smart to go for a wii?
25-07-2006 14:02:52
Would it be smart to purse a site for a wii? You think sites will send them in a timely manner? And when is it supposed to come out?
25-07-2006 14:07:33
I would send them the second they are availiable to order. If all sites have them like backordered I would go to a local store and buy some and ship them. If its impossible to get my hands on them in a timly matter I would offer a giftcard. A user can request the giftcard whenenver they wanted. offers the Wii. Or custom order on all of our sites!
25-07-2006 14:11:22
Why don't you start Pre-Ordering them in bulk now? Becuase "the second they are availiable to order" in bulk will probably be a few months after they come out.
25-07-2006 14:18:35
I haven't heard of anybody taking preorders for wii or ps3 yet, he probably will when it's available
25-07-2006 14:28:08
Yea, ive been calling and looking around for preorders. As soon as I can preorder I will.
25-07-2006 14:48:11
Once you do, I will do your site. The Wii should only be 4-5 refs right?
25-07-2006 14:48:22
if you have an xbox 360 and dont want to get a ps3 then go for the wii
for the price of a ps3 you can get a 360 and a wii
for your entertainment is taking preorders on ps3s...they may be bundles...they dont know yet )
25-07-2006 15:05:02
25-07-2006 17:33:14
the wii shows a lot of promise, but the graphics arent even gonna be close to what PS3 has to offer. Im gonna be buying the 60gb ps3 on launch day so i can sell it on ebay for massive profits. Then i'll do an nuitech site for another
25-07-2006 19:41:59
[quotea843d0973c="JUNIOR6886"]the wii shows a lot of promise, but the graphics arent even gonna be close to what PS3 has to offer. Im gonna be buying the 60gb ps3 on launch day so i can sell it on ebay for massive profits. Then i'll do an nuitech site for another[/quotea843d0973c]
You really think you will be able to find one?
25-07-2006 19:47:57
there were like 3 sites offering a $500 GC, xbox 360, ps3, or a shitty laptop for 6 offers just the other day.
I think they are all gone now though
I would do a wii site gladly!
25-07-2006 19:53:06
I wasn't talking about finding a site. I was talking about him finding a 60 gb ps3 when it comes out.
25-07-2006 20:02:30
oh..just wait in line outside best buy the night before.
i am definatly getting a wii, will probably just buy it though. For $250 I dont think getting 7-8 refs at $25 a piece is worth it.
the freebie sites will have to come back to earth(5 refs) for me to get in on the action.
25-07-2006 20:31:11
[quoteb22891ce1e="YourGiftsFree"]I would send them the second they are availiable to order. If all sites have them like backordered I would go to a local store and buy some and ship them. If its impossible to get my hands on them in a timly matter I would offer a giftcard. A user can request the giftcard whenenver they wanted. offers the Wii. Or custom order on all of our sites![/quoteb22891ce1e]
How many refs is it on your site?
25-07-2006 20:45:20
[quoted7dd2a84fc="johnjimjones"][quoted7dd2a84fc="YourGiftsFree"]I would send them the second they are availiable to order. If all sites have them like backordered I would go to a local store and buy some and ship them. If its impossible to get my hands on them in a timly matter I would offer a giftcard. A user can request the giftcard whenenver they wanted. offers the Wii. Or custom order on all of our sites![/quoted7dd2a84fc]
How many refs is it on your site?[/quoted7dd2a84fc]
It says it on the frontpage but ill post it here.
Playstation 3 (PS3) 20GB (13 Referrals)
Platstation 3 (PS3) 60GB (15 Referrals)
XBOX 360 CORE (8 Referrals)
XBOX 360 Premium (10 Referrals)
Nintendo WII (7 Referrals)
Nintendo DS Lite (4 Referrals)
Custom Order (0 Referrals)
We are 40/ref. The Wii is supposed to be 250 dollars. If the price lowers the ref amounts will lower.
25-07-2006 20:51:28
I think once the actual wii is rls'ed the referral amount will drop, I think thats the only thing preventing me from doing a site for a wii, because i really want a wii, i really could care less about a ps3, hell i'm still satisfied with my xbox and gamecube.
edit I think the first site to take the "get go" and lower the requirements from 7 to like 5 will be the I do.
25-07-2006 20:52:31
6 refs and its a deal.
25-07-2006 20:55:49
Now that I look at it... I will lower my wii to 6 for everyone!
If thats ok with all you guys ;)
25-07-2006 20:57:12
[quoteb0a04ac32c="YourGiftsFree"]Now that I look at it... I will lower my wii to 6 for everyone!
If thats ok with all you guys ;)[/quoteb0a04ac32c]
I think I actually would purse a site for 6 referrals...i mean 5 would be great but i think i could handle 6
edit pluse think of all the other people that think like us....hmmm this site has it for 7....this site has it for 7...this site has it for 7...this site has it for 6 or 5, I would go for the 6/5 site.
25-07-2006 21:08:53
sites sites sites.... tsk tsk tsk
25-07-2006 21:20:48
so when are you going to offer it?
25-07-2006 21:23:51
[quotea9f358a6ad="zr2152"]so when are you going to offer it?[/quotea9f358a6ad]
We offer it now., or custom order on any of oursites!
26-07-2006 10:57:28
ya'll want to do a YGR Wii conga? just 1 X 1, to make it effectivley 5 refs?
I haven't signed up yet so we can still figure this out
26-07-2006 11:16:30
[quote2f76187d75="justinag06"]ya'll want to do a YGR Wii conga? just 1 X 1, to make it effectivley 5 refs?
I haven't signed up yet so we can still figure this out[/quote2f76187d75]
no congas here correct?
26-07-2006 12:47:51
Correct, there will be no talk of a penis in this thread ;)
26-07-2006 14:46:16
[quote0933458d2c="Gooogler"]Correct, there will be no talk of a penis in this thread ;)[/quote0933458d2c]
LOOLLLL! Does anyone else remember when admin made the forum replace any instance of "conga" with penis?? lol lol lol lol lol Good times...Good times.... lol
26-07-2006 15:57:11
well they have been used in I-deal sites, and this isnt like the first two people get all 6 and the rest get fucked
im talking about the first person signing up, and then the 2nd person under him, and then the 3rd person under the 2nd person.
Anyhow that seems fair to me as almost everyone will get 1 referral