intelligence of Pacific Harbor seal...

Live forum:


09-09-2006 10:34:10

I've seen a lot of Pacific Harbor Seals, Phoca vitulina richardsi, lately in La Jolla Cove, and these seals are probably at least as smart as dogs, right? They often interact with divers and such, to I would assume, swim and play with them... Does anyone know how intelligent they are or have links about it? Thanx!


09-09-2006 11:00:42




09-09-2006 16:09:26

lol. thanx for that link. After reading that, i guess they weren't that species. The ones I want to know intelligence of are actually the Pacific Harbor Seals or Phoca vitulina richardsi... Does anyone have any non-wikipedia links about the intelligence of these seals? Thanx!