18-06-2006 15:53:03
Ok, my comp is running out of space fast, because I'm downloading a ton of videos for my iPod 60GB Video. Can someone tell me how I can delete all the videos on my comp, (IMPORTANT while still keeping them on my ipod) and still use the automatic update feature?
Simply put, I want to delete the videos on my comp, keep them on the ipod, and still have my ipod automatically update when I plug it in.
18-06-2006 16:45:31
Umm, you can't?
Just do manual update, I can't see why anyone would want to use automatic updates...
18-06-2006 17:03:28
just set it to manual update not automatic
18-06-2006 17:36:19
but under preferances in the video section there is no "manual" setting- only under the music section
18-06-2006 17:47:25
i turned everything to manual, then tested it by deleting a video from the comp, then hooking up the ipod again- it deleted the video from the ipod as well
18-06-2006 17:59:50
Ok, thanks everyone- got it to work, but how do i add new files when it's set to manual (once i've deleted all the old files from the comp)?
18-06-2006 19:15:29
Drag and drop them to your iPod
19-06-2006 22:27:05
ok, thanks- one last question how do I choose what category my files are going to be in? (I have some tv shows that are in the movie category on my ipod, and want to move them to tv shows)
20-06-2006 10:04:35
i tried changing the genres, but that didn't work. anyone know how to do this?
20-06-2006 10:14:42