07-12-2004 19:56:15 is the site, im not here to promote it ...just wondering if anyone knows if its legit or not.
I already signed up and have one green, so so-far it seems legit....
Also its pretty near how it works, you can get either 5 6 8 or 10 (i think) people to signup, and get the thing u choose.
Also theres a computer parts site that the company also runs that offers memory upgrades, Harddrives, Video Cards, etc.
Go to and the link to the other site is there.
07-12-2004 20:16:43
People...just stop posting "new sites" unless you know it to be an absolute fact. has already been mentioned here. It's a nice gesture but please take a moment to search the forum before posting about a "new site". Thanks in advance.
08-12-2004 11:10:28
i did search for "tech" and didint bring up any findings that seemed relevant.
Also ...added today or recently to the tech sites is Car Tech, they offer head units (one with ipod interface included) and even radar detectors!.
08-12-2004 16:47:34
[quote41482b5ae2="Lunarpancake"]Also ...added today or recently to the tech sites is Car Tech[/quote41482b5ae2]
added about 2 weeks ago
09-12-2004 17:34:49
whats the link to this car tech shit
cant find it