John Titor - Time Traveler

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30-08-2006 23:27:41


A friend of mine showed me this website about a man named John Titor, who claims to be from the year 2036. Through the government of the United States, he has traveled through time testing elements of the String Theory. He posted on some messageboards back in 2001 before 9/11 happened and made some pretty wild statements.

NOTE - I'm not crazy, this stuff is just wild to read ) If you have a few minutes, check it out. It's really interesting.

The postings claimed Titor to be a serving soldier who was assigned to a government time travel project. He was supposedly sent from 2036 back to 1975 to retrieve an IBM 5100 computer which he claimed was needed to "debug" various legacy computer programs in 2036. The postings also described various future events between 2005 and 2037, including World War III (predicted for 2015) followed by two decades of recovery.

One such prediction notes the escalating conflict between Arabs and Jews as being a harbinger of World War III "Real disruptions in world events begin with the destabilization of the West as a result of degrading US foreign policy and consistency. [...] The Jewish population in Israel is not prepared for a true offensive war. They are prepared for the ultimate defense. Wavering western support for Israel is what gives Israel's neighbors the confidence to attack. The last resort for a defensive Israel and its offensive Arab neighbors is to use weapons of mass destruction. In the grand scheme of things, the war in the Middle East is a part of what's to come, not the cause."

Along with the prediction of World War III, another notable prediction is that of a Civil war in America, which was predicted to begin in 2004, around the time of the presidential election, and would escalate until 2008, which, according to Titor, "[is] a general date by which time everyone will realize the world they thought they were living in was over."

Some of what John has said....

li A Second American Civil War from 2004-2008, during which civil liberties would be surrendered under the guise of National security
li An event similar to the "parting of the Red Sea" will occur in 2012.
li Third World War in 2015, a gradual global escalation that was ended by Russia bombing American, European and Chinese cities.
o John suggests "avoiding Washington DC" at approximately 345am, March 12, 2015.
o Sometime before this point (referred to as "N-Day") China forcefully annexes Japan, Korea and Taiwan.
o Chemical and Biological weapons are used, and some "non-lethal" weapons turned out to be quite lethal.
o Australia successfully repels a Chinese invasion.
o The war kills over 3 billion people.
li Post-war
o Communities of survivors gathered and grew around libraries and universities.
o The United States split into five regions based on various factors and differing military objectives.
o The US Constitution was changed by a Constitutional Congress.
+ A President is elected for each of the five major areas of the US.
+ The powers of the union government are more defined and reside at the county and state level.
+ The Vice President is elected separately.
+ The US Capital is in Omaha, Nebraska.
li Life in 2036
o Society
+ Military service plays a large part in day-to-day life.
+ Capital Punishment is still implemented.
+ Communities have returned to a family/community centred state, advised by elders.
+ Texas is Hispanized.
o Religion and Beliefs
+ Religion is far more personal and plays a major part in day-to-day life.
+ The Ten Commandments have been restored to the "10" that God gave Moses.
+ Sabbatarianism, or worship on Saturday is a common practice.
o Technology
+ Wireless internet is ubiquitous.
+ Television and Telephony are delivered via the Web.
+ Books and other hard media are now distributed online and printed from local hubs.
+ Microsoft and Yahoo! no longer exist. Napster still distributes music via the web.
+ Power is not distributed over long distances. Alternate forms of generation are common, the most prevalent being solar.
o Environment
+ The environment is heavily affected by radiation. The lack of potable water is the biggest environmental issue.
+ Global Warming has had little effect. Temperature is about the same although there were anomalies after the war.
o Health
+ The birth rate is much lower, due to a high number of birth defects and stillbirths.
+ Mad Cow, or vCJD in humans, is a devastating public health problem.
+ Cures for AIDS and Cancer have not been found. Viral therapy is used for Cancer.


30-08-2006 23:34:54

Wow that's pretty wild. Some of the stuff he predicted could just have been a well educated guess though. ..And why did no-one ever think to do an IP search to find out where he's staying and track him down if they're that serious about what he said?

I'm skeptical about him, but I think the mystery of it and the story of him is real cool.


30-08-2006 23:37:49

Yeah, I mean, I could see this as a guy in his basement with a ton of time on his hands. But, that would just ruin the mystery of it all )

If you check the website, there are accounts where back in 2001 he made subtle notions are major catastrophes, such as an earthquake in Peru that happened in 2004, the tsunamis that killed 100,000 in asia, as well as 100,000 civilian deaths in iraq.

Of course I'm skeptical, but how cool would it be just to have this be real? It's kind of scary.


30-08-2006 23:49:19

So, wouldn't it be possible to tract down the child John Titor? If he went back in time in the year 2036, he must be at least born by now...


31-08-2006 00:03:09

Yeah, he was born in 1998. So now, he would be 8. However, since our Worldline is a different one than he is in, the John we would know would have no knowledge of his future self. He lets everyone know that his real name isn't "John Titor" also. People think he chose the name because of a series of hurricanes and one was named John that fit Florida, where he resides/resided.


31-08-2006 00:56:10

The John Titor bullshit was debunked a while ago.


31-08-2006 01:18:37

Yeah, I've heard of this guy, but never saw the list before. Funny stuff. I love the bit about Napster. )


31-08-2006 01:33:49

Well, I am impressed with his bravery.

Since, as we all know... when you time travel, safety is not guaranteed.


31-08-2006 06:55:05

[quote005c3cb9c0="Crymson"]Well, I am impressed with his bravery.

Since, as we all know... when you time travel, safety is not guaranteed.[/quote005c3cb9c0]




31-08-2006 09:01:53

[quote287e6e7b29="hehehhehe"]The John Titor bullshit was debunked a while ago.[/quote287e6e7b29]

psh. not very well.


31-08-2006 09:18:11

Were in a civil war right now? roll


31-08-2006 09:24:41

A civil war can be taking place without the use of arms and battle. Even back in 2004 during the election, the country was divided, and there's growing tension between these people.


31-08-2006 09:27:58

[quote2c14510d2b="burritopunk"]A civil war can be taking place without the use of arms and battle. Even back in 2004 during the election, the country was divided, and there's growing tension between these people.[/quote2c14510d2b]

That is very true. Its just hard to believe some of these things you hear these days. Im not sure myself.


31-08-2006 09:38:13

[quote652080d960="burritopunk"][quote652080d960="hehehhehe"]The John Titor bullshit was debunked a while ago.[/quote652080d960]

psh. not very well.[/quote652080d960]
psh. read up on "him" before you make a fool out of yourself.

Actually, they ripped him apart pretty well all over the place.

A certain family/foundation even tried making money by selling shit on ebay and creating some radio show.


31-08-2006 10:06:52

[quoteaa388be26e="hehehhehe"][quoteaa388be26e="burritopunk"][quoteaa388be26e="hehehhehe"]The John Titor bullshit was debunked a while ago.[/quoteaa388be26e]

psh. not very well.[/quoteaa388be26e]
psh. read up on "him" before you make a fool out of yourself.

Actually, they ripped him apart pretty well all over the place.

A certain family/foundation even tried making money by selling shit on ebay and creating some radio show.[/quoteaa388be26e]

you are no fun.


31-08-2006 10:56:36

This guy said that the olympics would be over by 2004...


31-08-2006 11:37:19

I <3 crazy people!


31-08-2006 12:21:03

[quote8912797038="J4320"]This guy said that the olympics would be over by 2004...[/quote8912797038]

Maybe he meant the Winter Olympics starting in 2008.

I'm reaching here.


31-08-2006 12:33:53

they have a john titor song plus a remix...

if it's not for the napster part i might believe it a little..
but i don't think so.....


31-08-2006 12:46:56

How you can possibly believe this is just being a little too wishful. It's very sad that these accusations have had such strong followers and worried some people to such a point that they were on the verge of a nervous breakdown because they are so worried. Even if he was a time traveller, personally I'd rather not know when these events were to be set in motion... it would be like knowing your going to die or something and not able to control your fate, sorta.

Clearly it was a viral publicity stunt. Since the release of the website there has been a book, a movie in production and probably a boat load of revenue generated from "fan" sites. It kind of reminds me of the eon8 thing, a little bit.

But it's fake, get over it. Anyone can make wild accussations and people are going to FIND a way for those wild theories to apply to real life in hopes that this wack job was actually right. It's like Nostradmus and all that, if you wait long enough for something to happen - it's bound to happen eventually. If he's actually a time traveller why doesn't he give us more detail on an EXACT time AND date that something is going to happen WITHIN the next few months or even within a year and if that turns out true then maybe I'm just crazy.

Maybe he choses dates more than 10-15 years away because he believes that by that time people will have dismissed his theories and stuff and it'll have died down and he's taken his fair cut of cash already. You see wild stuff like this hitting the web all the time - just another hoax.


31-08-2006 12:54:16

[quotea6743e026a="Akademikz"]If he's actually a time traveller why doesn't he give us more detail on an EXACT time AND date that something is going to happen WITHIN the next few months or even within a year and if that turns out true then maybe I'm just crazy.


He explains this in his code of ethics.

Come on guys, I don't follow this stuff. I just thought it was a cool and whack page. In my second post...

"Yeah, I mean, I could see this as a guy in his basement with a ton of time on his hands. But, that would just ruin the mystery of it all"


31-08-2006 12:56:55

Oh, I'm not saying you're a wack job for believing him or anything it's just his "predcitions/theories" whatever you want to call them have drove people to the verge of nervous breakdowns and stuff, it's crazy.


31-08-2006 12:58:01

Oh, haha I know. It's so cool.


31-08-2006 13:03:10

Yeah, it really interests me and hell I've read a lot of it and sat back and actually asked myself - "what if?" I like to remain optimistic about a lot of things but after examining what came after his predictions/postings it's obvious it's just a viral publicity stunt. Interesting none the less.


31-08-2006 13:06:56

http/" alt=""/"438/9964/65f4a1ec5a001a02396ac2d1baa8e31aqz4.jpg[" alt=""/img86191ba80d]


31-08-2006 13:32:27

the future sounds fun! yay! P