Plasma versus Rear-projection TV...

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13-07-2006 18:44:42

Hey all,

Our old 1999 48" rear projection TV has bit the dust, and we are in the market for a new television.

We would like a 60" TV. Space is absolutly NOT an issue- the television is in a large room.

Right now the deciding factor is picture quality. I have seen a few showroom demonstrations, but they were obviously made to favor the plasma.

We are trying to figure out how much the difference in picture quality is. I have searched extensivley, and have not found any good articles.

Could anyone point me to a good article?

For reference I am looking at the
Panasonic TH-58PX60U as a plasma,
and either the Samsung HL-S6187W or the Sony SXRD KDS-60A2000 (yet to be released)

Hypothetically, would the picture quality improvement justify getting a 10" smaller plasma for the same price as a larger RP?


13-07-2006 19:40:10

I own the 50" SXRD and i must say its amazing.


13-07-2006 20:32:51

Yep, 60" SXRD here myself (hush Wolfeman). Easily trumps plasma in image quality IMO.

The only thing plasma has going for it, IMO, is the ability to hang it on a wall. If you're going for best image quality for the dollar and don't care so much about "thin" then SXRD is hands down the best on the market.

And I'm not saying it because I have one, I have one because I discovered that myself totally by accident. ) I was all set to buy a Samsung DLP (which I would also buy before I would buy a plasma). But once I saw an SXRD in action, even the DLP looked bad by comparison. I decided right then and there that I'd wait a bit longer and pay twice as much for the SXRD. )

Don't get me wrong, we love the 42" Panny plasma hanging on the bedroom wall, but if it weren't for I-Deal I would never have had it. ;)


14-07-2006 04:52:51

[quote316c684a63="dmorris68"]Yep, 60" SXRD here myself (hush Wolfeman). Easily trumps plasma in image quality IMO.

The only thing plasma has going for it, IMO, is the ability to hang it on a wall. If you're going for best image quality for the dollar and don't care so much about "thin" then SXRD is hands down the best on the market.

And I'm not saying it because I have one, I have one because I discovered that myself totally by accident. ) I was all set to buy a Samsung DLP (which I would also buy before I would buy a plasma). But once I saw an SXRD in action, even the DLP looked bad by comparison. I decided right then and there that I'd wait a bit longer and pay twice as much for the SXRD. )

Don't get me wrong, we love the 42" Panny plasma hanging on the bedroom wall, but if it weren't for I-Deal I would never have had it. ;)[/quote316c684a63]

All this is kind of what I suspected. I have zero reason to put it on a wall, as it will be replacing another RP. I think I will end up going with the A2000.
