23-08-2006 16:15:06
Well figured i was gonna miss it this year but of course got it, noticed it this mornin on back of my wrist, got some on my legs and now noticed got a few lil lil bumps around my eyes, whats everyone suggest, ive been usin the cortazone cream all day, the caldemine lotion doesnt work at all for me, last year I had it real bags on my legs and had some sort of spray that worked great but was like 20 a can and lasted like a day, im basically wondering what to do around my eye cause dont wanna put any cream around there, even feel like i got in my ears cause ive been tempted to itch there but havent, gonna have to wait till tommrow before I can make an appoitment to get the steroids for it, poison ivy I really wish u were never on earth.