18-05-2006 16:23:07
You think you're having a bad day? Imagine this You're a Siamese twin. Your brother is gay, you're not. He has a date tonight. You only have one ass.
I need the picture that details that PLEASE D
Then I'll delete the thread
18-05-2006 16:25:14
[quote7c0dab326f="Sweeney2066"]You think you're having a bad day? Imagine this You're a Siamese twin. Your brother is gay, you're not. He has a date tonight. You [b7c0dab326f]share the same asshole[/b7c0dab326f].[/quote7c0dab326f]
Fixt! And I don't think I'd want to see a pic that displays that shock
18-05-2006 16:26:42
But.....but....but....why the hell would you want to see something like that......ever....i mean seriously.....why?????
18-05-2006 17:25:16
The picture isn't disgusting lol.
18-05-2006 17:30:58
I've never seen the picture he's talking of, but it's a Buddy Hacket joke for those wondering.
18-05-2006 17:33:20
Does it look like this?

http//i3.tinypic.com/w8pcba.jpg[" alt=""/img44768ce481]
18-05-2006 17:41:07
If I was in that situation I'd totally cockblock him.
18-05-2006 17:55:33
[quotef0def94b28="Brok3n_Sword"]Does it look like this?
Haha nice D
but no sadly not
18-05-2006 18:26:26
it was on www.randomimage.us once