06-07-2006 19:35:31
A Northeast Portland man is suing basketball superstar Michael Jordan and Nike founder Phil Knight for a combined $832 million. Allen Heckard filed the suit himself, June 29th in Washington County Court. Heckard says he’s been mistaken as Michael Jordan nearly every day over the past 15 years and he’s tired of it.
“I'm constantly being accused of looking like Michael and it makes it very uncomfortable for me,” said Heckard.
Heckard is suing Jordan for defamation and permanent injury and emotional pain and suffering. He’s suing Knight for defamation and permanent injury for promoting Jordan and making him one of the most recognized men in the world.
Heckard stands just over six feet tall. He is not six foot six like the real Michael Jordan. But Heckard says many people seem to miss that. He does share a bit of resemblance to the real Michael Jordan. Heckard has a shaved head, an earring in his left ear, and is in good shape from working out, and yes, playing basketball.
“Even when I go to the gym I'm being accused of playing ball like him (Jordan), said Heckard."
Most people would consider that a high compliment.
"Yes...don’t get me wrong it’s definitely a positive thing, because Michael, like I say is one of the best ball players that I've known to play the game. But then again, that's Michael and I'm me. So I want to be recognized as me just like Michael's being recognized as Michael."
Dressed in blue Air Jordan tennis shoes, Heckard might seem to be actually trying to look like Jordan but Heckard doesn’t see it that way.
"They're very comfortable shoes to play ball in,” said Heckard. “I play a lot of basketball and any other shoes I try to play in tend to hurt the bottom of my feet."
“I got a right to buy Nike or Adidas or what ever, so I chose the Nike because its a good shoe for me to play ball in,” he said.
Heckard agreed that not everyone thinks he’s a famous basketball player, but insisted a lot of people do mistake him for Jordan.
"I figure if I'm out in public and around a lot of people at least three or four times out of a crowd ...and like I was at the Blues Festival and you could see people they was pointing at me," he said.
Some might wonder how he decided to sue Knight and Jordan for $416-million each. "Well, you figure with my age and you multiply that times seven and ah, then I turn around and ah I figure that's what it all boils down to."
The question remains – is the occasional confusion with an admired celebrity worth $800 million.
“Well,” said Heckard, “You never can put a value on a person's life. You know you're taking my lifestyle away from me. So you know...we'll let the ball bounce like Michael does...where it’s supposed to fall."
06-07-2006 19:48:12
at least he isnt mistaken for Ron Howard's brother

http//[" alt=""/imga66f08a944]
06-07-2006 19:53:15
Wow, how can he possibly have a case? I mean, thats like saying well Ill go dress up and act like George Clooney and once people start mistaking me for him, I can sue his ass.
Wtf, that guy is a complete moron.
06-07-2006 19:57:24
He looks more like Kenny Smith.
06-07-2006 19:58:41
He does look like Michael hahaha but still that's stupid... how can you sue someone for looking like them
06-07-2006 20:39:36
what you guys are missing is I can sue you for Millions because I think you stole my pencil at school, that doesn't mean I'm goin to win millions...
anyone can file a case against anyone, it doesn't mean they'll win... )
06-07-2006 20:46:17
if this crazy bastard gets his money, i'm quitting life
06-07-2006 22:33:52
[quote62bf83c360="akalic"]if this crazy bastard gets his money, i'm quitting life[/quote62bf83c360]
I would too...
07-07-2006 05:33:44
[quote7110baf433="akalic"]if this crazy bastard gets his money, i'm quitting life[/quote7110baf433]
ditto, or i'm going on a life journey to find my look alike lol
07-07-2006 08:33:06
I can see where a few people might get confused but if I wouldn't have known other people thought he looked like Michael Jordan then I would have never thought it either. lol
[quote6475a7d2ef="manofice"][quote6475a7d2ef="akalic"]if this crazy bastard gets his money, i'm quitting life[/quote6475a7d2ef]
ditto, or i'm going on a life journey to find my look alike lol[/quote6475a7d2ef]
i found your look-alike!
"show me the money!"

http//[" alt=""/img6475a7d2ef]
07-07-2006 10:40:06
[quotea92c4cecde="jy3"][quotea92c4cecde="manofice"][quotea92c4cecde="akalic"]if this crazy bastard gets his money, i'm quitting life[/quotea92c4cecde]
ditto, or i'm going on a life journey to find my look alike lol[/quotea92c4cecde]
i found your look-alike!
"show me the money!"

http//[" alt=""/imga92c4cecde]
Heh, i actually just laughed out loud at work, lol.
07-07-2006 11:24:16
its hard to believe that there are people out there who actually think that way... if that guy gets any money the judge should be shot.
unknown uchiha
07-07-2006 12:04:37
People can sue for anything. Another frivolous lawsuit =/
07-07-2006 14:09:55
[quoteb8d8b38259="JJPRO11"]iif that guy gets any money the judge should be shot.[/quoteb8d8b38259]
That's what worries me. As incredibly stupid and frivolous as this lawsuit is, judges often surprise me.
Remember the [ib8d8b38259]criminal[/ib8d8b38259] case from several weeks ago where the lady judge refused to sentence a convicted child molester to prison [bb8d8b38259]because she said he was too short (at 5'1) and would likely not survive in prison.[/bb8d8b38259]
I almost choked on my tongue when I read that. Stupid judges like that should be removed from the bench post-haste.
07-07-2006 14:20:00
[quoteb83d2766c6="dmorris68"][quoteb83d2766c6="JJPRO11"]iif that guy gets any money the judge should be shot.[/quoteb83d2766c6]
Remember the [ib83d2766c6]criminal[/ib83d2766c6] case from several weeks ago where the lady judge refused to sentence a convicted child molester to prison [bb83d2766c6]because she said he was too short (at 5'1) and would likely not survive in prison.[/bb83d2766c6]
shock he wouldn't survive in prison because most prisoners hate people that do things to kids. lol D