I had the dumbest dream last night...
09-05-2006 23:47:38
I don't remember the details BUT...
I had a dream about FreeiPodGuide last night. Yah, I had a dream about this forum.
What did I dream? I really don't know! You know how sometimes you know you had a dream and it was about something but you don't know the detail? It's like that. All I remember was that the "forum" was actually real... like ya'll were all real people talking in real life.
I know it's stupid. I can't control the dreams, and I have no idea why I dreamt about this forum. It's not like I been thinking it a lot lately.
Anyone had a dream about something like a forum before?
Anyways I felt the need to share that... and this is the appropriate place to do that.
09-05-2006 23:57:42
You're lucky you're a girl. I doubt we'd let anyone else live this down. ;)
10-05-2006 00:00:14
Didn't someone else dream about the forum (PNAA maybe ))? As for me....I don't i've ever actually dreamed of the internet in general. I guess I'm on it for so long I can't imagine myself doing anything else wink
10-05-2006 00:07:07
I dream about this forum and people on this forum on a regular basis, mainly because you're all so near and dear to my heart.
I think I actually dreamt about Tholek the other night. shrug
10-05-2006 00:10:25
[quote0cb41a4ded="theysayjump"]I dream about this forum and people on this forum on a regular basis, mainly because you're all so near and dear to my heart.
I think I actually dreamt about Tholek the other night. shrug[/quote0cb41a4ded]
btw, I'm not PNAA if that's what you are wondering.
10-05-2006 00:14:42
I wasn't wondering, but I've seen you naked and you're definitely not PNAA. It's not me you need to convince. wink
10-05-2006 00:29:56
i have dreams that mostly center around unfixable server issues
10-05-2006 00:37:21
I do get dreams about computers at work I cant fix too every once in a while. Im such a geek.
10-05-2006 00:44:34
I seem to be on the mind of TSJ a lot lately, and it has me worried.
If he's here, maybe I should move to Scotland...
10-05-2006 01:15:09
[quote23cb9a8658="theysayjump"]I wasn't wondering, but I've seen you naked and you're definitely not PNAA. It's not me you need to convince. wink[/quote23cb9a8658]
I meant ajasax. just typed it too fast! that naked pic is suppose to be between us btw! now aguy is gonna get pissed off.
[quote23cb9a8658="Admin"]i have dreams that mostly center around unfixable server issues[/quote23cb9a8658]
HAHAHA and you KNOW he's serious!
[quote23cb9a8658="JOSHBOX"]I do get dreams about computers at work I cant fix too every once in a while. Im such a geek.[/quote23cb9a8658]
It's ok. My first job was working at Rally's and I use to sleep talk "Hi. Welcome to Rally's. May I take your order?"
me and shopaholic are bf and gf
10-05-2006 03:04:18
Ok I finally have an opportunity to tell people about my Dream.
This is how it went.
I'm in a giant arena, millions of people around me.
I'm standing in front of a big red button.
Everyone is shouting "PRESS IT!!!!! PRESS IT PRESS IT"
You can do it Dave!! Press it! Push it Dave, we belive in you!
I'm looking at the button looks simple enough just push the button down, my hand reaches out and starts shaking.
In the whiniest voice I have, I scream " I can't do it!" I was seriously half crying in my dream
"PRESS IT!!!!!" they scream
"I CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANT!!!!!!!" (my whiny voice)
My hand is right over the button and I'm on the verge of tears.
Millions of people are around shouting completely ignoring my whines, all these people believe in me and the fact that I can push in this button.
I then close my eyes an throw my hand at the button and press it.
I've never heard such loud sound in my life, So many people all cheering and shouting!!
And I wake up to garden workers mowing our lawn outside...
10-05-2006 03:13:01
I had a dream that the japanese nuked america yesterday (i was in hiroshima at the time, they 'teleported' me over there right before they did it). I could see the explosion in the distance.. looked pretty cool.
But it's ok, America was being taken over by Zombies.
10-05-2006 03:45:54
[quote815d586802="aguy"]me and shopaholic are bf and gf[/quote815d586802]
yes indeed
10-05-2006 06:40:16
[quotefb6d46c2fb="Admin"]i have dreams that mostly center around unfixable server issues[/quotefb6d46c2fb]
[quotefb6d46c2fb="Tholek"]I seem to be on the mind of TSJ a lot lately, and it has me worried.
If he's here, maybe I should move to Scotland...[/quotefb6d46c2fb]
I'm here. wink
10-05-2006 07:35:54
Before I switched majors in college, I used to dream of C and Java. ( All my dreams were coded, and it was sad, and I was depressed.
So I swapped majors.
10-05-2006 07:41:30
i think IN code on a regular basis so if i was dreaming it i probably wouldnt even notice
10-05-2006 08:30:47
i've had dreams about playing online poker before, and I actually fell asleep while playing but kept playing one time... i don't really know how it happened, I don't remember any hands I played, I played for about 10 Min in my sleep and then stopped. I checked back at the hand history the next day and I played them all exactly how I would have played them in a regular game... I wish I could find a way to always play in my sleep, off of my knowledge, without the stupid errors I make, I could make lots of money while i'm sleeping...
10-05-2006 08:45:22
[quote9f69ecc8b3="shopaholic"]I meant ajasax. just typed it too fast! that naked pic is suppose to be between us btw! now aguy is gonna get pissed off.[/quote9f69ecc8b3]
Oh....I wasn't accusing you of being PNAA, I was just saying that he's so obsessed w/ this forum that he probably has wet dreams about it )
I actually do remember a couple dreams I've recently had. A couple of them were of this huge tornado coming towards my house, and a bunch of little ones all over. Probably cause I had just watched a program on tornados shrug But, I usually have dreams of standing precariously on some really tall bulding. wink
10-05-2006 09:51:10
i don't dream
10-05-2006 09:55:12
[quotec9d8f47b2f="EatChex89"]i don't dream[/quotec9d8f47b2f]
Everyone dreams, not everyone recalls their dreams. If you want to start recalling your dreams better, scribble down anything you remember about the dream someplace as soon you wake up (before you get out of bed). It's pretty neat to see how your mind thinks, and you can get some good insight into yourself if you look back over a long period of dreams.
10-05-2006 12:03:13
[quote5ef7988be7="doylnea"][quote5ef7988be7="EatChex89"]i don't dream[/quote5ef7988be7]
Everyone dreams, not everyone recalls their dreams.[/quote5ef7988be7]
yah and also most of us have way more than one dream a night... but you usually only remember the one that happened close to when you wake it. I also think that recurring dreams have some kind of meaning.. something that bothers you.
[quote5ef7988be7="tjwor"]i've had dreams about playing online poker before, and I actually fell asleep while playing but kept playing one time....[/quote5ef7988be7]
hahaha! I had a whole conversation once on the phone with this guy that was sleeping!! I called him to pick me up behind the library. It was so weird.
Me "Hey, can you pick me up behind the library?"
Him "Sure. Where?"
Me "behind the library on campus"
Him "you want me to pick you up?"
Me "Yah right now behind the library"
Him "When do you want me to come?"
Me "right now?"
Him "Ok. Where?"
Me "Uhh... behind the library? is that ok?"
Him "Yah."
He's 5 minutes away... but I waited and waited and 45 minutes later I call him again
Me "Hey. Where are you at?"
Him "I'm at home. Whats up?"
Me "Are you going to pick me up?"
Him "Uhh yah sure. Where do you want me to get you?"
Me "behind the library. I just told you this like an hour ago."
Him "Huh?"
hahaha Anyways he was awake that time.
10-05-2006 15:09:23
lol maybe it's a sign that your on the forum wayyyyyy tooo much. lol lol
so what did we all look like? what did we all say? or were our heads just replaced with our avatars. lol lol mrgreen
10-05-2006 15:56:18
i actually remember my dream from last night..
i was driving this girls' mustang and like going all crazy with it.
10-05-2006 16:48:31
[quotee3efda2211="Iloveipods2"]lol maybe it's a sign that your on the forum wayyyyyy tooo much. lol lol
so what did we all look like? what did we all say? or were our heads just replaced with our avatars. lol lol mrgreen[/quotee3efda2211]
actually i don't really remember. its one of those weird dreams.
you could say any of the people on here (esp the ones replying to this post) are on here wayyyyyyy too much... but they don't have dreams about FiPG. I'm just on here too much for a female. (also b/c I update the freepay approval timeline) No need to panic yet. Us female will come and go. its still a male's world in here. 8)
10-05-2006 17:38:10
[quote60db805aaf="shopaholic"][quote60db805aaf="Iloveipods2"]lol maybe it's a sign that your on the forum wayyyyyy tooo much. lol lol
so what did we all look like? what did we all say? or were our heads just replaced with our avatars. lol lol mrgreen[/quote60db805aaf]
actually i don't really remember. its one of those weird dreams.
you could say any of the people on here (esp the ones replying to this post) are on here wayyyyyyy too much... but they don't have dreams about FiPG. I'm just on here too much for a female. (also b/c I update the freepay approval timeline) No need to panic yet. Us female will come and go. its still a male's world in here. 8)[/quote60db805aaf]
lol sure, we'll pretend to believe that, and that it's not kuz of our luscious flowing hair and uber manly manliness.

http//forum.freeipodguide.com/smilies_mod/upload/31913279773ab2fad2570ecdd62a8a74.gif[" alt=""/img60db805aaf]