10-07-2006 09:50:06
My 360's estimated delivery date is tomorrow, July 11th, but when I woke up this morning, the status said "On FedEx vehicle for delivery." Does this mean that it is possible that it will come today? Or will they hold it for not using a faster shipping?
If it says it's out for delivery it means exactly's out for delivery.
10-07-2006 09:52:34
[quotef7845fe168="Veek"]If it says it's out for delivery it means exactly's out for delivery.[/quotef7845fe168]
No. It means they're sending a pizza for compensation roll
10-07-2006 09:52:55
Ok, thanks.
And, the reaosn I ask is because I googled the phrase "On FedEx vehicle for delivery" and almost everyone had problems with it, but whatever. Thanks a lot you sarcastic bastards. 8)
[quote7a5b30341d="ajasax"][quote7a5b30341d="Veek"]If it says it's out for delivery it means exactly's out for delivery.[/quote7a5b30341d]
No. It means they're sending a pizza for compensation roll[/quote7a5b30341d]
You'd be happy about that, eh fatty?

http//[" alt=""/img7a5b30341d]
10-07-2006 10:10:09
Lol, for serious. Has anyone had any experience with a situation like this?
10-07-2006 10:24:17
Ya, I am pretty sure that it is going to be delivered today.
On a side note, my status is this At FedEx destination
and they won't deleiver it until tomorrow, or even let me pick it up. roll
10-07-2006 11:01:31
[quote0ad9d45e4f="compuguru"]Ya, I am pretty sure that it is going to be delivered today.
On a side note, my status is this At FedEx destination
and they won't deleiver it until tomorrow, or even let me pick it up. roll[/quote0ad9d45e4f]
It's because of the way the packages go through the process, I believe there's some sort of automatic sorting to decide which truck it goes on for delivery. They have to attempt delivery once, then if it comes back to FedEx, you can pick it up.
10-07-2006 11:10:32
Probably. I noticed that most of the time packages are on the truck for delivery at like 4 a.m., and mine got there at 7a.m., so it must've missed todays delivery. Oh well
10-07-2006 12:06:52
I've had that on a Thursday and it said scheduled delivery for Monday, but it came on Thursday D
10-07-2006 12:20:53
Awesome, I hope it comes today.
10-07-2006 14:07:39
Yeah. Only pay attention to the scans. i.e. "In Transit", "Out for Delivery", etc. The [iccdec135f1]estimated[/iccdec135f1] delivery time can be wrong. But when it says "Out for Delivery" that means the morning crew has loaded it into the delivery truck and scanned it.
If the tracking has the item near ur location, then ur'll get it today. The date could be wrong.