Emulators, NES????
11-07-2006 19:48:09
I hear so much about emulators and NES and stuff. I think its like playing video games on the computer? Im not sure. Can you guys explain to a nice loving siteowner oops lol .
11-07-2006 20:00:47
www.ngemu.com and www.emutalk.net have a lot of information on emulation....
11-07-2006 20:01:41
Yeah video games on your computer. Older games work better because the controllers had less buttons, unless you have a computer gaming controller
11-07-2006 20:12:13
Like nintendo games or even PS2 games?
Also whats the advatange of it on the computer.
11-07-2006 20:16:55
Any system can be emulated....and the advantage?
If its an NES its easier to get a ROM then go out and buy the game
just to let you know, the only open code free to emulate = ok to emulate legally system I believe is caleco vision. am I mistaken on this?
11-07-2006 20:33:45
Wait, I still dont get the advantages.
11-07-2006 20:49:38
The main point of using emulators is to play it without paying for the game. Some games are no longer available in stores and so you can only download it to play it. There aren't any advantages except that it doesnt cost anything.
Any console can be emulated, but most things above Playstation are highly unstable. Most can play only certain games and require alot of graphics tweeking. They should only be played with high end computers.
Good emulators for SNES is Zsnes at Zsnes.com I'm pretty sure it can play NES games as well.
11-07-2006 20:56:20
advantage is that you can have all clasic games and stuff and have it all on your computer. You don't have to plug in a NES or switch in and out the games. I have a pack of like 500-700 roms and it is cool. The good ones are NES and SNES.. there is also stuff like Nintendo and Sega and 64.. but the newer ones aren't emulated as well as NES and SNES. I sugguest getting a pack of SNES and NES roms.. they are cool. Playing old classics without buying them or getting out the old NES. It has a lot of advantages.
11-07-2006 20:59:44
way to jack my thread o
11-07-2006 21:13:59
[quotee121147505="akalic"]way to jack my thread o[/quotee121147505]
Sorry didnt mean to.
lol it was 8 minutes after yours...maybe u both were typing at the same time and one just took longer )
11-07-2006 21:32:22
well does anyone know how to play nes roms online with others?
I believe you can play online with
It only supports MAME at the moment though, but people have said the Snes9x developers are working on SNES support.
MAME is a lot of fun.
12-07-2006 03:47:17
[quote200bdd63bc="BD2006BD"]advantage is that you can have all clasic games and stuff and have it all on your computer. You don't have to plug in a NES or switch in and out the games. I have a pack of like 500-700 roms and it is cool. The good ones are NES and SNES.. there is also stuff like Nintendo and Sega and 64.. but the newer ones aren't emulated as well as NES and SNES. I sugguest getting a pack of SNES and NES roms.. they are cool. Playing old classics without buying them or getting out the old NES. It has a lot of advantages.[/quote200bdd63bc]
Ahh, the good old days of pulling the cartridge out and blowing in it repeatedly lol
12-07-2006 04:03:12
[quote63533f49f9="CollidgeGraduit"][quote63533f49f9="BD2006BD"]advantage is that you can have all clasic games and stuff and have it all on your computer. You don't have to plug in a NES or switch in and out the games. I have a pack of like 500-700 roms and it is cool. The good ones are NES and SNES.. there is also stuff like Nintendo and Sega and 64.. but the newer ones aren't emulated as well as NES and SNES. I sugguest getting a pack of SNES and NES roms.. they are cool. Playing old classics without buying them or getting out the old NES. It has a lot of advantages.[/quote63533f49f9]
Ahh, the good old days of pulling the cartridge out and blowing in it repeatedly lol[/quote63533f49f9]
My trick was to pull out, blow inside of the cartridge, and then flick both sides a few times lol
12-07-2006 04:11:30
[quotea4e771e2c5="DesperateForAss"][quotea4e771e2c5="CollidgeGraduit"][quotea4e771e2c5="BD2006BD"]advantage is that you can have all clasic games and stuff and have it all on your computer. You don't have to plug in a NES or switch in and out the games. I have a pack of like 500-700 roms and it is cool. The good ones are NES and SNES.. there is also stuff like Nintendo and Sega and 64.. but the newer ones aren't emulated as well as NES and SNES. I sugguest getting a pack of SNES and NES roms.. they are cool. Playing old classics without buying them or getting out the old NES. It has a lot of advantages.[/quotea4e771e2c5]
Ahh, the good old days of pulling the cartridge out and blowing in it repeatedly lol[/quotea4e771e2c5]
My trick was to pull out, blow inside of the cartridge, and then flick both sides a few times lol[/quotea4e771e2c5]
Kids these days, spoiled by their DVDs and fancy moving picture boxes!! lishakes caneli
12-07-2006 04:17:39
I love MAME. )
12-07-2006 08:15:22
Blowing in it, and then pushing it down and pushing it back up 100X times.......and you would either get that lime green screen, or the graphics would be all messed up
12-07-2006 10:25:55
Theres a lot more advantages to playing on the PC, Better graphics for one, [Ps1 Emulator], I can set it to play at better graphics via configuring the plugins. Also Best advatage= SPEED UP / Quciksave, you can save ANY WHERE any time, And instanty re-laod your game from it, From a click of a button. Speed up is great for RPGS as well during Random encounters and such XD. None of the current gen consoles are able to be emulated yet at decent speeds. PCSX2 Is the closest emulator for PS2, And its still a good year or two before being playable.
12-07-2006 10:32:55
[quotef619567cd2="DesperateForAss"][quotef619567cd2="CollidgeGraduit"][quotef619567cd2="BD2006BD"]advantage is that you can have all clasic games and stuff and have it all on your computer. You don't have to plug in a NES or switch in and out the games. I have a pack of like 500-700 roms and it is cool. The good ones are NES and SNES.. there is also stuff like Nintendo and Sega and 64.. but the newer ones aren't emulated as well as NES and SNES. I sugguest getting a pack of SNES and NES roms.. they are cool. Playing old classics without buying them or getting out the old NES. It has a lot of advantages.[/quotef619567cd2]
Ahh, the good old days of pulling the cartridge out and blowing in it repeatedly lol[/quotef619567cd2]
My trick was to pull out, blow inside of the cartridge, and then flick both sides a few times lol[/quotef619567cd2]
Oh god, pushing it in and out, in and out. Moving either side back and forth until it worked. I read that it was scientifically proven that that didnt work, except for the fact that it always did for me.
12-07-2006 10:45:49
[quote804d02e43a="hilaryfanatic09"][quote804d02e43a="DesperateForAss"][quote804d02e43a="CollidgeGraduit"][quote804d02e43a="BD2006BD"]advantage is that you can have all clasic games and stuff and have it all on your computer. You don't have to plug in a NES or switch in and out the games. I have a pack of like 500-700 roms and it is cool. The good ones are NES and SNES.. there is also stuff like Nintendo and Sega and 64.. but the newer ones aren't emulated as well as NES and SNES. I sugguest getting a pack of SNES and NES roms.. they are cool. Playing old classics without buying them or getting out the old NES. It has a lot of advantages.[/quote804d02e43a]
Ahh, the good old days of pulling the cartridge out and blowing in it repeatedly lol[/quote804d02e43a]
My trick was to pull out, blow inside of the cartridge, and then flick both sides a few times lol[/quote804d02e43a]
Oh god, pushing it in and out, in and out. Moving either side back and forth until it worked. I read that it was scientifically proven that that didnt work, except for the fact that it always did for me.[/quote804d02e43a]
Putting the cartridge in just barely enough that it would go down... OR if the cartridge was really bad, jam another cartridge or controller in on top to hold it all the way down in the system.
12-07-2006 10:59:01
I think a good emulator is RAINE. it has a lot of fun games for it. )
12-07-2006 11:12:39
can anyone recommend some solid sites that are safe and dont have spyware or viruses in their emulators or roms? i have had bad experiences with them in the past but would love to play them again.
12-07-2006 11:16:40
why not scan the files before opening?
12-07-2006 11:19:32
[quote6f4e284ae3="KnightTrader"]Theres a lot more advantages to playing on the PC, Better graphics for one, [Ps1 Emulator], I can set it to play at better graphics via configuring the plugins. Also Best advatage= SPEED UP / Quciksave, you can save ANY WHERE any time, And instanty re-laod your game from it, From a click of a button. Speed up is great for RPGS as well during Random encounters and such XD. None of the current gen consoles are able to be emulated yet at decent speeds. PCSX2 Is the closest emulator for PS2, And its still a good year or two before being playable.[/quote6f4e284ae3]
The Dreamcast emulator Chankast is near perfect.
The new version of the PS2 emulator is looking good. And a couple games are working at full speed. Screenshots here http//forums.ngemu.com/pcsx2-official-forum/74060-post-your-pcsx2-0-9-1-screenshots-here.html
final fantasy runs at about 35-45fps shock
The Xbox emulator runs Turok at full speed (only turok unfortunately)
Of course your results with next gen emulators depends on the computer setup you have. Since i dont play computer games emulaton is pretty much my only incentive to keep my comp up to date lol
heres a pcsx2 screenshot

http/" alt=""/img375.imageshack.us/img="375/3831/untitled14gj.jpg[" alt=""/img6f4e284ae3]
12-07-2006 11:55:04
Title screens always run well XD, graphic quality and speed still need a lot of improvement on PCSX2
12-07-2006 12:15:09
Just go to demonoid.com and search for NES and download the one with 758 games... it's a pretty good package with mario and all that.
12-07-2006 12:18:52
Pfft just tried Final Fantasy, Running at 8-14 FPS at the intro.. Not enough patience to get past it... Graphics are still glitchy and too slow XD, But it's getting a lot better then before.
12-07-2006 12:32:04
Your success with pcsx2 and the other nextgen emus depend on your
computer setup? Does your comp measure up to this.
Computer Specs
AMD64 SD3700+ @ 2.7GHz
OCZ Gold VX 2x512MB @ DDR490 2-2-2-5
Nvidia 6800GT @ 440/1155MHz
Creative SoundBlaster Audigy
Non-VM Build (VM build doesn't work for me)
GSdx9 SSE2 windowed, PS 1.4, LTF, NLOOP 0 hack
P.E.Op.S SPU2 DSound Driver 1.4.0
Linuzappz ISO CDVD driver 0.50
SSSPSX PAD plugin 1.6.0
+ the other standard plugs
Europe v2.0 Bios
CPU EERec, VU1Rec, VU0Rec
12-07-2006 12:41:33
Mmm Comparable. I'm running AMD 64 3000+, 2 Gigs ram, and the same graphics card, And same sound card. I set it to his config as well. Also I've read the PCSX2 forums, I'm pretty sure no ones getting Average 30-40 fps. I'ts been confirmed the FMVS run at 6 fps, and Battles get up to 25ish, But thats with freezes every now and then. The ingame cutscenes are also imbearable >.> 8-14 fps. PS2 Emulation is getting a lot better, but still young. Gamecube emulation was going great, then The dev's stopped working on it.. [Dolphin emulator]
12-07-2006 14:17:36
Ah, for Nintendo I took out the cartridge, blew in it, blew in the nintendo, held the video plug in the nintendo and turned it on ).
12-07-2006 14:21:43
any gamecube emulators?
There's a Gamecube emulator called
Dolphin[=http//www.dolphin-emu.com/]Dolphin. I haven't tried it yet but it looks like it's really popular.
I always had to do that with my cartridges too. It sucks that my NES and SNES are both broken. (
I have a lot of games for them.
I'm bumping this thread because I found a site tonight that features FULL ROM sets
http//www.underground-gamer.com (register, click on Collections on the left-hand side)
No-Intro forum offers new updates to full rom sets as new games come in
P.S., always download No-Intro sets first (only proper cart dumps are packaged, so you're getting every game properly dumped off cart with flawless checksums)...
Otherwise, choose GoodSets or TOSEC.
GoodSets and TOSEC offers new updates for their release database
I hope someone finds this information to be useful.
26-10-2007 05:49:11
i have 2 of the nes consoles in my closet. both work. and i have probably about 300 games for it. yet i still play the emulators on my computer.
26-10-2007 11:19:50
i have every NES, SNES, Genesis, and N64 rom. well, i did, then i trimmed the fat, removing really crappy games. you can find basically any PS1 game here http//snesorama.us/board/forumdisplay.php?f=28
my suggestion for emulators is NESticle and RockNES. NESticle is better, but you may need to use RockNES because NESticle is for DOS actually. you can download both these from my website (and my custom Mario game) http//bashsoftware.net/MarioBash.html
for Genesis, use Genecyst (or however it's spelled). and use zSNES for SNES.
advantages are of course the easy to find games but also save states. Save states rock cause you can save your game anywhere in any game. and have multiple save points to restore.
if you primarily want to play NES, i'd recommend buying an old PS1 (probably get one on ebay for $20) and then using a modchip to use imbNES. The original PS controller (without analog sticks) works awesome as an NES controller.
on PS2 you can play SNES and Genesis, using SNEStation and pGen.
i never really got into n64 emus because the n64 controller is hard to replicate...
26-10-2007 11:35:00
Anybody here other than me ever get into Commodore 64 emulation?
26-10-2007 14:03:24
I used to have a PSP, and would play a lot of emulators on there.
After I got rid of it I stopped playing them...but they were fun while they lasted.
Correction No-Intro website is http//www.gbadat.altervista.org/ instead of the one I posted.
29-10-2007 11:20:54
Isn't this all illegal, anyway? I always just assumed you could only emulate/backup games that you already owned the original copy of. Maybe it's different in the US, I don't know.
Not like I own all the games I emulate/burn... >_>