Who needs Moola Invitations? proven legit! + Free! Win 10mil

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=37773


20-04-2006 13:54:24

Win 10 million if you win 30 times in a row =)! Can also win smaller amts of money. Proven legit already! check out this new site, Invitation only, I have 3 invites! I will invite you only if you promise to spend your 3 invites on these forums asap! Let others know about this program! PM Me your email address So I can invite.


20-04-2006 15:13:13

ill take an invite what do u with it.


20-04-2006 15:57:39

I would like an invite just to check it out.


20-04-2006 16:03:39

theres already a thread on this and I really don't think making your own little one here was necessary. http//forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=36031&start=280


20-04-2006 16:12:43

Need to PM me your email address. -_-


20-04-2006 16:18:23

Yeah lets keep it in the original thread please.