30-04-2006 05:45:29
I recently joined a survey site (where you complete surveys and they pay you for it) and it's great. You get between 3-25$/survey I believe and for every survey your referals do you get 2$ and also all your referals referals everytime they do a survey you get 1$!!! So that can translate into hundreds possibly thousands of dollars per month for doing almost nothing all you gotta do is refer people, quite awsome. Anyways, I will be going to college within the next year so I need money or else I'll be forced to borrow money ( I'd love to give University a try but thats not an option cause I cant afford it. So yeah I'd greatly appreaciate it if you gave the site a try, it's FREE, so just message me if you want my referal link.
so please give it a try, I'm sure it would be pretty easy for all of you since thats what you gotta do to get your free ipods and everything else. This could help you and me to generate income so I can afford college and you can have extra money to do whatever lol Oh and also you wont get alot of money by just doing the surveys, the more referals you get and the more referals they get makes a big difference in the money youll make. For exemple, lets say you refer 50 people and they all refer 50 people each and everybody does only 12 surveys a year, that means you'll get 31,200$ shock wow eh? anyways please check it out i'd greatly appreaciate it, thankyou
30-04-2006 06:49:34

http//[" alt=""/imgd4a059c0f5]
[spoilerd4a059c0f5]My first ever use of an owl.[/spoilerd4a059c0f5]
30-04-2006 07:56:21

http//[" alt=""/imga01cae548a]
30-04-2006 08:03:34
No refferal links. Please remove it and read the rules.
30-04-2006 08:14:51
sorry about that I didnt know, so people, just message me if you want to join the site and I can give you my referal link
30-04-2006 09:26:25
this is the surveyscout or that glam or whatever its called?
30-04-2006 10:46:06
Ugh, get out of here with that crap...
30-04-2006 10:47:20
But Woooolllllfeeemmaaannnn.
I wanna make lots of moneeeyy. cry