
Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=36085


26-03-2006 01:42:06

So im playing poker at 430 in the morning asking around what there is to do besides porno cause i was bored.

Someone mention the site www.googleearth.com

Its a spy site or something, you can view your house etc. Well i get it and cant run it because my computer is garbage x . Maybe someone else will have some fun with it. wink


26-03-2006 01:50:33




26-03-2006 02:01:22

Well then or you can look for reposts on fipg.com at 5am ha


26-03-2006 04:16:26

also fun are google moon and linewli google mars


26-03-2006 06:58:00

It's been around for a while and it's not a "spy site" just an interactive map of the earth. Pretty cool too. Go to the grand canyon, change your viewing angle, and fly through it.


26-03-2006 07:22:39

Is it me or the maps not clear when u zoom in.


26-03-2006 08:11:08

[quotead8f571515]Is it me or the maps not clear when u zoom in.[/quotead8f571515]

It depends on the area you're viewing, because some of the satellite pictures are old and not as high quality.


26-03-2006 08:39:38

OLD NEWS IS SO EXCITING! lipumps fistsli


26-03-2006 08:58:17



if you search for "google earth" using the searh feature, you get 924 results. I don't know about you, but I sure wouldn't want to search through almost 1,000 results at 5AM to see if I'm making a double post...that's just me though.

[quotef7e2eaee90="St00pid"]OLD NEWS IS SO EXCITING! lipumps fistsli[/quotef7e2eaee90]
There's no reason for that. It was new news to him, me, and probably a few other members. I'm sure you've posted something that someone else knew of before at one point in your life.


26-03-2006 09:02:49

Thanks af, this forums search feature is messed up.


26-03-2006 11:48:28

I mess aroudn with google earth, I put stickies on all of my camping, fishing, hunting, and party spots! it is great to see which dirt roads I can take to get places!