Live forum:


20-09-2004 18:13:34

Anyone heard of this site?? I bet its a scam, trying to cash in on the craze. So, discuss. And if you do sign up, don't post referals here.


20-09-2004 18:36:57


Anyone heard of this site?? I bet its a scam, trying to cash in on the craze. So, discuss. And if you do sign up, don't post referals here.[/quote58e0df5b87]



20-09-2004 20:02:34



21-09-2004 06:22:00

hmmm, maybe I should try it, they say they ship to Canada...


21-09-2004 09:12:15

[Umm... no. - Mod]


21-09-2004 09:47:53



21-09-2004 09:54:31

oh wow i didn't even post shit. i invited them to im me? oh well.


21-09-2004 09:57:15

Anyway the good thing about this site is you just have to join ebay and become the leading bidder on an don't even need to buy it.


21-09-2004 10:21:39

[quote3f54390040="gchild320"]Anyway the good thing about this site is you just have to join ebay and become the leading bidder on an don't even need to buy it.[/quote3f54390040]

You sir, are a retard. It's already been proven this site is a scam. Signing up for ebay will only put more money in the person who created that site pockets while wasting your (and everyone else that falls for this) time. You posted your AIM for people to get your ref link, which is not allowed. Please remove yourself from the gene pool as soon as possible.


21-09-2004 14:05:32

when was it proven that this was a scam? why is ebay associated with his site? calling me a retard for wanting a second free ipod is ridiculous and you should just go jump off a cliff or some shit.

and yes i posted my aim name for that reason, but i wasn't aware that it was against the rules?? it says no posting in threads or sites with referral links. i figured why not try? grow the fuck up you asshole.


21-09-2004 14:10:29

Well anyone can get referals for ebay... Its easy... Go to the ebay site and click the affiliates link... It doesnt say you have to be honest to get paid...


27-09-2004 03:58:19

Well, I still am not sure about this site. Nobody has really said anything except "its a s cam", without anything to back it up. My friend was showing me a site his friend put up iwth pictures (that are not working right now) that had pictures of his ipod coming from this site. Lost the link but ill get it for yall asap. Peace


27-09-2004 06:35:56

[quote7fb079e679="dizzle"]Well, I still am not sure about this site. Nobody has really said anything except "its a s cam", without anything to back it up. My friend was showing me a site his friend put up iwth pictures (that are not working right now) that had pictures of his ipod coming from this site. Lost the link but ill get it for yall asap. Peace[/quote7fb079e679]

Bullshit. This guy from GearLive completed his requirements and ordered his iPod and hasn't received it. It's a scam.

By the way the guy who said he isn't retarded, you are. eBay have thousands of affiliates and really they don't care whether they are honest or not if the desired end result is the same. The screen name thing is not what makes you retarded but you still are retarded anyway. Besides, you said that the good thing about that site is that you don't even have to buy an item on ebay, just bid. This is the same for all eBay affiliates, not special to that site and they got the whole idea from because they originally had the ebay offer as well. You are even more retarded because you are telling a moderator to go jump off a cliff and I would say that if you want to stick around you made some unwise choices.


27-09-2004 07:14:30

Well how long ago did the guy on gearlive order/complete the requirements? I guess you could say the same thing about, since there have been people waiting for quite a while as well, and Gratis probably has more pull than some small site anyway (in regards to the lack of consistent supply). I am reserving judgement until I really know whats up.


27-09-2004 23:14:36

[quote6a1fbc4884]Well how long ago did the guy on gearlive order/complete the requirements? I guess you could say the same thing about[/quote6a1fbc4884]

Thats a real good point. No one knows really if its legit yet. The thread on gear live was only made 10 days ago. Alot of them in there are also connecting it with which was a scam. If you actually were to check the whois on the domains you would see that there was no connection.


28-09-2004 05:44:02

look here also. http//


30-09-2004 10:47:19

[quotecf7f6587b7="yonatan"][quotecf7f6587b7="dizzle"]Well, I still am not sure about this site. Nobody has really said anything except "its a s cam", without anything to back it up. My friend was showing me a site his friend put up iwth pictures (that are not working right now) that had pictures of his ipod coming from this site. Lost the link but ill get it for yall asap. Peace[/quotecf7f6587b7]

Bullshit. This guy from GearLive completed his requirements and ordered his iPod and hasn't received it. It's a scam.

By the way the guy who said he isn't retarded, you are. eBay have thousands of affiliates and really they don't care whether they are honest or not if the desired end result is the same. The screen name thing is not what makes you retarded but you still are retarded anyway. Besides, you said that the good thing about that site is that you don't even have to buy an item on ebay, just bid. This is the same for all eBay affiliates, not special to that site and they got the whole idea from because they originally had the ebay offer as well. You are even more retarded because you are telling a moderator to go jump off a cliff and I would say that if you want to stick around you made some unwise choices.[/quotecf7f6587b7]

shut the fuck up you piece of shit. this died a long time ago, and you should have died with it. there are a lot worse things than telling a "moderator" on an INTERNET MESSAGE BOARD to jump off a cliff. ooooo looks like i have made some "unwise choices." shut the fuck up and get back in line. you are a clone.


30-09-2004 13:56:47

^^ wow man, someone needs to chillax.

I don't know why some people get so caught up with INTERWEB stuff.


30-09-2004 15:09:26

Scam. I have 11 completes and been waiting for 2 weeks for account approval.