New FREE SITE check it out
14-04-2006 12:41:52
Ok well as some of you know I have a foreign exchange student staying at my house for a while.
Well he saw how much money i was making at joining these sites and figured would be better to own one.
So needless to say he has made a free gift site.
you can check it out here
Sweet huh.
I take no responsibility whatsoever for this site except for making it, lol
Enjoy, lol
1 ref!!! what are the offers?
14-04-2006 12:50:52
D00D!!! how long is shipping!! I JUST FINISHED THIS SITE!!!oneeoneone111
unknown uchiha
14-04-2006 13:10:53
I signed up 4539992387648239569134 times! Now I can earn that many prize! YAHHHH
I am paying $80/green for this site. Very good deal!
14-04-2006 13:15:25
[quote54441b2118="goof"]1 ref!!! what are the offers?[/quote54441b2118]
There's only 1 offer and thats a $50.00 paypal donate
unknown uchiha
14-04-2006 13:20:27
Bruman ZOMG sign up under me
14-04-2006 13:31:45
lol, I guess yall didnt read the FAQ or the terms, such a shame, lol
14-04-2006 13:32:09
[quote97fe1fc75d="unknown uchiha"]Bruman ZOMG sign up under me[/quote97fe1fc75d]
14-04-2006 13:35:05
[quote982964f567]Welcome to wadded paper site!
My domain, but most people too stupid to understand, so I explain now at beginning. [/quote982964f567]
14-04-2006 13:51:31
[quotef91af326fd="Godrockdj"][quotef91af326fd]Welcome to wadded paper site!
My domain, but most people too stupid to understand, so I explain now at beginning. [/quotef91af326fd]
14-04-2006 13:56:53
Anyone up for a trade?
unknown uchiha
14-04-2006 15:15:09
Yeah! I'll do your iPods.Freepay and GetCellphonesFree for my Origami4Free
14-04-2006 15:28:50
Did anyone check the FAQ?
Q Is this some kind of a joke?
A You want joke? Look in mirror, you ugly person! This site real. You join, do offer and see for yourself.
This very nice artwork that come with card and make good gift for your friend. Your friend never forget you when you send fine art gift like this! I am famous Internet artist, so original wadded paper origami art become VERY VALUABLE some day.
I repeat -- site is real, artwork is real. You join do offer, refer friends who do same and it comes in mail and you enjoy it.
14-04-2006 15:30:15
Q How can I refer people if I don't have an affiliate link?
A You so stupid. You join and do offer right. So send them same way you found me. I not stupid like you, I keep track in my head.
unknown uchiha
14-04-2006 15:32:36
=D I love this site already! Let's spring it on A4F I bet you they'll get like... A+ Grade =P
14-04-2006 16:29:21
[quote79e386d1c8="unknown uchiha"]=D I love this site already! Let's spring it on A4F I bet you they'll get like... A+ Grade =P[/quote79e386d1c8]
I would have but they IP banned me, so cant even get close, lol
unknown uchiha
14-04-2006 16:32:54
14-04-2006 16:39:11
I got my gift already!! )
14-04-2006 19:54:04
OMG!!!11 Is this that new-fangled Origami Microsoft created?? (This is ironic....I'm watching Memoirs of a Geisha again....)
14-04-2006 19:56:26
LMAO. l like this site P
14-04-2006 21:27:54
OMG all done just waiting for the owner to credit me
OMFG how long does this take (
unknown uchiha
14-04-2006 21:44:15
I got credited via eMail. I printed out the confirmation email and followed the easy step-by-step instructions and had my prize in my hands within seconds!
15-04-2006 08:00:47
I just found out they're on backorder until July at the latest!
I want to know if I can just get a check. Do they have a representative on these forums?
unknown uchiha
15-04-2006 13:04:41
Feji316 They're on "backorder" as you read in the fine print. The way to easily solve this is to deliver it yourself. You hit PRINT on your web browser for the confirmation email, then it prints it out and there should be instructions on how to assemble the prize using that piece of paper you just printed out. If you crumple it intricately, you should be able to masterfully make one in no time!
15-04-2006 16:20:15
[quotef217f945b1="ajasax"]OMG!!!11 Is this that new-fangled Origami Microsoft created?? (This is ironic....I'm watching Memoirs of a Geisha again....)[/quotef217f945b1]
What Geisha got to do with serious art? Me no related to microsoft. You join site do offer me make you custom origami with letter from microsoft.
[quotef217f945b1="myreferrals1234"]LMAO. l like this site P[/quotef217f945b1]
Me glad you like, why no join? You not have money maybe waste my time?
[quotef217f945b1="UberVash"]OMG all done just waiting for the owner to credit me
OMFG how long does this take ([/quotef217f945b1]
Me not see money you get no credit. You maybe try to cheat me, I poor artist you rich kid. Join again send more money me make good Boulder for you.
[quotef217f945b1="unknown uchiha"]I got credited via eMail. I printed out the confirmation email and followed the easy step-by-step instructions and had my prize in my hands within seconds![/quotef217f945b1]
You lie like dumb dumb american. Me no tell you how to make serious art work. You get instructions to paint Picasso? No! So how you recreate my Origami Boulder. If you make it just wadded up paper, you not serious artist. You no believe me then go to art store ask them to display your Origami Art in store. They tell you no, so no lie no more.
Your account is now on hold for being dumb dumb and lying. No art for you.
[quotef217f945b1="Fejj316"]I just found out they're on backorder until July at the latest!
I want to know if I can just get a check. Do they have a representative on these forums?[/quotef217f945b1]
Yes we have me, great artist himself. If we send check then we lose art supplies. We use all paper for serious art work.
Your account is on hold for trying asking dumb question.
[quotef217f945b1="unknown uchiha"]Feji316 They're on "backorder" as you read in the fine print. The way to easily solve this is to deliver it yourself. You hit PRINT on your web browser for the confirmation email, then it prints it out and there should be instructions on how to assemble the prize using that piece of paper you just printed out. If you crumple it intricately, you should be able to masterfully make one in no time![/quotef217f945b1]
You on hold 2 times for being twice as dumb. Maybe me take you off hold if you join again and do another offer. Make you custom Haiku Origami Boulder. Have special Haiku like this
Make wadded paper
stick inside empty noggin
for lack of good brain
Me want to thank people who like my site, so why you not do offer? You think I like being starving artist. You do offer me spend money, me buy stuff and be happy.
15-04-2006 16:27:24
15-04-2006 16:33:07
I'm on was going to be a Mother's Day present...
15-04-2006 16:52:32
I'd do your site but I can't trust any freebie site who doesn't pay for a domain name shrug