Windows Vista

Live forum:


27-03-2006 19:50:35

Not good news. I don't know about you, but I've been waiting for the next Windows OS since I first found Longhorn in 2004. I don't know if this is old news, but I just found an article that says 60% of the code for Windows Vista has to be rewritten to fix internal bugs, which may delay when it gets released. The full story is availble via the link below. shrug This sucks

arrow Link[=http//]Link


27-03-2006 19:52:08

January 07

Apparently the xbox team is writing the new code...


27-03-2006 20:38:15

I think they're re-writing it to make it difficult to dual-boot on Mac machines.


28-03-2006 04:27:43

I doubt that. what reason would Microsoft have for keeping it from booting on Macs? It would just be another revenue stream for them. If they're going to prevent any specific group from running it it would be pirates, not Mac users. Anyway, I don't know how true this story can be. Microsoft has denied that this is true, and if it were they'd be seriously screwed.


28-03-2006 16:30:28

I thought about waiting for Vista to come out before buying a new computer. Good thing I didn't wait lol


28-03-2006 17:00:43

I won't be getting it until at least SP1 so shrug


28-03-2006 17:01:21

You can get your hand on one if u know what I mean.


28-03-2006 23:45:33

I'm getting a Mac.