China man guarantees he can make you look like a supermodel.
First, it was immortality. Then it was seeing into the future. Now, Alex Yuan-Chun Chiu has found out how to make you into a sexy super model and get all the chicks.
[quotee28faa0a63]This pill was named 'Gorgeous Pill' because it turns a user prettier every time the pill was taken. The user will gradually look PERFECT, even more gorgeous than super models. You will one day reach PHYSICAL PERFECTION!![/quotee28faa0a63]
[quotee28faa0a63]The healing enabled by Gorgeouspil is so strong that it can change the shape of your bone WITHIN A FEW DAYS. This is really the fastest healing ever made possible. Nothing in the world can make your body heal this fast. (Normally it takes the rings or foot braces a few months or even a few years to change the shape of your bone.) I mean if it can change the shape of your bone within a few days, it is strong enough to do anything.[/quotee28faa0a63]
[quotee28faa0a63]It was named 'Gorgeous Pill' because it turns a user prettier every time the pill was taken. The user will gradually look like a super model. And then he will surpass the hottest celebrity super models within months! It is strong enough to change the shape of your facial bones. No more plastic surgery! No more implants. Simply pop the pills and look prettier each morning![/quotee28faa0a63]
[quotee28faa0a63]Question But I thought that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. How does a pill know how to turn a person prettier?
ANSWER The human body is very much like a sex balloon doll. The air is its Chi energy. Without enough air, the doll will look ugly because its body or its face will not be in the perfect shape. Just like humans. If a person has weak Chi flow, he will look ugly because his body or his face won't look perfect.
Healthy Chi flow = Success, fitness, and beauty
Weak Chi flow = Failure, problems, and uglyness
The Immortality Rings are like an air pump which pumps extra air into your body every night. But if a certain part of your body is damaged or is clogged up, air cannot flow through that area. Therefore that area of your body has weak Chi flow and also looks ugly. If a certain part of your body receives weak Chi flow, than that part of your body starts to fall apart. Then cancer, tumor, and other diseases develop there. The Gorgeouspil functions like a lubricant. Once the lubricant has been applied to damaged or clogged area, the Chi channel opens up allowing air to flow through. Then that area will look more perfect as more Chi energy has been pumped in.
Once your body reaches perfection, you become prettier. Because perfection = beauty. So basically, Gorgeouspil helps you reach perfection.[/quotee28faa0a63]
25-06-2006 15:43:13
speaking of alex chiu... His site used to give the immortality rings for free
(80 refferals) Im wondering if anyone else besides me was able to get the 80 refs and get the rings P
25-06-2006 15:44:11
Any sites have this offer? Is it an autoship?
speaking of alex chiu... His site used to give the immortality rings for free
(80 refferals) Im wondering if anyone else besides me was able to get the 80 refs and get the rings P[/quotef995b6c3cd]
He gave me a free pair of Neodymium Immortality Rings. I've talked to him on the phone a few times. In fact... If you have any questions for Alex, let me know.. I'll give him an interview.. He'll even advertise for us in his interview/media section.
25-06-2006 15:51:07
speaking of alex chiu... His site used to give the immortality rings for free
(80 refferals) Im wondering if anyone else besides me was able to get the 80 refs and get the rings P[/quote022424a13f]
He gave me a free pair of Neodymium Immortality Rings. I've talked to him on the phone a few times.[/quote022424a13f]
holy fucking shit....... howd you get him to do that? those bitches are EXPENSIVE. But now i must ask Why was fipg's favorite stoner seeking immortality rings in the first place? wink
speaking of alex chiu... His site used to give the immortality rings for free
(80 refferals) Im wondering if anyone else besides me was able to get the 80 refs and get the rings P[/quote28ac21692a]
He gave me a free pair of Neodymium Immortality Rings. I've talked to him on the phone a few times.[/quote28ac21692a]
holy fucking shit....... howd you get him to do that? those bitches are EXPENSIVE. But now i must ask Why was fipg's favorite stoner seeking immortality rings in the first place? wink[/quote28ac21692a]
It's actually a very strange story.. About 7-8 years ago, I was trying to look for drivers for my Epson printer at the time. Strangely, his link was in the search results and I checked it out of curiousity, I called him up and talked to him about it. He gave me a pair of Neodymium rings (that's why I mark that as my first freebie in my profile).
25-06-2006 15:59:56
hold up...if he taught people how to see into the future then how come someone else didn't invent this supermodel pill?
[quote6782923155="justinag06"]hold up...if he taught people how to see into the future then how come someone else didn't invent this supermodel pill?[/quote6782923155]
I have the book if you want to read it.. It's also available on
http//[]http// for free. I just archived it into PDF.
It's mainly asking a question and tossing a few quarters.
Sorry for bringing this topic up, but Alex has said some things that might be worth mentioning to those that are familiar with his products
[quotedb45a79f4d]For 12 years I did experiment on magnetic coils and Gorgeouspil plus Chi Flush, I did it in 1 same bed room.
The bed room is only 9.5 feet by 8 feet. Very small bed room. No window to the outside. It's right under the roof, so 2 sides of the walls are diagonal.
I cannot see the floor because things are everywhere. Cloths, paper, equipments, dirt, everywhere. Did not dust for more than 2 years. Huge asss NAZI flag on the closet door. (I cannot live without that flag.) I am not a Nazi. I consider myself a Jew. But for some reason, I cannot live without the flag. I fear that the Jews in the future will reject my rings because I hang NAZI flag in my room. I had that flag on the closet door for 10 years already. Wish I can continue hanging that flag even if one day I become hella famous.
Magnetic coil is still hanging on top of my bed. But I don't use it anymore. I use a projector to watch TV and computer. So I hang a piece of dark cloth on the door and turn on the projector to watch TV.
My room is so small and messy that I can only sit on 1 chair or lie down on my bed. Laundry is not my favorite sport.[/quotedb45a79f4d]
[quotedb45a79f4d]I found the formula.
It simply melts away all Chi obstacles like butter. Once you tried it, you will agree.
This formula probably cannot be improved anymore. Even if you improve it, it won't be too much better.
Production of this new formula will begin within 2 weeks. Full scale production. I will make like 200 bottles a week. No increase in price. Some crazy guy from Ireland bought 10 bottles of Chi Flush today. He should have waited for this new formula.
This formula, if taken by blind man or deaf person, can make them see and hear again. I have no doubt in my mind.
The moment I invented these rings I knew it was physical immortality. The moment I put these rings on I knew what I have just invented.
And the moment I tried this new formula, I knew the Chi Flush Project has been completed.
So I am now moving on to resurrection.
I have to figure out a way to buy dead bodies. Maybe try dead animals first. Then later when Im rich enough, I will build myself a German castle, surround the castle with German artifacts from WWII and dig up dead bodies and do the resurrection experiment. I always had a feeling that my past life I used to be a NAZI scientist. I am going to fulfill my dream this time, fuer Vaterland und fuer mein Fuehrer.[/quotedb45a79f4d]
[quotedb45a79f4d]Nein. Absolut nicht. Ich bin kein Nazi. Ich bin eine Jude.[/quotedb45a79f4d] Which means "Absolutely not. I am not a Nazi. I am a Jew."

http//[" alt=""/imgdb45a79f4d]
29-06-2006 14:10:13
I am so confused and lolling
29-06-2006 15:09:41
[quoteafb5e3380e="KeithA"]I am so confused and lolling[/quoteafb5e3380e]
Me to, that guy has to lay off the drugs
29-06-2006 15:12:00
Yeah I WAS thinking about buying dead bodies and ressurecting them around my house, but then word got out and people havent looked at me the same since then........
Why not give these comments to Alex Chiu DIRECTLY ;)
29-06-2006 16:16:30
29-06-2006 16:29:28
[quote5a08c85e0a="h3x"]If you can get his phone number, I'll do it.[/quote5a08c85e0a]
His agent is Curtis Cooperman. The number is 609-397-8446.
As absurd as these guys are, Curtis probably won't let you through to Riley if you don't have a pretty carefully conceived plan. How tight are you with Alex?
29-06-2006 18:35:43
dude, china man is not the prefered nomenclature...asian american please
29-06-2006 18:49:48
[quote6baa68a8c4="dug1200"]dude, china man is not the prefered nomenclature...asian american please[/quote6baa68a8c4]
The Dude Just take it easy man.
Walter Sobchak I'm perfectly calm Dude.
The Dude (shouting) Yeah, waving the flicking gun around?
Walter Sobchak Calmer than you are.
The Dude Will you just take it easy?
Walter Sobchak Calmer than you are
not sure how this is any different than all those fat burner pills out there...
29-06-2006 19:08:20
[quotea0036b7656="dug1200"]dude, china man is not the prefered nomenclature...asian american please[/quotea0036b7656]
I did try to change the thread to Chinese man but there isn't enough space.
[quoteea986cc9b4="KeithA"][quoteea986cc9b4="h3x"]If you can get his phone number, I'll do it.[/quoteea986cc9b4]
His agent is Curtis Cooperman. The number is 609-397-8446.
As absurd as these guys are, Curtis probably won't let you through to Riley if you don't have a pretty carefully conceived plan. How tight are you with Alex?[/quoteea986cc9b4]
I'm pretty "tight" with Alex. What would I need to do?
30-06-2006 01:48:34
[quote85b92d0dcd="h3x"][quote85b92d0dcd="KeithA"][quote85b92d0dcd="h3x"]If you can get his phone number, I'll do it.[/quote85b92d0dcd]
His agent is Curtis Cooperman. The number is 609-397-8446.
As absurd as these guys are, Curtis probably won't let you through to Riley if you don't have a pretty carefully conceived plan. How tight are you with Alex?[/quote85b92d0dcd]
I'm pretty "tight" with Alex. What would I need to do?[/quote85b92d0dcd]
Persuade him to somehow get Riley on the phone (and allow you to record it). I can't really think of a topic that would interest them both off the top of my head though.
30-06-2006 10:01:19
does chiu really think he invented this shit and that it works??
30-06-2006 11:16:39
I would try it if I didn't risk dying from the pill.
[quote1fa7d86ffa="KeithA"][quote1fa7d86ffa="h3x"][quote1fa7d86ffa="KeithA"][quote1fa7d86ffa="h3x"]If you can get his phone number, I'll do it.[/quote1fa7d86ffa]
His agent is Curtis Cooperman. The number is 609-397-8446.
As absurd as these guys are, Curtis probably won't let you through to Riley if you don't have a pretty carefully conceived plan. How tight are you with Alex?[/quote1fa7d86ffa]
I'm pretty "tight" with Alex. What would I need to do?[/quote1fa7d86ffa]
Persuade him to somehow get Riley on the phone (and allow you to record it). I can't really think of a topic that would interest them both off the top of my head though.[/quote1fa7d86ffa]
Well he has no problems with me recording him or having a discussion with him.. But it's Riley's "agent" that would be the only issue.
01-07-2006 22:36:50
I bet this bullshit pill was made by the "Teach me make money" guy!
Haha just kidding, no feelings hard ok? ;-)
02-07-2006 11:36:56
[quoteaa2a198b71="BVGuitarPlayer"]I bet this bullshit pill was made by the "Teach me make money" guy!
Haha just kidding, no feelings hard ok? ;-)[/quoteaa2a198b71]ROFL, he was taught well.
I had to dig this thread up because photos of Alex chiu have been released for the first time in four years.... let's see if his immortality device, gorgeouspil and chi flush is working...
Here's his photo in 1990

http/" alt=""/"167/8543/alex19hv5.jpg[" alt=""/img15cc303983]
Here's his photo in 1992
[img="15cc303983]http/" alt=""/"137/389/alex21lw8.jpg[" alt=""/img15cc303983]
Here's his photo in 1996
[img="15cc303983]http/" alt=""/"167/3023/alex25or6.jpg[" alt=""/img15cc303983]
Here's his photo in 1999
[img="15cc303983]http/" alt=""/"167/7252/alex28cr1.jpg[" alt=""/img15cc303983]
Here's his photo in 2002
[img="15cc303983]http/" alt=""/"137/2830/alex31ql4.jpg[" alt=""/img15cc303983]
..... and after four years and claiming to now look like a supermodel...
[img="15cc303983]http/" alt=""/"149/3505/alexmb1.jpg[" alt=""/img15cc303983]
[img="15cc303983]http/" alt=""/"96/756/12gy2.jpg[" alt=""/img15cc303983]
Here's the latest video interview brought to you by Martin Sargeant.
All I know is, all that stuff definetely did something to his face... He doesn't look Chinese anymore.
You gotta watch the video... I lol'ed all the way through the interview because I've talked to him many times and his mannerisms are dead on... I recently called a strip joint on his behalf and talked to a stripper he has a crush on to see if she likes him...
If you're wondering who the stripper is, her name is Sierra and she works at Centerfolds in SF
If you live in the San Francisco area, just go when Sierra is working that night and you'll most likely see Alex Chiu... He goes only when she's working.
She's working right now... so if you want to see Alex, go there... It's on 391 Broadway in SF lol

http//[" alt=""/imgd067028abc]
06-10-2006 00:21:54
Haha..I can see the pics now....nvm. I guess you have to right-click->view image in order to see them ?
Images fixed.
What do you guys think? Does he look older or younger? Better or worst? I'm going to share the results with his bandwagoners... Some of them are hardcore, saying that the video quality sucked and it didn't show his true "gorgeous-ness", some say he looks a lot younger than the 2002 picture, and others say he looks a lot older or looks the same...
Personally, I think he's aged and that GP/SCF did something to the shape of his face, it doesn't look normal.
Photo taken last week

http//[" alt=""/imgfc6900e8f3]
So... What do you guys think? Is he looking younger or older? Has his apperance changed? If so, how?
Everyone put in your 2 cents.
09-10-2006 00:27:04
uhhh he looks older definatly
09-10-2006 05:15:18
His '92 photo looks like he's from street fighter.
09-10-2006 22:58:53
He looks older but trying to still look young...
09-10-2006 23:07:47
Yeah, he looks less Asian. But like everyone says, he looks like an older man trying to look young
I agree... However, I know for a fact that the magnetic rings do work when it comes to scars and illness... I have noticed scars turning raw pink and slowly shrinking and I haven't been sick in 2 years. I can vouch for that. I might try the SCF, but I'm still skeptical.
09-10-2006 23:25:21
h3x where did you get these images
does he have a myspace lol
08-11-2006 12:15:17
Sorry to bring this back up, but Live forever... what?
08-11-2006 13:01:54
Yeah click my banner, so I can live forever.
And yes, I pulled a page out of YGF's book.
08-11-2006 13:04:47
[quotee488f1c2bd="TryinToGetPaid"]Yeah click my banner, so I can live forever.
And yes, I pulled a page out of YGF's book.[/quotee488f1c2bd]
He's going to need that page back, unfortunately.
08-11-2006 13:12:33
I dont get it |
08-11-2006 13:14:36
[quotecb20f5eaaa="YourGiftsFree"]I dont get it |[/quotecb20f5eaaa]
How ironic.
08-11-2006 13:14:44
Well, since you are slow today probably due to the large amount of heroin you shot into your arm-- You advertise your site left and right like none of us have ever heard of it. Thus I am taking a page out of your book. And do not worry, once I get my rings you can have it back.
08-11-2006 13:15:46
Oh, great...
08-11-2006 13:17:34
I said you could have it back.....
08-11-2006 13:21:28
08-11-2006 13:23:51
I sense some anger in you young grasshopper. One must channel the energy for the fights with the dreaded FGR.
08-11-2006 13:25:49
I thought so.
08-11-2006 13:46:49
I thought so.[/quote42f6b0834a]
Of course you did.
08-11-2006 13:55:01
I thought so.[/quote81db3c7652]
Of course you did.[/quote81db3c7652]
Maybe because it was true, who knows.
08-11-2006 14:08:43
Speaking of True[.com]... Nevermind.
08-11-2006 14:09:56
[quote11520e36ea="YourGiftsFree"]Speaking of True[.com]... Nevermind.[/quote11520e36ea]
You sir, are a comedian. Don't get into that, please, I don't want to make you look like more of a fool than you are. That's where I stop, because you aren't worth the temp. ban.
08-11-2006 14:13:48
Uh oh, forget FGR, save your energy for this young grasshopper.
08-11-2006 14:18:40
I'm done here too unless its talking about this CHui guy. Doylnea made it known not to argue, so im not.
08-11-2006 14:21:18
Yeah you guys should probably take the fight elsewhere.
And as for YGF's "advertising" don't you guys think you're over reacting just a wee bit?
08-11-2006 14:25:23
No one is over reacting, he knows this is all fun and games with me. Now him and Akemdiz have had beef for a long time, so I can't comment on that. But I have no problems with him, just trying to pull his chain.
08-11-2006 14:31:04
[quote055cd24b61="TryinToGetPaid"]No one is over reacting, he knows this is all fun and games with me. Now him and Akemdiz have had beef for a long time, so I can't comment on that. But I have no problems with him, just trying to pull his chain.[/quote055cd24b61]
Ah I see. Yeah my comment was probably 90% directed at Akademikz. I wasn't quite sure what you were doing there. lol
08-11-2006 14:31:19
Me and TTGP= <3
08-11-2006 14:32:20
Yeah, except he never gave me the 150 dollars he owes me. Damn frauder.
08-11-2006 14:35:30
I thought I had to send it to Tman 0_0 ;)
08-11-2006 14:39:49
Way to make up lies you liar.
08-11-2006 14:45:54
You suck at madden... ;)
08-11-2006 14:54:25
No, I'm the best. Anyone want to play?
Furthermore, someone bought rings and something else from my link and I earned 44 dollars. IM LOVIN IT!
That's awesome. Looks like you'll get upgraded to Neodymium Rings. Be sure to tell Alex Chiu that "Alaska" told you about the site and program. Tell him to hook me up with some GP... Besides he owes me for one time where I called a stripper that he's obsessed with (while shes at work) and demanding to know what she thinks of him... It took 15 minutes to get a fucking answer... 5 minutes for her to know who I was talking about [that was a bitch] lol
Anyways, $44 and Neodymium Rings? What's not to love? If I were you, I'd stick to the program... Build a customer base. There's this Italian guy who makes a decent profit + he receives a bottle of GP/SCF every month because he has a customer base that is signed up for a monthly delivery program.
As for the rings, I've tried both the Regs and the Neodymiums, and I gotta say you can really feel the power from the Neodymiums... It's an intense surge of energy that flows through you the first time you try them, but you eventually get used to it. You still feel the power, but it becomes tolerable.
Anyways, congrats and good luck on making more money.
08-11-2006 20:08:10
Yeah, I have no idea who bought it, but yeah it was nice to see that money in my account. I sent in my order, does he usually call you, since it asks for a phone number, and if so, how soon can I be expecting the phone call?
He won't call you... But you can call him if you want to find out about your order.
09-11-2006 07:48:03
Good to hear, I hope I get them soon. I just want to try them out, and give an "unbiased" account of what they do and do not to.
Sorry but we all know you are a China Man fanboy.