12-09-2006 13:32:28
About half an hour ago I just shipped a 30GB iPod to some guy who bought it from me for $240.
Ten dollars more would have gotten him twice the HD space. lol
All I can say is I'm glad I had the foresight to sell this thing in time. I had waited for over a week to sell it t oo. lishiversli
12-09-2006 13:38:37
Actually, it looks like it's still 30GB for the $250, but I still love the fact that I shipped this thing [iaa991d98ac]after[/iaa991d98ac] the new ones were released.
I'm actually worried that if I email this guy the tracking number he'll do a chargeback or something. It'll get there by tomorrow, so I'll just lay low.
12-09-2006 14:59:42
hes still owned, the new 30 can play games.
12-09-2006 15:00:01
[quotedb6704a80d="PsychoAU"]Always Be Closing.[/quotedb6704a80d]
A guy at my work just sold his 1gig nano to his friend for $150 CAD. He is going to be pissed D
[quoteb6fb9f29c2="JOSHBOX"]hes still owned, the new 30 can play games.[/quoteb6fb9f29c2]
the 5g can with the 1.2 firmware update
12-09-2006 18:33:52

http//[" alt=""/imgf06f3081ee]
12-09-2006 18:57:39
Wow, I bet he requests a refund, how much you want to bet?
12-09-2006 19:03:10
I definitely hope not. I have a tracking number. Doesn't paypal always side with the seller anyway?
12-09-2006 19:07:17
[quote18973c4f5e="ilanbg"]I definitely hope not. I have a tracking number. Doesn't paypal always side with the seller anyway?[/quote18973c4f5e]
Not neccessarily, he can't file a claim though because his iPod isn't "hip" enough for his standards. Of course he could make up some bullshit and rip you off but hey, that could happen to anyone in any situation over the Internet with buying/selling.
12-09-2006 19:22:11
[quote7b22cd0b4e="JKirk"][quote7b22cd0b4e="ilanbg"]I definitely hope not. I have a tracking number. Doesn't paypal always side with the seller anyway?[/quote7b22cd0b4e]
Not neccessarily, he can't file a claim though because his iPod isn't "hip" enough for his standards. Of course he could make up some bullshit and rip you off but hey, that could happen to anyone in any situation over the Internet with buying/selling.[/quote7b22cd0b4e]
That's what I mean. If he lies and all we have is my word and the tracking number vs. his word will I win the suit?
12-09-2006 19:24:08
Hey, it's the guy's fault for not knowing about the new iPods. I bet you 100s of other people got jipped as well. It's their problem, not yours. D