Missing for 10yrs but finally found!!!!

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=35857


23-03-2006 12:39:21

I think she might be the biggest retard ever i couldnt believe this when i read it what fucking idiot. i mean damn she was 2 miles or something from her house and her parents still lived there its not like she was a baby when she was taken she was 14. WTF!!!


23-03-2006 13:03:48

what a retard.

she isn't even hot.


23-03-2006 13:07:43

I don't even know what to say. What a retard...


23-03-2006 13:44:04

Sometimes I wish I was in such a situation just so I could kick the fucking guy in the face and have a story that says, "Kidnapped child not a fucking idiot!"


23-03-2006 14:13:34

Probably Stockholm Syndrome in play there... But I didn't read the article so I don't know what the situation was...


23-03-2006 14:16:17

She was fooled.


23-03-2006 14:27:33

Alright, I've read several articles on this situation already. And while I agree partially that the girl eventually should have done something to better her situation, I can understand why she didn't. The poor girl was brainwashed into thinking her parents did not love her or want her. And at age 14 - I don't know about the rest of you, but I was a very confused, angry, lost kid when I was 14. Plus oh yeah the whole physical abuse thing for years on end. Men like this deserve to be locked away for life without possibility of parole.


23-03-2006 14:27:40

I think the parents are to blame. A child that age shouldn't be so easily manipulated.


23-03-2006 14:34:11

I am just wondering how you can brainwash someone like that I mean she must have been really stupid to just not go home its not like she lived far away and how the hell was she not seen for ten years that's just retarded


23-03-2006 15:09:40

How the hell can someone be stupid enough to get "kidnapped" and only be 2 blocks from home.....and not notice the familarities!.

Man, even though she's a chick, I wanna punch her in the face...yeah, just punch her in the face and walk away...


23-03-2006 15:12:42

The person who abused her should be castrated with a rusty knife and then have the wound cauterized with a piece of red hot steel.


23-03-2006 15:13:28

[quote11db6ca5d2="Jake"]The person who abused her should be castrated with a rusty knife and then have the wound cauterized with a piece of red hot steel.[/quote11db6ca5d2]
Yeah people that abuse kids deserve to be shot...


23-03-2006 15:20:28

god damnit, people.


23-03-2006 15:26:25

Good thing that fucking perv was caught. And as godrock said, I could see teen if they are screwed up bad enough, going against their parents. But for ten years.... and she obviously seems pretty smart if she knew she was on a missing children list.


23-03-2006 15:49:53

[quote0c45ef31e3="Jake"]The person who abused her should be castrated with a rusty knife and then have the wound cauterized with a piece of red hot steel.[/quote0c45ef31e3]
Choose which one to use?
http//gungfu.com/pics_info_pages/knives_rambo_replicas.jpg[" alt=""/img0c45ef31e3]


23-03-2006 15:55:52

^^^ not rusty enough.


23-03-2006 18:42:32

[quote07b5a33c60="Godrockdj"]Alright, I've read several articles on this situation already. And while I agree partially that the girl eventually should have done something to better her situation, I can understand why she didn't. The poor girl was brainwashed into thinking her parents did not love her or want her. And at age 14 - I don't know about the rest of you, but I was a very confused, angry, lost kid when I was 14. Plus oh yeah the whole physical abuse thing for years on end. Men like this deserve to be locked away for life without possibility of parole.[/quote07b5a33c60]
I agree though ud think w/ only a 2 mile difference it shouldnt have taken so long for her to become shall we say unconfused but I agree with everyone who thinks he should castrated with a rusty knife etc.

+karma for intelligent response


23-03-2006 18:49:41



23-03-2006 20:38:24

[quote61cf610851="Jake"]The person who abused her should be castrated with a rusty knife and then have the wound cauterized with a piece of red hot steel.[/quote61cf610851]

I had no idea that Jake had feelings.

Im jk jake, you know we all love u .


23-03-2006 20:39:55

[quoteb17423a2f9="Jake"]The person who abused her should be castrated with a rusty knife and then have the wound cauterized with a piece of red hot steel.[/quoteb17423a2f9]

I had no idea that Jake had feelings.

Im jk jake, you know we all love u .


23-03-2006 21:15:21

man... some of you guys sure are the shit.. taking shots at a 14 year old girl.. real badasses we got here. roll

on a side note.. something like this happened to that other girl who was just found a couple years ago.. gone for years.. she even heard the search and rescue teams yelling for her but said nothing because she was so badly manipulated and brainwashed by her kidnappers.

there are sickos in the world.. maybe if some of you would crawl out of your shell, you'd be mad at the guy and not the girl.


23-03-2006 21:31:26

[quote8964f0f990="JJPRO11"]on a side note.. something like this happened to that other girl who was just found a couple years ago.. gone for years.. she even heard the search and rescue teams yelling for her but said nothing because she was so badly manipulated and brainwashed by her kidnappers.[/quote8964f0f990]
That was Elizabeth Smart... happened not too far from where I'm at. The people that abducted her were religious freaks, not some sicko perv. I feel bad for any kid that gets into that situation.

The girl in this story was gone for 10 years, not 2 years. And she was 24 when she came out.


23-03-2006 21:38:39

[quotea977ef4ee9="chillywilly"][quotea977ef4ee9="JJPRO11"]on a side note.. something like this happened to that other girl who was just found a couple years ago.. gone for years.. she even heard the search and rescue teams yelling for her but said nothing because she was so badly manipulated and brainwashed by her kidnappers.[/quotea977ef4ee9]
That was Elizabeth Smart... happened not too far from where I'm at. The people that abducted her were religious freaks, not some sicko perv. I feel bad for any kid that gets into that situation.

The girl in this story was gone for 10 years, not 2 years. And she was 24 when she came out.[/quotea977ef4ee9]

different situations.. yes.. but i still find it sad to be take shots at young girls.. most on here are adults.. if you dont know the specific details in a story like this, you dont have much credibility to criticize the people involved. im sure a lot of things happened that werent printed on that story's page.


23-03-2006 21:41:06

[quote45174139bb="JJPRO11"][quote45174139bb="chillywilly"][quote45174139bb="JJPRO11"]on a side note.. something like this happened to that other girl who was just found a couple years ago.. gone for years.. she even heard the search and rescue teams yelling for her but said nothing because she was so badly manipulated and brainwashed by her kidnappers.[/quote45174139bb]
That was Elizabeth Smart... happened not too far from where I'm at. The people that abducted her were religious freaks, not some sicko perv. I feel bad for any kid that gets into that situation.

The girl in this story was gone for 10 years, not 2 years. And she was 24 when she came out.[/quote45174139bb]

different situations.. yes.. but i still find it sad to be take shots at young girls.. most on here are adults.. if you dont know the specific details in a story like this, you dont have much credibility to criticize the people involved. im sure a lot of things happened that werent printed on that story's page.[/quote45174139bb]
One second...

SHE IS A TOTAL RETARD!!! At 14 is one thing but for YEARS shes been free to do whatever. I understand she was brainwashed but she let herself [i45174139bb]get[/i45174139bb] brainwashed. I would've taken the first oppurtunity to bolt...


23-03-2006 21:49:50

[quote03fcbf8eeb="PsychoAU"]Probably Stockholm Syndrome in play there... But I didn't read the article so I don't know what the situation was...[/quote03fcbf8eeb]
What is Stockholm Syndrome?


23-03-2006 22:03:09

makes no sense


23-03-2006 23:08:14

[quote3978e290ad="Nimh"]What is Stockholm Syndrome?[/quote3978e290ad]

A definition I found on the web

[quote3978e290ad]Stockholm Syndrome describes the behavior of kidnap victims who, over time, become sympathetic to their captors. The name derives from a 1973 hostage incident in Stockholm, Sweden. At the end of six days of captivity in a bank, several kidnap victims actually resisted rescue attempts, and afterwards refused to testify against their captors.

While some people are suggesting the recent Elizabeth Smart kidnapping sounds like a case of Stockholm Syndrome, the most famous incident in the U.S. involved the kidnapped heiress Patty Hearst. Captured by a radical political group known as the Symbionese Liberation Army in 1974, Ms. Hearst eventually became an accomplice of the group, taking on an assumed name and assisting them in several bank robberies. After her re-capture, she denounced the group and her involvement.

What causes Stockholm Syndrome? Captives begin to identify with their captors initially as a defensive mechanism, out of fear of violence. Small acts of kindness by the captor are magnified, since finding perspective in a hostage situation is by definition impossible. Rescue attempts are also seen as a threat, since it's likely the captive would be injured during such attempts.

It's important to note that these symptoms occur under tremendous emotional and often physical duress. The behavior is considered a common survival strategy for victims of interpersonal abuse, and has been observed in battered spouses, abused children, prisoners of war, and concentration camp survivors. [/quote3978e290ad]


24-03-2006 13:26:35

I can understand it if was a small child, even a child of 10, but 14 is a teenager. At that age people should have the intelligence and mental capacity to understand what is going on in a situation in which they are kidnapped.

I still say it's the parent's faults.


24-03-2006 14:47:23

[quote8a329b8ee0="JJPRO11"][quote8a329b8ee0="chillywilly"]The girl in this story was gone for 10 years, not 2 years. And she was 24 when she came out.[/quote8a329b8ee0]

different situations.. yes.. but i still find it sad to be take shots at young girls.. most on here are adults.. if you dont know the specific details in a story like this, you dont have much credibility to criticize the people involved. im sure a lot of things happened that werent printed on that story's page.[/quote8a329b8ee0]
I really don't think people are taking shots at a young girl. As wolfeman mentioned in his post, I think people are shocked that someone at the age of 24 was still with this pervert. Maybe I'm lacking in the nature of being brainwashed, but if at 24, she knew that she was on some lost child list, then I think that shows she outgrew the brainwashing.

I don't think there was any sort of criticizing. It was more along the lines of "What? She's 24 and she stuck with the perv?" Regardless of knowing all the facts or not, it's that level of shock that people here were responding to.

Having a daughter that's 14, taking shots at anyone that age is not something I would do.


25-03-2006 11:05:16

14 is still too old to be so easily manipulated. I'm pretty sure most people develop common sense at 13 or so.

If she was convinced her parents didn't love her because they got divorced, they obviously didn't take the time to talk to her about why they were getting divorced.

My parents got divorced when I was 5 years old and they took the time to sit me down and explain to me that it wasn't my fault. If someone told me otherwise I'd have fucked them up, not left to live with them for the better part of my life.


26-03-2006 03:20:13

In the article I read (CNN) it did not say if her parents got divorced before or after her kidnapping. So that might not be true, and also I am 21 and am still confused with many things. I would like to think that I was smart enough to not be brainwashed at 14, but many of my friends had horrible home lives and could easily be talked into thinking that no one loved them.


26-03-2006 14:52:38

That's exactly my point—if he convinced her that her parents didn't love her, then her parents weren't nurturing enough or paying enough attention to her.


26-03-2006 22:57:50

wow... good thing cops found her right after she was kidnapped, seeing as she was only 2 blocks away from her home. cops are doing a heck of a job these days finding missing children...


27-03-2006 14:43:50

Do you expect the cops to look in every house in the town? They probably didn't expect the child to be within 100 miles of there.