05-06-2006 10:00:44
My iPod is being delivered to my friend's house because I'm moving and not sure where I'm gonna be, but it's coming today and it's in the "Out for Delivery" status. When it gets delivered to his house, will the tracking status on the UPS site update immediately?
Thanks for the response.
05-06-2006 10:03:52
Usually it does. It did with my Cybershot from Amazon. I think it does whenever the UPS guy puts it in his little computer thingy.
05-06-2006 10:05:16
ya, but it could take a few minutes for it to update on the database...
05-06-2006 10:05:36
Alright, thanks. I just want to know when I should call my friend's dad and ask him if it came, considering he's in school right now and I should be...
05-06-2006 10:56:06
Protip It'll be there whether or not you sit there hammering f5 on the tracking page or not eng101
05-06-2006 12:23:37
yes, but F5 is heroin to my freebie blood...
05-06-2006 12:42:47
[quoteebca67def1="Admin"]Protip It'll be there whether or not you sit there hammering f5 on the tracking page or not eng101[/quoteebca67def1]
I love when Admin takes the time to post a witty comment.
05-06-2006 12:48:08
They don't always update in real-time. Many times I've had a package in hand but the tracking doesn't report delivery until hours later.
05-06-2006 12:56:44
It doesn't update because the UPS driver does not have access to the main database while he is out. He simply scans the packages as he delivers them, then when he gets back to the hub, it updates the database with the latest scan info.
[quote3af12dd04a="ajasax"]It doesn't update because the UPS driver does not have access to the main database while he is out. He simply scans the packages as he delivers them, then when he gets back to the hub, it updates the database with the latest scan info.[/quote3af12dd04a]
not really, It updates from their little computer thing. Most likely it'll be updated 10-15 mint. after delivery.