Jackass Number Two
23-09-2006 21:12:58
"Wow, what a pile of shite"?, or
"Wow, that was a pile of shite"?
[quotee7e4733943="theysayjump"]"Wow, what a pile of shite"?, or
"Wow, that was a pile of shite"?[/quotee7e4733943]
Both are very valid questions.
I wouldn't pay money to see lame movies like that.
23-09-2006 21:16:55
i would lol but i am lame myself how was it was it worth or is worth 10.50 and popcorn
23-09-2006 21:17:42
[quotebe2d6b11b6="Veek"][quotebe2d6b11b6="theysayjump"]"Wow, what a pile of shite"?, or
"Wow, that was a pile of shite"?[/quotebe2d6b11b6]
Both are very valid questions.
I wouldn't pay money to see lame movies like that.[/quotebe2d6b11b6]
did you see the first one?
it was entertaining
the movie was amazing not one person didnt laugh the whole theater was in sticthes
its funny. I love jackass on MTV. Will I pay to watch it?.....NA. I'll DL it.
[quote7863b578a8="zdub08"][quote7863b578a8="Veek"][quote7863b578a8="theysayjump"]"Wow, what a pile of shite"?, or
"Wow, that was a pile of shite"?[/quote7863b578a8]
Both are very valid questions.
I wouldn't pay money to see lame movies like that.[/quote7863b578a8]
did you see the first one?
it was entertaining[/quote7863b578a8]
Yes, and it was amusing. Not as much as for me to want to run out and pay money to watch the second.
23-09-2006 21:26:35
yes this movie was freakin hilarious. I wouldnt bring any food or drink to this movie though
23-09-2006 21:33:44
The entire theatre, including myself last night was absolutely dying laughing through this entire movie. Sure it's stupid humour.. but's funny none the less and was [beedf749808]well[/beedf749808] worth the $10 it is to see.
23-09-2006 21:36:10
sooo no food where they doing nasty stuff
if you love the male ass/balls/dick eat all the food you want
23-09-2006 21:45:03
LMAO so i guess no food
23-09-2006 21:50:10
Amazingly funny. People were passing around alchohol and screaming and laughing the entire time. Definitley the best time I have ever had at the movies.
23-09-2006 21:56:23
yeah that movie was amazing, I think my wife enjoyed it more than I did.... weird. I'd pay to see it again. Amazing.
[quote3da389b0a9="Labtec-Jay"]Amazingly funny. People were passing around alchohol and screaming and laughing the entire time. Definitley the best time I have ever had at the movies.[/quote3da389b0a9]
thats funny cuz i kept hearing beer tops hit the floor me and my friends had rum and vodka goign i saw alot of people drinking during this movie
best time at the movies in a long time
23-09-2006 22:03:48
[quotec31c23c4cd="Kidd"][quotec31c23c4cd="Labtec-Jay"]Amazingly funny. People were passing around alchohol and screaming and laughing the entire time. Definitley the best time I have ever had at the movies.[/quotec31c23c4cd]
thats funny cuz i kept hearing beer tops hit the floor me and my friends had rum and vodka goign i saw alot of people drinking during this movie
best time at the movies in a long time[/quotec31c23c4cd]
Yeah, some guy in front of me leaving the theatre almost fell.. and as he stumbled back onto his feet he said "give me back my vodka, you fuck." I couldn't stop laughing because this guy later on that evening after exiting through the door on the right in the screening room decided he had to use the restroom but he couldn't get back in the theatre. At that point in started yelling at his friends and the security and then pissed on some wall while about 30 people stared at this guy in disbelief for what he'd just done. Pretty killer. lol
23-09-2006 22:13:32
[quoted081679afa="Kidd"]if you love the male ass/balls/dick eat all the food you want[/quoted081679afa]sweet, i think ill sneak in some taco bell
23-09-2006 22:15:52
I'm going to see it once the crowds die down...
23-09-2006 22:16:01
[quote973d4ed064="mnx12"][quote973d4ed064="Kidd"]if you love the male ass/balls/dick eat all the food you want[/quote973d4ed064]sweet, i think ill sneak in some taco bell[/quote973d4ed064]
lol your going to watch ass/balls/dick and fart and eat taco bell
23-09-2006 22:19:53
it was worth the joint i smoked and $9.50 for the ticket.
and yes, you get to see a horse's penis in it
23-09-2006 22:20:54
[quoted5adf0350b="irannaked"]it was worth the joint i smoked and $9.50 for the ticket.
and yes, you get to see a horse's penis in it[/quoted5adf0350b]
is it that 40 year old virgin shit where you see a girl fucking a horse in mexico
23-09-2006 22:26:42
no, they collect the horse semen, and you get to see the horse's cock and everything. and after word's, i forget who, but they swallow a mouth full of it
23-09-2006 22:32:40
awww thats nasty shit i got to see this movie and its most likey steve-o
23-09-2006 22:33:28
it's that dude with long hair.....ryan dunn?
man i forget
steve-o does do some messed up shit in it though.
have to see that
23-09-2006 22:34:20
Yeah, the crowd was nuts last night.. every seat was picked for the last show of the night too, it was wild.
And yes, the horse mounts the other one and they get it to cum in some bottle and Dave England (if I remember correctly) takes a gulp of it. Suprsingly, Knoxville, who never gets sick almost or did throw up and afterwards Dave was like - "I'm so ashamed of myself."
Haha, that movie was so awesome.
23-09-2006 22:35:21
im seeing it again. )
23-09-2006 22:39:33
[quote91c2b0be1a="Akademikz"]Yeah, the crowd was nuts last night.. every seat was picked for the last show of the night too, it was wild.
And yes, the horse mounts the other one and they get it to cum in some bottle and Dave England (if I remember correctly) takes a gulp of it. Suprsingly, Knoxville, who never gets sick almost or did throw up and afterwards Dave was like - "I'm so ashamed of myself."
Haha, that movie was so awesome.[/quote91c2b0be1a]
It was chris pontious. ahah i just saw a comercial for it, and it made me laugh so hard

http//forum.freeipodguide.com/smilies_mod/upload/30120edfc695fda35c07678a921cec64.gif[" alt=""/imge4289a48d4]
23-09-2006 22:51:34
24-09-2006 08:16:45
[quoted826487605="Veek"][quoted826487605="theysayjump"]"Wow, what a pile of shite"?, or
"Wow, that was a pile of shite"?[/quoted826487605]
Both are very valid questions.
I wouldn't pay money to see lame movies like that.[/quoted826487605]

http//forum.freeipodguide.com/smilies_mod/upload/7b9949dadb917f2166652cef5ccc8044.gif[" alt=""/imgd826487605]
24-09-2006 08:38:48
The movie was amazing. The final prank alone was worth the price of admission. I saw it opening night and every single person was laughing their ass off. Great stuff.
24-09-2006 08:50:06
I can't wait to see it. A kid on my baseball team who's friends with Johnny Knoxville said he got to do a stunt for the movie but he didn't know if it was going to be in theaters or just on the dvd. Was their a guy that drove a Jeep Cherokee into a river in the movie?
24-09-2006 08:50:27
[quotea52cf7cd72="jreeder"]I can't wait to see it. A kid on my baseball team who's friends with Johnny Knoxville said he got to do a stunt for the movie but he didn't know if it was going to be in theaters or just on the dvd. Was their a guy that drove a Jeep Cherokee into a river in the movie?[/quotea52cf7cd72]
No dice.
24-09-2006 09:07:06
[quotec28ac0e29b="jreeder"]I can't wait to see it. A kid on my baseball team who's friends with Johnny Knoxville said he got to do a stunt for the movie but he didn't know if it was going to be in theaters or just on the dvd. Was their a guy that drove a Jeep Cherokee into a river in the movie?[/quotec28ac0e29b]
The kid on your baseball team is what society refers to as a [ic28ac0e29b]liar[/ic28ac0e29b]. He's gotta look [uc28ac0e29b]cool[/uc28ac0e29b] in front of everyone to compensate for certain things so he tells lies like personally knowing Knoxville. Next time you see him kick him straight in the nuts as hard as you can.
24-09-2006 09:15:38
Uh, you're a douche bag.
Knoxville donated money to our college baseball team. And I've seen the new Cherokee that Knoxville bought for my friends mom since they destroyed hers.
24-09-2006 09:23:33
[quotebb7f820d42="jreeder"]I can't wait to see it. A kid on my baseball team who's friends with Johnny Knoxville said he [bbb7f820d42]got to do a stunt for the movie but he didn't know if it was going to be in theaters or just on the dvd.[/bbb7f820d42] Was their a guy that drove a Jeep Cherokee into a river in the movie?[/quotebb7f820d42]
Didn't happen.
24-09-2006 09:26:25
[quote28dc869d4d="Akademikz"][quote28dc869d4d="jreeder"]I can't wait to see it. A kid on my baseball team who's friends with Johnny Knoxville said he [b28dc869d4d]got to do a stunt for the movie but he didn't know if it was going to be in theaters or just on the dvd.[/b28dc869d4d] Was their a guy that drove a Jeep Cherokee into a river in the movie?[/quote28dc869d4d]
Didn't happen.[/quote28dc869d4d]
lol i gotta see the outcome of this you got a video camera
24-09-2006 11:23:50
This movie was so funny
24-09-2006 12:37:57
I saw this movie yesterday holy shit was it funny. I thought I was the only drinking alki there but I wasn't. Every seat was packed, people sitting on floors too. But the movie was fucking so funny and wrong I might see it again today but I never saw that skit where they tie Vitos tooth to the Lambo and pull it out I must have missed it or something. I hope jet-li's movie is good too.
24-09-2006 13:48:30
[quote8dc64e560e="Bentley"]I saw this movie yesterday holy shit was it funny. I thought I was the only drinking alki there but I wasn't. Every seat was packed, people sitting on floors too. But the movie was fucking so funny and wrong I might see it again today but I never saw that skit where they tie Vitos tooth to the Lambo and pull it out I must have missed it or something. I hope jet-li's movie is good too.[/quote8dc64e560e]
That didn't happen, I was kinda disappointed.
same they were on the set where the don vito's tooth scene happened i saw the lambo but not in the movie
its gonna be a hawt dvd