30-06-2006 22:50:12
Well, I made my sig in a hurry... Any one like?
30-06-2006 22:55:57
it's fucking retarded, go away now please.
Is that schwag?! Two thumbs down.
30-06-2006 23:17:17
30-06-2006 23:19:39
Looks like cat nip, is that prescription cat nip?
27-01-2007 19:24:39
It looks like you want to have mansecks with Travis Barker (I'm assuming that's who it is).
Excuse me for reviving such a terrible thread but I found it in a search and I thought it was hilarious.
28-01-2007 01:24:40
Haha, he never took it off.
28-01-2007 01:35:41
The quality is crap, is it the same one he had beforE?
28-01-2007 02:23:01
um... the green background is kinda cool.
at least you made it on your own. better than anything i could make on my own.

http//[" alt=""/img1f97f17a1c]
I need a life. it's sad, i know.
edit actually that turned out kinda cool..
28-01-2007 04:01:25
[quotedb39a387b4="Dave82"]um... the green background is kinda cool.
at least you made it on your own. better than anything i could make on my own.

http//[" alt=""/imgdb39a387b4]
I need a life. it's sad, i know.
edit actually that turned out kinda cool..[/quotedb39a387b4]
WOW DAVE! I love it! Best sig yet!
28-01-2007 08:27:06
Nice Dave +Karma for that )
28-01-2007 08:29:00
Dave put that in your sig ASAP...
28-01-2007 08:35:07
[quote8fdac52ea0="Wolfeman"]Dave put that in your sig ASAP...[/quote8fdac52ea0]
I second that.
That's amazing.
28-01-2007 08:40:27
U totally need ur wife back dave
28-01-2007 09:35:33
Dave is the man. Someone put that in their sig. lol
28-01-2007 09:46:22
Can I use it Dave? I've been needing a sig
28-01-2007 13:07:59
how did you make that dave?! i really need to learn from the best! and the best is you!
28-01-2007 13:25:53
It's sad because the O RLY Owl actually looks good in that '"sig"
28-01-2007 15:07:35
[quoteffa3ab97e6="Tsmith10803"]It's sad because the O RLY Owl actually looks good in that '"sig"
me so flattered everyone oops
But honestly, owl's nose was the most difficult. Took me like 10 tries. That attempt was just a scribble and it turned out just what i wanted somehow.
Yeah x323, i do cry
28-01-2007 15:52:26
Yeah x323, i do cry[/quote1bed435cba]
Its okay, we're here to keep you company, if you want to bone somebody, theres TSJ, just put a wig on him and shave his beard to pretend hes ur wife D
Even though it's an old thread, I'm glad it was revived so that I could cast my vote.
28-01-2007 16:26:10
[quotefc4dd6190e="Veek"]Even though it's an old thread, I'm glad it was revived so that I could cast my vote.[/quotefc4dd6190e]
I totally voted too...
28-01-2007 16:51:16
Wow that's totally insane. I've never seen anything like it in the polls on FiPG before.
[ifed300e394]Every[/ifed300e394] single person who voted decided to vote no - and there were 30 of them. He's the only one who said yes. Normally you get people who like to mess with the polls and the vote against the masses... not in this case though.
28-01-2007 17:03:31
[quotefa845511ab="J4320"]Wow that's totally insane. I've never seen anything like it in the polls on FiPG before.
[ifa845511ab]Every[/ifa845511ab] single person who voted decided to vote no - and there were 30 of them. He's the only one who said yes. Normally you get people who like to mess with the polls and the vote against the masses... not in this case though.[/quotefa845511ab]
No, actually I voted yes yesterday. I thought it would be nice to be supportive.
Plus honestly, it wasnt that bad. The guy is blended well. I have seen some with an outline around the person.
I try to be supportive or give constructive critism.
28-01-2007 21:05:55
Yeah x323, i do cry[/quotec385a09ec3]
Its okay, we're here to keep you company, if you want to bone somebody, theres TSJ, just put a wig on him and shave his beard to pretend hes ur wife D[/quotec385a09ec3]
He could have teh phone secks with his significant other.

http//[" alt=""/imgc385a09ec3]
28-01-2007 22:05:40
Yeah x323, i do cry[/quote6908a68259]
Its okay, we're here to keep you company, if you want to bone somebody, theres TSJ, just put a wig on him and shave his beard to pretend hes ur wife D[/quote6908a68259]
He could have teh phone secks with his significant other.

http//[" alt=""/img6908a68259][/quote6908a68259]
haha, she is living in a room with like 6 other people. besides that wouldnt do it for me.
Oh well, this semester will just be spent on teh intraweb (
[img="6908a68259]http//[" alt=""/img6908a68259]