Itunes cleared music.

Live forum:


25-09-2006 16:53:02

Today I opened iTunes, and to my horror, I saw that all of my music had been cleared. It's still in my iPod because I had not hooked it up yet, and all the music is still in my computer, yet it's not in my library anymore. Has this happened to anyone? How did you go about restoring your music to iTunes.


25-09-2006 17:04:23

Happend to me once. I just re-imported all of the muisc back into Itunes it didn't take that long.

From Itunes...
File>Add Folder To Library>My Documents>My Music>Itunes>Itunes Music


25-09-2006 17:41:24

I think that did the job. Thanks. +KMA


25-09-2006 17:49:05

No problem.