College Acceptance Fee

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24-04-2006 20:57:23

When you pay colleges the acceptance fee (i.e. $100), are you legally bound to attend?


24-04-2006 20:59:45

Do you mean the application fee?


24-04-2006 21:03:13

[quote4e27684a16]Do you mean the application fee?[/quote4e27684a16]

No, I mean the fee that you pay that tells them you want to attend. I think the deadline for most schools are May 1st?


24-04-2006 21:04:53

I don't think you are. My friend paid the fee to two colleges he was trying to decide on last year.


24-04-2006 21:14:59

You can't pay the free to two colleges.
It is your SIR, and you can only do it for one school.


24-04-2006 21:16:28

What's the SIR?


24-04-2006 21:17:46

Statement of Intent to Register. That is when u send the $100.


24-04-2006 21:18:12

Its something like the Statment of Intent to Register, but I think my friend turned one in to two colleges last year on the advice of a teacher.

Edit Hmm, this thread has some info on it


Looks like it's pretty frowned upon, although I'm not clear whether you'd get your admissions rescinded.


24-04-2006 22:26:14

From what I remember most schools just want a deposit and a signature, so you could do this at multple schools and pick one later - you would be forfeiting your deposit at the school you decided not to go to, but thats it.


25-04-2006 04:53:14

why not just make a decision?
u have to do it eventually. save urself some cash ;)


25-04-2006 06:53:25

If the school finds that you sent it to another school, they will most likely rescind you. I read about it on the old CC (CollegeConfidential).