you probably shouldn't be doing with it. The SMS detects when the Macbook is shaken or jerks suddenly and I suppose (though I didn't care to learn more about it) it stops the harddrive from spinning so upon impact (in the event of a fall) the harddrive may be spared... I suppose... don't quote me. Anyway, Macsabre is an app that gives you Macbook the ability to make the sounds of a light sabre when you flail it vilently in the air... I'm not kidding. Just watch the <a href="http//www.youtube.com/watch?v=knOKowQCFTY&search=macsaber">video</a>
The second isn't as bad and I actually can't wait to give it a try later... it's called Smackbook. It allows you switch between desktops by smacking the sides of your Macbook. The sides actually correctly corespond to the direction of the screen from which the chosen desktop transitions from... pretty dope. Check that out <a href="http//www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uvQTTPr9Rw">here</a>. I bet you're already looking for the downloads. lol
11-10-2006 05:47:22
What the hell's wrong with my tags?! And here I thought my free trial of "Learn HTML" from Video Professor was paying off...
I'm prettty sure most knew about the smackbook. Not sure about the other one.
11-10-2006 06:56:33
use the url tag below the icon scammer
11-10-2006 07:34:56
[quote2338ffb016="mistertomlinson"]What the hell's wrong with my tags?! And here I thought my free trial of "Learn HTML" from Video Professor was paying off...[/quote2338ffb016]
its BBCode not HTML try using
11-10-2006 08:01:41
Actually, HTML is okay to use -- img tags, among others, have been enabled. However there are a couple of caveats
First, make sure you have HTML enabled in your posts.
Second, since the move to the new host, HTML parsing is flakey as heck. Attributes are getting stripped off, leaving just the main tag. It's one of those things I've been meaning to troubleshoot, but Tyler's last check to me bounced so I'm holding the forum code hostage.
11-10-2006 08:19:26
so anyway....
does this work on an iBook? (the smackbook..)
11-10-2006 15:56:24
You [i465e5fbe1e]can[/i465e5fbe1e] use it on your iBook... I found a <url=="http//blog.medallia.com/2006/05/smacbook_pro.html#more">site<="http//blog.medallia.com/2006/05/smacbook_pro.html#more">site</url> with a lot of useful information... good luck.
11-10-2006 15:58:39
I have html enabled, and see the same. Just use BBCode, it's easier anyhow.
11-10-2006 16:01:09
i might get this.
also. it should be "craziest ass" not assed.
11-10-2006 16:04:14
(Taken from the site mentioned above)
To get it to work on my iBook G4, I did the following (also described at http//forums.bit-tech.net/showthread.php?p=1249931#post1249931 )
1. Downloaded .zipurl==http://=http:///url from post 182
2. Extracted to ~/Documents/
3. Downloaded AMSTracker from http//www.osxbook.com/software/sms/amstracker/
4. Saved in ~/Documents/smackbook/smackbook/
5. copied ~/Documents/smackbook folder to /Library/StartupItems
6. Entered my password
7. Went to [apple menu]>System Preferences>Accounts>Login Items
8. Added /Library/StartupItems/smackbook/smackbook/Desktop Manager.app
9. Rebooted
10. Clicked "fix" when it prompted me
11. Rebooted
12. Opened a terminal
13. changed to folder by typing "cd /Library/StartupItems/smackbook/smackbook"
14. started script by typing "perl smack.pl"
15. Smacked Away!
Ctrl+C quits.
11-10-2006 16:08:55
There's a makeshift tutorial on this page also...
<fuck you html... I hate Video Professor="http//www.applegeeks.com/sm/index.php/topic,7135.msg129483.html">site</dirtybastard>
Ooh... even better - http//www.lngdonline.com/Site/Blank.html
... and here is a video tutorial by CNet that ain't too hard - http//reviews.cnet.com/Turn_your_MacBook_into_a_SmackBook/4660-10165_7-6529446.html