What a freak
04-06-2006 15:06:17
So my sister has a ferret, which she was planning on giving my uncle next week. Her daughter had a friend over today, and they were playing with the ferret. My niece came down to tell my sister that her friend was hurting the ferret, and so my sister goes up to see that her friend had the ferret hanging with a belt around its neck, and sticking a straw up its butt. She took the ferret to the emergency vet because there was blood all over and the ferret was i guess drowsy and most likely dying. It cost her $400, they drugged it up, and they are keeping it overnight. There is a chance that it will die. That little 8 year old girl is a freak, and if I was my sister I would be getting that $400 from that girls parents...
04-06-2006 15:16:22
well if someone did that to my pet (dog).. even though a dog is a bit different than a ferret.. id mighty pissed.. a pet is a pet.. i dont care how old the kid is.. at 8 years old, you should have some common sense.
04-06-2006 15:20:27
I dont care how old she was. I would kick her ass if I was her sister.

http//forum.freeipodguide.com/smilies_mod/upload/6e756f2263c30f41be645401d32a03eb.gif[" alt=""/img9a2701afe1]
04-06-2006 15:21:06
That girl's parents need to be told about it. A lot of kids that age are confused about what it means to hurt an animal. I can recall many kids in my neighbhorhood growing up that kicked dogs, roughed up cats, etc. They often did it not because they meant to be cruel, but because they considered the animal a toy.
04-06-2006 15:27:29
zomg a ferret!!!!11
It's a damn rodent.
04-06-2006 15:28:44
[quote5eded215d5="tylerc"]zomg a ferret!!!!11
It's a damn rodent.[/quote5eded215d5]
a damn expensive one.
04-06-2006 15:41:22
[quote87f0169212="tylerc"]zomg a ferret!!!!11
It's a damn rodent.[/quote87f0169212]"Screw" you, a life is a life, doesnt matter how cute or big they are......dah dah dah
04-06-2006 15:42:17
[quote7918e32716="tylerc"]zomg a ferret!!!!11
It's a damn rodent.[/quote7918e32716]
[quote7918e32716="wikipedia"]Contrary to popular belief, ferrets are not rodents, but members of the mustelid family, which also includes weasels, badgers and otters.[/quote7918e32716]
04-06-2006 15:46:28
It's a damn mustelid.
04-06-2006 15:58:55
tylerc, stop being a dick or your next ban won't be temporary.
04-06-2006 16:09:25
TSJ to the rescue!!!
and you know what if the family didnt pay you could sue for animal cruelty cept how did it get badly hurt? was the belt like really tight around its neck or was it the straw that injured it?
04-06-2006 18:22:03
Apparantly my niece helped tie it up rolleyes, but didnt realize what the girl was doing to it. The parents are paying for half of the bill, and the ferret is now okay and doesnt need to be held overnight. Oh, and I am sorry to tylerc for using such mean words, but that was pretty rude. And syrian, im not sure on that one, but there was blood involved, and i would guess that would be from the straw...
04-06-2006 18:24:29
Gosh, that is so mean. I'm really sorry, and hope everything turns out okay. Good that the parents know about it though.
04-06-2006 18:27:58
Glad the girls parents know what their kid was doing. Thats some fucked up shit, kids dont act like that on their own, she must have learned it from somewhere. -(
04-06-2006 18:29:31
Many serial killers were cruel to animals as children, so keep an eye on that kid. ;)
04-06-2006 18:32:25
[quotefa133f6fa2="Tholek"]Many serial killers were cruel to animals as children, so keep an eye on that kid. ;)[/quotefa133f6fa2]Yeah thats why its good to have a family pet you can teach them to respect...
04-06-2006 18:35:19
My mom always used to say that since animals don't have a chance when cared for by kids, that the only pets they should have are lions and tigers.
04-06-2006 18:51:45
[quote722cde65d0="Tholek"]My mom always used to say that since animals don't have a chance when cared for by kids, that the only pets they should have are lions and tigers.[/quote722cde65d0]
Your mom rocks! I told my mom to buy me a tiger and she said "are you dumb? your gonna be late for work, byebye."
Ohh yeah, speaking of that...time for work.
this is pretty bad. just of note, kicking a dog is different from torturing a ferret. and yes, tholek was right, cruelty to animals at a young age is associated with an increased risk for crime commiting, especially murder, when older
04-06-2006 19:02:00
that actually is very sad. it's sick (btw, that is the third time i've said "that's sick" in my last posts). that girl is going to turnup being some freak
The girl needs some serious mental treatment.. I'm not saying loony bin or anything like that.. But she's needs a psych and some meds...
04-06-2006 23:39:00
[quotee6ebba2a13="h3x"]The girl needs some serious mental treatment.. I'm not saying loony bin or anything like that.. But she's needs a psych and some meds...[/quotee6ebba2a13]
No...she needs to be tied up and attacked by an angry ferret. Stupid kids (
[quote2b63974ec1="h3x"]The girl needs some serious mental treatment.. I'm not saying loony bin or anything like that.. But she's needs a psych and some meds...[/quote2b63974ec1]
ya.. sticking a straw up an animals ass.. and hanging it .. she is fucked in the head
05-06-2006 02:47:01
i think there is going to be a horror movie about her some day...
05-06-2006 03:25:25
[quoteeacfb2021f="tjwor"]i think there is going to be a horror movie about her some day...[/quoteeacfb2021f]
Ferrets on a Bus?
05-06-2006 03:49:01
400.00 to fix a ferrett? what the hell put it down.. it shouldnt even be a damn pet anyways.
05-06-2006 05:48:14
RM200, aguy, both of you.. quit being jerks
how am i being a jerk?
hes a dumbfuck.. ferrets are awesome pets, they listen and they show affection.
05-06-2006 06:23:47
[quote2e4cf27e0c="aguy"]how am i being a jerk?
hes a dumbfuck.. ferrets are awesome pets, they listen and they show affection.[/quote2e4cf27e0c]
Both of you are being jerks for unnecessary rude comments.. just because HE doesn't think it's a good pet doesn't give him reason, and just because YOU think it is doesn't give you reason either. I'm just trying to put out flames before it turns into a big fire.
05-06-2006 06:56:09
That kind of shit really pisses me off. Im sorry, but if I was in that situation I would have gone nuts on that fuckin girl. And they are only paying for half the bill? What the fuck?
05-06-2006 06:57:49
Well, I don't think I would have shook the girl or anything. I mean, she really didn't know better. I doubt she just wanted to kill an animal. She thought it was a toy, like a Barbie or something.
05-06-2006 07:12:06
Thats BS. 8 years is sure as hell old enough to know whats living and whats not.
05-06-2006 07:24:04
I don't know. It all depends on the Maturity level of the girl. Some kids don't know anything. It also depends on the way her parents raise her.
[quote9b2259815e="UsfGeek"]Well, I don't think I would have shook the girl or anything. I mean, she really didn't know better. I doubt she just wanted to kill an animal. She thought it was a toy, like a Barbie or something.[/quote9b2259815e]
if i caught my kid hanging their barbie and shoving a straw up its ass i would get her some mental treatment
05-06-2006 07:59:22
omg a straw up the butt...what is wrong with kids these days...
05-06-2006 08:10:28
Yeah, she's a freak but you gotta feel bad for her too. I'm wondering where she learned to do something like that. It had to come from somewhere. Her parents perhaps?
05-06-2006 08:11:50
Maybe her parents like to get Kinky?
05-06-2006 14:26:21
[quote58ea7895b1="DrkWarlock"]Thats BS. 8 years is sure as hell old enough to know whats living and whats not.[/quote58ea7895b1]My 13 year old cousin didnt know what meat was, he asked me if there was meat in carrots and beef jerky...some kids just dont know things...
05-06-2006 14:42:18
Fuck kids.
05-06-2006 14:53:38
[quote29b2851165="jadem"][quote29b2851165="tjwor"]i think there is going to be a horror movie about her some day...[/quote29b2851165]
Ferrets on a Bus?[/quote29b2851165]
Such a good joke totally overlooked by forum bickering. +5 karma for making me laugh so hard I had to try to explain the joke to my boss...