My New WebSite

Live forum:


26-12-2004 22:06:09

Here is the link to my new website, I haven't finished it yet (no referral link added)


Any Comments?


26-12-2004 22:27:03

I like the iPod screen menu although it feels really weird to scroll it without a click-wheel lol

The change in layout when you go to the forums doesn't feel right at all.

If you're going to have congas (and especially because it looks like it will be the central part of your website), I'm not quite sure you can post your link here. But I'm not quite sure what the policy with this is anymore. I believe posting links to congas is against the rule but the mods don't seem to enforce that rule anymore.


26-12-2004 22:46:44

Thanks for your comment!! wink