30-05-2006 19:42:51
I sold this ipod nano on ebay for $120. I stated the following in my listing.
We will ship to your BILLING ADDRESS (credit card) or your CONFIRMED/VERIFIED ADDRESS (paypal payment) ONLY. NO EXCEPTIONS
Now I find out that this guy is not verified, has an unconfirmed address, and the seller protection policy is ineligeable. I clearly stated that I will only ship to confirmed. What should I do now? I am thinking of just refunding his payment and saying " Sorry I clearly stated in my listing that your paypal account and address must be verified, yours is not "
I don't know what else to do. Do I just relist it and this is over? Am I going to get negative feedback? And help or advice would be great. Thanks.
Refund and Relist. That's what I would do. If the asshole leaves you (-) feedback, make a note in the feedback received that the buyer was unconfirmed, your listing specifically said verified paypal only and you had no choice but to relist.
30-05-2006 19:51:14
It was his fault.
Refund him and tell him why, then reilst and try to make it even clearer this time. You can also restrict those kinds of buyers from bidding/paying on your auctions.
Log into Paypal, click on My Account, Profile, Payment Receiving Preferances.
30-05-2006 19:51:26
Refund and sell it to the second highest bidder if he can't provide a confirmed address.
30-05-2006 20:03:17
Ok I refunded it and am relisting it. I have two 1gb black ipod nanos if anyone wants to make an offer on one!
Thanks for the advice.
30-05-2006 20:11:27
Yeah but give him a chance to repay you with a confirmed address.
30-05-2006 20:23:08
Well I do have an extra if he decides to repay with a confirmed address. But I am putting the other one up.