What do you think about the new Mini Mac?

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=4642


12-01-2005 13:53:36

Apple Mac mini

Fast G4 processor
Up to 1GB memory
Dedicated graphics processor
DVI connector, VGA adapter
Slot-loading Combo drive
Spacious hard drive
Built-in Ethernet and modem
Expansion via USB and FireWire

So those are the specs of the gratis site. What is everyone's opinion on how good it is?


12-01-2005 13:56:00

Nice but I'll pass. Maybe if they offered a Powerbook )


12-01-2005 13:57:07

Yeah i like it but i dont think its worth the work.


12-01-2005 14:23:36

my g5 can kick that tiny pice of craps ass lol

its cool cause you can take it if you travel and stuff, but otherwise i'd rather a powerbook or a normal g5 desktop


12-01-2005 14:29:37

if im not mistaken it doesnt have a monitor or keyboard, so you gotta carry those things with you so its really not that portable. correct me if im wrong


12-01-2005 15:56:14

for that price, i'm definitely getting one. apple is finally worth the swtich..

and apple designed this so that people can chuck away their tower PCs and use this instead--it was never designed to be portable, only attractive to PC users.


12-01-2005 16:03:18

how big is the hard drive? i miss read the thing thinking it was 1GB but now i realize that is the memory not hard drive. On the apple site it shows two options one with 40GB and one with 80GB. This changes my opinion now i want one!


12-01-2005 16:20:54

my dad got my fam a new Dell Dimension 2400 in august. Its a good system but i wish he had gotten a G5. I like apple. I have heard that they crash less, and are more user friendly. We have only macs at school and they run pretty well, what do you guys think regarding PC vs. Apple?


12-01-2005 18:05:02

depends on what you want it for. if you want a gaming computer definently go for windows. animation programs also run better with it.

get a mac if you want - less crashes (doesnt happen very often) , very low chance of viruses, use it for work or design programs.


12-01-2005 18:22:57

a yea, i forgot to let you guys know G4 processors vs Pentium 4 or AMD in terms of speed are different. A G4 can do about 1.5 times the load of an AMD Athlon at any specific speed so in essence, 1.42GHz G4 = 2.13GHz Athlon. Heres a link to the discussion thats going on about this in the Apple Forums http//discussions.info.apple.com/webx?13@975.rEn1atXfJxM.1@.68a38dec/1


12-01-2005 18:26:26

yeah, and g4 isnt even the highest out there. i hate people who still argue that the specs of windows are better


12-01-2005 18:27:43

nice thanks for the info! D


12-01-2005 18:33:12

well i was wonderin', i need to buy a laptop for college. Mac or Windows???? I'm thinkin ibook or powerbook?? Any ideas. Most of you are in college, what do you have/suggest??



12-01-2005 21:10:43

[quote3f12594b12="bceagles04"]well i was wonderin', i need to buy a laptop for college. Mac or Windows???? I'm thinkin ibook or powerbook?? Any ideas. Most of you are in college, what do you have/suggest??


yeah I'm in college and i kinda of collect laptops so I'll give you my opinion.

I have a large but good (used to be kickass, but it is 3 years old) PC laptop, that i don't take anywheres with me. but i can still game on it with almost all of the new games. i love the PC cause i can play games on it well. it only moves when i goto my other home that is 2.5 hours away. PC is a good choice for program versatility and gaming.

I had a 3 lb Vaio PC notebook. i loved it for it's size and portability. the only reason why i got rid of it was so i could buy an ibook, I'm a graphic design student

i have a 12 in G3 ibook as well. i love it as well. got it off ebay for a great price. i love it for size, style, and for the fact that i pretty much need one for all of my classes.

So, as you can see it's all pretty much up to you for what you're going to do with it. if you like gaming, mac is kinda a bad choice (i know you can get virtual PC and run windows, but still) for design mac is a good choice, but i can do almost anything it can on my PC. if you college has almost all macs (mine does now) mac would be a good choice for versatility.

i just like having both cause i can use either one if i want. so what are you going to use it for. you pay a lot for a style of a mac, which is the part i hate, but they're still great machines. i doubt this helps much, but it's just boils down to getting the system that is right for your needs


13-01-2005 11:37:26

i want a laptop that is affordable, doesnt crash much (reliable,) and it can run several programs at once without lag (internet, word, im.) What would you suggest??


P.S. I really wouldnt be using it for gaming much


13-01-2005 11:55:30

This was so cool that I even signed up for the free mini mac thing or whatever.

Too bad I can't convince anybody it's legitimate.


13-01-2005 13:13:26

[quote2f806227a6]What do you think about the new Mini Mac?[/quote2f806227a6]

I think that if I don't like it, it could always sell for a lot on ebay D


13-01-2005 15:38:43

i'm definately getting this, i am so sick of windows!

i was already planning to buy an iBook this summer (which i'm still planning to do) but this could replace my old Windows98 PC... i'm tired of Windows, so having this would be better.