anything4free down
23-03-2006 10:52:50
Is anyone able to connect the today? Seems to be down, not sure if it is just me. Thanx.
Why would I want to connect to Anything4Free?
23-03-2006 10:58:10
To complain about how awful FIPG's moderators are, of course!

http/" alt=""/"446/2341/owlooya0jv.jpg[" alt=""/img2cda66932b]
23-03-2006 10:59:28
sweet, she's is down!!
23-03-2006 11:01:19
And they have the nerve to laugh at FIPG having a slow Page Generation Time once!
23-03-2006 11:44:19
23-03-2006 11:49:06
Why didn't you post this in the A4F Technical Support forum? Wait, we don't have one...

http//[" alt=""/imge0881321ef]
23-03-2006 11:54:00
who gives a shit if they are down although it is odd A4F never goes down.....
23-03-2006 12:16:09
[quoted6edf80eb5="JennyWren"]Is anyone able to connect the today? Seems to be down, not sure if it is just me. Thanx.[/quoted6edf80eb5]
Hey baby, why don't you come here more often? We never go down shock
[quote04f143de5c="Wolfeman"][quote04f143de5c="JennyWren"]Is anyone able to connect the today? Seems to be down, not sure if it is just me. Thanx.[/quote04f143de5c]
Hey baby, why don't you come here more often? We never go down shock[/quote04f143de5c]
Now you scared her away.
23-03-2006 12:19:27
[quote5efe435b2e="Veek"][quote5efe435b2e="Wolfeman"][quote5efe435b2e="JennyWren"]Is anyone able to connect the today? Seems to be down, not sure if it is just me. Thanx.[/quote5efe435b2e]
Hey baby, why don't you come here more often? We never go down shock[/quote5efe435b2e]
Now you scared her away.[/quote5efe435b2e]
I thought I was being quite seductive. I got you here didn't I?
[quote21493c842b="Wolfeman"][quote21493c842b="Veek"][quote21493c842b="Wolfeman"][quote21493c842b="JennyWren"]Is anyone able to connect the today? Seems to be down, not sure if it is just me. Thanx.[/quote21493c842b]
Hey baby, why don't you come here more often? We never go down shock[/quote21493c842b]
Now you scared her away.[/quote21493c842b]
I thought I was being quite seductive. I got you here didn't I?[/quote21493c842b]
Touché. shock
23-03-2006 12:28:44
Sorry if I scared you JennyWren, I'm just playing. You should drop that zero (A4F) and get with a hero (FiPG) )
I'm on fire today!
23-03-2006 12:30:52
[quote80fa6311b3="Wolfeman"]Sorry if I scared you JennyWren, I'm just playing. You should drop that zero (A4F) and get with a hero (FiPG) )
I'm on fire today![/quote80fa6311b3]
Dude, there's not enough "Cool as Ice" dropped around these parts. I'm very impressed.
23-03-2006 12:51:09
No worries, fellas, I can take a few mild jabs (and give 'em back if needed). I was just curious b/c I've got a couple ongoing trades happening there and I wanted to check the status. Of course this site is better (duh) but I've gotta spread my net as wide as possible.
Try not to pick on us n00bs too much, guys. We're the only ones who can still sign up for half the stuff you need! Heh...
(You can tell I'm just jealous b/c I can't wait till I'm not at the bottom of the totem pole....)
Thanks for the continuing service/amusement/advice/expertise.
23-03-2006 12:53:43
Nice to see you have a sense of humor. You should try trading here too )
23-03-2006 12:53:47
yeah it will feel good when your not a complete n00b anymore
23-03-2006 13:20:52
[quotef484f7c760="JennyWren"]No worries, fellas, I can take a few mild jabs (and give 'em back if needed). I was just curious b/c I've got a couple ongoing trades happening there and I wanted to check the status. Of course this site is better (duh) but I've gotta spread my net as wide as possible.
Try not to pick on us n00bs too much, guys. We're the only ones who can still sign up for half the stuff you need! Heh...
(You can tell I'm just jealous b/c I can't wait till I'm not at the bottom of the totem pole....)
Thanks for the continuing service/amusement/advice/expertise.[/quotef484f7c760]
you sound hot.
i'm single.. how about you?
[quote436b012735="JennyWren"]No worries, fellas, I can take a few mild jabs (and give 'em back if needed). I was just curious b/c I've got a couple ongoing trades happening there and I wanted to check the status. Of course this site is better (duh) but I've gotta spread my net as wide as possible.
Try not to pick on us n00bs too much, guys. We're the only ones who can still sign up for half the stuff you need! Heh...
(You can tell I'm just jealous b/c I can't wait till I'm not at the bottom of the totem pole....)
Thanks for the continuing service/amusement/advice/expertise.[/quote436b012735]
bottom of the totem pole
23-03-2006 14:27:57
pwned a4f and their crap
23-03-2006 14:41:11
[quote57ca235834="JennyWren"]No worries, fellas, I can take a few mild jabs (and give 'em back if needed). I was just curious b/c I've got a couple ongoing trades happening there and I wanted to check the status. Of course this site is better (duh) but I've gotta spread my net as wide as possible.
Try not to pick on us n00bs too much, guys. We're the only ones who can still sign up for half the stuff you need! Heh...
(You can tell I'm just jealous b/c I can't wait till I'm not at the bottom of the totem pole....)
Thanks for the continuing service/amusement/advice/expertise.[/quote57ca235834]

http/" alt=""/"364/4914/owlhooters6hk.jpg[" alt=""/img57ca235834]
23-03-2006 14:55:24
lmao, cg
23-03-2006 15:39:53
FIPG just went down, what happen?
23-03-2006 15:50:31
23-03-2006 15:51:55
IRONY OVERLOAD!!!!![/quote68e6f46269]
Wahaha, I think everyone is here cuz A4F is down. Good luck reseting Msql every minute.
23-03-2006 15:58:38
Why does everyone hate Anything4free? What is that anyway?
23-03-2006 15:59:53
I wish people would just chill the fuck out and stop with the petty forum bickering.
23-03-2006 16:19:40
[quote38065b2d74="AntNg"]Why does everyone hate Anything4free? What is that anyway?[/quote38065b2d74]
Its just another forum. We are too similar so we fight. I think there are pluses and minuses to each place. I personally like FiPG and never go to A4F and I know there are people on A4F saying the same thing. The animosity is just silly shrug
FreeEnterprize Joe
23-03-2006 16:42:47
does anyone know why it is down though?
23-03-2006 16:59:39
unless twhite is posting I don't see how we could, it's still down
23-03-2006 17:02:39
It will be up shortly, we are just waiting for godaddy to fix a small issue, it was a problem on their end. Thanks for your patience, and I don't see any reason for the forum bashing, it's not necessary.
All the best,
Ouch, the irony, it stings!
23-03-2006 17:09:19
I <3 FiPG(+34) & I <3 A4F(+37)
both have helped me complete many sites. Really there is no difference but the color pattern as far as the user list of 'high TR' members are concerned most people frequent both... the reason to frequent both is primarily just fishing for newbies that happen to have stumbled into the freebie world on one board or another and then attacking them with paypal offers to do freepay and trainn sites like the savage beasts we freebie hunters are.
23-03-2006 17:18:08
I find that FIPG has more experienced users and A4F has more newbies. I don't trade as much, which is why I frequest FIPG (more intelligence). I started at A4F and switched here.
23-03-2006 17:20:32
Opinion is opinion. Can we lock this now ?
23-03-2006 17:35:23
No, this is open to discuss the A4F downtime.
Anymore forum bashing however will result in a 14 day temp-ban. Ask TylerC how he liked his when he comes back in about 3 days.
23-03-2006 17:41:22
how many times has he been temp-banned before? it seems like he's banned like once a weeks...or am i thinking of someone else?
23-03-2006 17:43:41
No you're right and he is on his last warning. He does it again or anything to cause another temp-ban, it will be a permanent ban.
Soo what's there to discuss?
23-03-2006 18:24:49
[quotecbe2dc10cc="Gigante"]I find that FIPG has more experienced users and A4F has more newbies. I don't trade as much, which is why I frequest FIPG (more intelligence). I started at A4F and switched here.[/quotecbe2dc10cc]
Didn't you have to switch because you got banned from A4F?
23-03-2006 18:33:32
[quoteac12bd6b00="theysayjump"]I wish people would just chill the fuck out and stop with the petty forum bickering.[/quoteac12bd6b00]
I agree. I don't understand why there is all the hate.
Especially while Duke just lost )
23-03-2006 18:35:22
[quoteba5685c73f="emoney"][quoteba5685c73f="theysayjump"]I wish people would just chill the fuck out and stop with the petty forum bickering.[/quoteba5685c73f]
I agree. I don't understand why there is all the hate.
Especially while Duke just lost )[/quoteba5685c73f]
The thing I like about the A4F Mods/Admins is the fact that their avatars are actually pictures of themselves.
23-03-2006 18:39:27
[quote554367e448="theysayjump"]No you're right and he is on his last warning. He does it again or anything to cause another temp-ban, it will be a permanent ban.[/quote554367e448]
/me daydreams about that day and fantasizes(sp?) about the forums past before the days of some people

http//[" alt=""/img554367e448]
23-03-2006 18:56:58
[quote1af02b31bc="CongaMail"][quote1af02b31bc="Gigante"]I find that FIPG has more experienced users and A4F has more newbies. I don't trade as much, which is why I frequest FIPG (more intelligence). I started at A4F and switched here.[/quote1af02b31bc]
Didn't you have to switch because you got banned from A4F?[/quote1af02b31bc]
I was never banned from A4F. I still post there sometimes and have like 300 posts or something.
23-03-2006 19:58:53
lol, tsj, is it just me or do u do most of the banning in this forum?
23-03-2006 20:02:20
That's because tsj is a thug.
23-03-2006 20:05:23
I'm no ordinary thug, I'm a fricken E-Thug bitches!
Its down alright...So I came here. )
23-03-2006 20:11:50
You won't regret it.
23-03-2006 20:18:42
Stroid is the banner... TSJ just fronts

http/" alt=""/"84/8427/tongue00154kq.gif[" alt=""/img9e6d009a09]
23-03-2006 20:23:05
[quotea5020385d7="theysayjump"]You won't regret it.[/quotea5020385d7]
becareful though, high exposure to FIPG forums may lead to addiction. Psychiatric Therapy will be needed. If so, then side affects may include you to be called "Post Whore", "Googler", or "Addict". You may have a dream with Jake in it or various impulses to create worthless threads about worthless things that you found entertaining on the internet. If Severe side effects such as posting "O RLY, YA RLY, and No WAI" owls(or exclaiming such in real life situations) ensues please seek immediate medical attention.
Note May Result In Ban
i see my thread was closed. I see why aguy is a wanna be moderator and not a mod, as he criticized me for not searching when in fact my thread was posted 5.5 hrs before this one.
anyway, a4f is still down.
23-03-2006 20:51:14
[quote14a6a5330d="PoPoJiJo"][quote14a6a5330d="theysayjump"]No you're right and he is on his last warning. He does it again or anything to cause another temp-ban, it will be a permanent ban.[/quote14a6a5330d]
/me daydreams about that day and fantasizes(sp?) about the forums past before the days of some people

http//[" alt=""/img14a6a5330d][/quote14a6a5330d]
You know I'm so hot...
edit huh?
[quotedc6055466a="emoney"][quotedc6055466a="PoPoJiJo"][quotedc6055466a="theysayjump"]No you're right and he is on his last warning. He does it again or anything to cause another temp-ban, it will be a permanent ban.[/quotedc6055466a]
/me daydreams about that day and fantasizes(sp?) about the forums past before the days of some people

http//[" alt=""/imgdc6055466a][/quotedc6055466a]
You know I'm so hot...
edit huh?[/quotedc6055466a]
hey emoney
I seem u from A4F, do u know whats wrong with the site???
23-03-2006 21:03:23
It should've been fixed by now... I dunno eh.
Texas wins baby!!! )
23-03-2006 22:22:08
man where's twhite... we haven't seen him since the last downtime.
23-03-2006 22:23:16
[quote288702f6ea="doylnea"]man where's twhite... we haven't seen him since the last downtime.[/quote288702f6ea]
23-03-2006 22:24:33
[quoteda8079385b="Veek"][quoteda8079385b="Wolfeman"][quoteda8079385b="JennyWren"]Is anyone able to connect the today? Seems to be down, not sure if it is just me. Thanx.[/quoteda8079385b]
Hey baby, why don't you come here more often? We never go down shock[/quoteda8079385b]
Now you scared her away.[/quoteda8079385b]
you guys are awful!!! [ida8079385b]thats why us girls have our own girl forum!![/ida8079385b] jp (not really)
23-03-2006 22:28:02
you guys are awful!!! [i6cb943be13]thats why us girls have our own girl forum!![/i6cb943be13] jp (not really)[/quote6cb943be13]
You'd still have to come here to find out how to turn the iPod on... shrug
23-03-2006 22:36:00
you guys are awful!!! [iddf32ca3f7]thats why us girls have our own girl forum!![/iddf32ca3f7] jp (not really)[/quoteddf32ca3f7]
You'd still have to come here to find out how to turn the iPod on... shrug[/quoteddf32ca3f7]
yes, if it makes u feel more manly, i'll be sure to pm you first thing when i get my ipod! shock
24-03-2006 00:02:45
you guys are awful!!! [idc12c6d3c9]thats why us girls have our own girl forum!![/idc12c6d3c9] jp (not really)[/quotedc12c6d3c9]
You'd still have to come here to find out how to turn the iPod on... shrug[/quotedc12c6d3c9]
yes, if it makes u feel more manly, i'll be sure to pm you first thing when i get my iPod! shock[/quotedc12c6d3c9]
roll OH Burn? roll
A4F is still down!
I find that it seems a lot of banned A4F members hang out here....
But Yes The MOD here and there are all very wise and help, and i love that i don't have to edit me fucking swear words...
24-03-2006 00:05:01
You spelt [b4ca9b35922]country[/b4ca9b35922] wrong in your location in your profile. ;)
24-03-2006 00:08:47
[quote731f063268="johnjimjones"]You spelt [b731f063268]country[/b731f063268] wrong in your location in your profile. ;)[/quote731f063268]
Big woop, wanna fight about it!
24-03-2006 00:20:49
while I'm at it, in your signature you said, (choose TV over check!) " It should be chose instead of choose. D I'm being such a jerk. D
24-03-2006 06:12:53
[quote0743601be2]Hey Trevor,
The domain will be down for another 24-48 hours while the DNS
propagates around to the name servers. I just got off the phone with GoDaddy again this morning and there is nothing they can do to make it go faster. I hope it gets back up today. This is crazy.
- Wes
Just an update for all of you. Sorry about this (
24-03-2006 06:55:03
you guys are awful!!! [id94203a8c8]thats why us girls have our own girl forum!![/id94203a8c8] jp (not really)[/quoted94203a8c8]
You'd still have to come here to find out how to turn the iPod on... shrug[/quoted94203a8c8]
roll Quiet, Corey #2
24-03-2006 06:56:22
you guys are awful!!! [i327746efb0]thats why us girls have our own girl forum!![/i327746efb0] jp (not really)[/quote327746efb0]
You'd still have to come here to find out how to turn the iPod on... shrug[/quote327746efb0]
roll Quiet, Corey #2[/quote327746efb0]
As long as the pink case and tassles don't get in the way, and no glitter or sequins get in the click wheel... lol
24-03-2006 07:02:08
you guys are awful!!! [i1f25a1b7d9]thats why us girls have our own girl forum!![/i1f25a1b7d9] jp (not really)[/quote1f25a1b7d9]
You'd still have to come here to find out how to turn the iPod on... shrug[/quote1f25a1b7d9]
roll Quiet, Corey #2[/quote1f25a1b7d9]
As long as the pink case and tassles don't get in the way, and no glitter or sequins get in the click wheel... lol[/quote1f25a1b7d9]
My case is purple. PURPLE[/color1f25a1b7d9]! The only tassles in my house are.... elsewhere.
24-03-2006 07:06:41

http/" alt=""/"394/2507/owlpervert0xk.jpg[" alt=""/img3e25def194]
24-03-2006 07:07:21
24-03-2006 07:09:09

http/" alt=""/"394/2507/owlpervert0xk.jpg[" alt=""/img6093e6b137][/quote6093e6b137]
[url==http//img="][img6093e6b137]http/" alt=""/"142/5161/ashamed4ck.jpg[" alt=""/img6093e6b137][=http//img="][img6093e6b137]http/" alt=""/"142/5161/ashamed4ck.jpg[" alt=""/img6093e6b137][/url]
Wait a second.... No, no I'm not! I was thinking of the tassels on our curtains!
24-03-2006 07:15:04
[quotec2dead26e7="twhite567"][quotec2dead26e7]Hey Trevor,
The domain will be down for another 24-48 hours while the DNS
propagates around to the name servers. I just got off the phone with GoDaddy again this morning and there is nothing they can do to make it go faster. I hope it gets back up today. This is crazy.
- Wes
Just an update for all of you. Sorry about this ([/quotec2dead26e7]
It makes me want to cry and it's my birthday! I was looking forward to seeing it at the bottom of A4F (sniffle)
24-03-2006 07:16:57
HAPPY B-DAY!!! you can't say noone remembered wink
24-03-2006 07:17:55
[quote1161168422="egyptianruin"][quote1161168422="twhite567"][quote1161168422]Hey Trevor,
The domain will be down for another 24-48 hours while the DNS
propagates around to the name servers. I just got off the phone with GoDaddy again this morning and there is nothing they can do to make it go faster. I hope it gets back up today. This is crazy.
- Wes
Just an update for all of you. Sorry about this ([/quote1161168422]
It makes me want to cry and it's my birthday! I was looking forward to seeing it at the bottom of A4F (sniffle)[/quote1161168422]
I sent you the more personalized FiPG birthday greeting! D
EDIT While looking at the upcoming birthdays, does anyone else see a certain special one coming up???
[b1161168422]DLF will be turning 22 soon! o [/b1161168422]
A4F still down....oh well.
24-03-2006 08:58:39
roll Quiet, Corey #2[/quoted7b53dbc79]

http//[" alt=""/imgd7b53dbc79]
24-03-2006 09:10:59
roll Quiet, Corey #2[/quote4b52a0b725]

http//[" alt=""/img4b52a0b725][/quote4b52a0b725]That is a great emoticon. Oh and I got my Gevalia coffee a few days ago. [img="4b52a0b725]http//[" alt=""/img4b52a0b725]
24-03-2006 09:30:07
yeah and fitting in the A4F thread
the first time I posted there I saw it, and uploaded it over here for us, cause I knew it needed to be used on a semi-daily basis

http//[" alt=""/imgcc0521addf]

http//[" alt=""/img4ebbb56754]
shock wink D 8)
24-03-2006 11:25:33

http//[" alt=""/img526dd7add6]
shock wink D 8)[/quote526dd7add6]
lol So kind. Funny, but unkind.
24-03-2006 11:28:49

http//[" alt=""/img7d466c4a6e]
24-03-2006 11:41:02
24-03-2006 12:07:38
you guys are awful!!! [ifb942e5879]thats why us girls have our own girl forum!![/ifb942e5879] jp (not really)[/quotefb942e5879]
You'd still have to come here to find out how to turn the iPod on... shrug[/quotefb942e5879]
roll Quiet, Corey #2[/quotefb942e5879]
As long as the pink case and tassles don't get in the way, and no glitter or sequins get in the click wheel... lol[/quotefb942e5879]
there's nothing wrong with a pink ipod
24-03-2006 15:36:42
Anyone that I'm currently in trades with, please hang in there until the site comes back online.
24-03-2006 15:48:00
[quotebad0241f18="Wolfeman"]Stroid is the banner... TSJ just fronts

http/" alt=""/"84/8427/tongue00154kq.gif[" alt=""/imgbad0241f18][/quotebad0241f18] yeah thats kinda true but only with good reason
24-03-2006 15:58:29
i imagine whats a4f doing now

http//[" alt=""/img272dc61195]
24-03-2006 16:26:02
[quote0da1d4ba0e="TheDigitalSaint"]Anyone that I'm currently in trades with, please hang in there until the site comes back online.[/quote0da1d4ba0e]I'm pretty sure they really don't care since they can't access the site either.
24-03-2006 16:27:31
[quote1d27772c87="bullseye4u"]i imagine whats a4f doing now

http//[" alt=""/img1d27772c87][/quote1d27772c87]
I don't know why, but that made me chuckle. Don't expect it to happen again...
24-03-2006 17:13:50
a4f always goes down every 4 months, lol lol
24-03-2006 17:52:03
[quoted2dcaadc3b="Iloveipods2"]a4f always goes down every 4 days, lol lol[/quoted2dcaadc3b]
24-03-2006 19:27:29
I like both this site and a4f... no reason to hate each other. we're all about the same thing, getting free stuff.
[quote4c9c3f1317="45udogg"]I like both this site and a4f... no reason to hate each other. we're all about the same thing, getting free stuff.[/quote4c9c3f1317] need for competition
24-03-2006 19:44:22
Oi lav you all, but yoar all fackin' mad!
24-03-2006 19:50:06
[quote3868b6c93f="egyptianruin"][quote3868b6c93f="twhite567"][quote3868b6c93f]Hey Trevor,
The domain will be down for another 24-48 hours while the DNS
propagates around to the name servers. I just got off the phone with GoDaddy again this morning and there is nothing they can do to make it go faster. I hope it gets back up today. This is crazy.
- Wes
Just an update for all of you. Sorry about this ([/quote3868b6c93f]
It makes me want to cry and it's my birthday! I was looking forward to seeing it at the bottom of A4F (sniffle)[/quote3868b6c93f]
you can see the b-day at the bottom of FiPG.. and happy birthday!!
24-03-2006 20:53:10
A4F should be back within the next 24 hours. We really can't do anything else to get it back up, it's up to GoDaddy now so everyone please control your withdrawl symptoms from not being able to trade/post. )
24-03-2006 22:07:04
Thanks Jkirk for the heads up. I got your text messages, hopefully we'll be able to finish our trades shortly.
24-03-2006 22:35:40
[quotec36bd7e357="JKirk"]A4F should be back within the next 24 hours. We really can't do anything else to get it back up, it's up to GoDaddy now so everyone please control your withdrawl symptoms from not being able to trade/post. )[/quotec36bd7e357]
Yes, unfortunately godaddy caused this whole thing and it's a large has nothing to do w/the server.
24-03-2006 22:42:32
Hopefully it's sooner rather than later. I can't wait to get away from here. Ugh.
[quote08c694cfe6="theysayjump"]Hopefully it's sooner rather than later. I can't wait to get away from here. Ugh.[/quote08c694cfe6]
lol wink
24-03-2006 23:01:27
where is fusinocash on the legit site list by the way? I was going to check that the other day, but alas the site was down
FreeEnterprize Joe
24-03-2006 23:52:37
doesnt godaddy have a 99.9% uptime guarantee? I wonder if this is more than .1% downtime... if so.... don't you get something for free???
25-03-2006 07:32:57
my preliminary cospiracy theory is that Freepay has paid Wes off to delete the site so traders will have trouble finishing their sites before the deadline. It is still a theory at this point... I guess -\
25-03-2006 09:00:48
[quotea352fc43c7="toebash"]doesnt godaddy have a 99.9% uptime guarantee? I wonder if this is more than .1% downtime... if so.... don't you get something for free???
-Joe[/quotea352fc43c7]I'm sure A4F will get some compensation for the long downtime.
25-03-2006 09:25:29
[quote35fb4b7bb2="toebash"]doesnt godaddy have a 99.9% uptime guarantee? I wonder if this is more than .1% downtime... if so.... don't you get something for free???
Isn't that if the whole GoDaddy server goes down or is it just one site they host?
PS If you read this post, please do not ask me on AIM. I post all updates that I know (which isn't much) here for the time being. )
25-03-2006 10:39:31
couldnt we just get a temporary domain? like
25-03-2006 10:40:56
[quotee6a22a07c6="saudm89"]couldnt we just get a temporary domain? like[/quotee6a22a07c6]
Go for it lol
25-03-2006 10:59:16
[quoteaea431736d="toebash"]doesnt godaddy have a 99.9% uptime guarantee? I wonder if this is more than .1% downtime... if so.... don't you get something for free???
haha, a site about getting free stuff, that's getting free stuff!
25-03-2006 11:13:26
Gah, still down. (
25-03-2006 12:12:16
A4F and FiPg should join forces and make the largest freebie trading site EVER. Which site has a larger user base anyways?
25-03-2006 12:19:49
[quote4c1690a7d2="amir89630"]A4F and FiPg should join forces and make the largest freebie trading site EVER. Which site has a larger user base anyways?[/quote4c1690a7d2]
25-03-2006 12:28:57
[quote9952b04e1c="amir89630"]A4F and FiPg should join forces and make the largest freebie trading site EVER. Which site has a larger user base anyways?[/quote9952b04e1c]
FIPG does by about 1000 members. This is really annoying that the site is still down. Some people can access it, but not most.
25-03-2006 12:47:32
[quote68d03ffabe="amir89630"]Which site has a larger user base anyways?[/quote68d03ffabe]
[quote68d03ffabe="FiPG"]We have 8319 registered users[/quote68d03ffabe]
25-03-2006 13:22:57
The work involved in having one huge freebie "conglomerate" would be immense.
I've sometimes thought of a joint scammers site where the FiPG and A4F staff can convene and share their knowledge of scammers on their respective sites. D
25-03-2006 14:16:41
[quotee868331f11="theysayjump"]The work involved in having one huge freebie "conglomerate" would be immense.
I've sometimes thought of a joint scammers site where the FiPG and A4F staff can convene and share their knowledge of scammers on their respective sites. D[/quotee868331f11]
That'd be a good idea rather than both of the sites having a scammers section. IE Both of our scammers section forums will direct link over to that site or something similar.
25-03-2006 20:44:54
[quotea118842b4d="GCY"]any1 got an update????[/quotea118842b4d]
if you still cant access it, its probably still down. Thats just my guess.
25-03-2006 23:57:38
[quote7c34415d16="double0civicsi"][quote7c34415d16="GCY"]any1 got an update????[/quote7c34415d16]
if you still cant access it, its probably still down. Thats just my guess.[/quote7c34415d16]
not true, some people can access it, but most cant )
26-03-2006 03:11:10
for all us freepay customers with pending trades on a4f and a fucken time limit this could be fairly damaging, anyone wishing to trade I need psps.freepay plz pm me. Mayb I will ditch A4f and come join this posse ;)
26-03-2006 05:10:31
[quote235d5eac14="Maximus"]for all us freepay customers with pending trades on a4f and a fucken time limit this could be fairly damaging, anyone wishing to trade I need psps.freepay plz pm me. Mayb I will ditch A4f and come join this posse ;)[/quote235d5eac14]
thhhehehe ur avtar is funni
that sucks if some can access it and others cant. been waiting to say i went green on a conga since I woke up thursday morning
26-03-2006 08:04:28
[quote0800965e20="jy3"]that sucks if some can access it and others cant. been waiting to say i went green on a conga since I woke up thursday morning[/quote0800965e20]
It's highly unlikely anyone will get in front of you because only a few people can access the site right now. I know I can't on 2 different IP's so I don't know how that's possible. We were supposed to have the domain up a few hours ago but it's not looking so hot and I have no clue what the hold up is.
26-03-2006 09:06:29
Sorry for the double post, but I'm able to access A4F and I was wondering if it was up for everyone?
Quick link
26-03-2006 09:12:08
[quote4bdc977f08="JKirk"]Sorry for the double post, but I'm able to access A4F and I was wondering if it was up for everyone?
Quick link[/quote4bdc977f08]
Yay finally works for me.....Although I'm not a big fan of A4F lol
26-03-2006 09:33:14
up for me....
It was up for like 10 mintues and..................down again.
26-03-2006 09:37:02
I'm banning everyone posting in this thread with less then 50 posts on FIG.
can someone do me a favor and go to the new trainn desktop site's conga and post that i went green on wednesday (jy3)
26-03-2006 10:02:19
If you guys cant get in. Go to
You can log in and everything. Thats how I got in
26-03-2006 10:02:35
can someone do me a favor and go to the new trainn desktop site's conga and post that i went green on wednesday (jy3)
I posted and added you to the conga.
PS Thanks for allowing us to communicate here, FIPG.
thanks jkirk )
hope i got in as early as i would have thursday ) if not the greens will come anyway. i appreciate your help
[quotec9e2c70c12="bballp6699"]I'm banning everyone posting in this thread with less then 50 posts on FIG.[/quotec9e2c70c12]
I like this idea. wink
26-03-2006 11:20:48
[quote2bd63ac233="bballp6699"]I'm banning everyone posting in this thread with less then 50 posts on FIG.[/quote2bd63ac233]
oh crap, shock
26-03-2006 12:41:14
bballp6699 has banning powers?
26-03-2006 12:57:06
[quote25966cc340="Th3Great1"]bballp6699 has banning powers?[/quote25966cc340]
No he just thinks he does roll
26-03-2006 12:57:49
No he doesn't. If he did, there would be nobody left on the forum. wink
A4F works for me now. See ya FiPG.

http//[" alt=""/img68e30ffcc2]
26-03-2006 13:39:23
[quoteee5d2cdbfa="theysayjump"]No he doesn't. If he did, there would be nobody left on the forum. wink
A4F works for me now. See ya FiPG.

http//[" alt=""/imgee5d2cdbfa][/quoteee5d2cdbfa]
There is a sudden quiet in the forum.... as if 10,000 posts screamed in terror, and then were gone...
26-03-2006 13:40:36
10,286 (as of now). wink
i was able to access the site earlier, around dinner time )
26-03-2006 18:47:59
[quote3dc2b5f973="Wolfeman"][quote3dc2b5f973="Th3Great1"]bballp6699 has banning powers?[/quote3dc2b5f973]
No he just thinks he does roll[/quote3dc2b5f973]
That's what you think...
26-03-2006 18:55:54
b/c A4F was down, i got attached here. now i can't go back.
26-03-2006 18:59:27
[quote5f814c7287="shopaholic"]b/c A4F was down, i got attached here. now i can't go back.[/quote5f814c7287]
wise decision...stay here 8)
26-03-2006 19:04:58
[quote9fa7ecdfed="shopaholic"]b/c A4F was down, i got attached here. now i can't go back.[/quote9fa7ecdfed]Beauty and brains? This is too much D
26-03-2006 19:06:34
[quote1f1400f5b2="AndrewForge"][quote1f1400f5b2="shopaholic"]b/c A4F was down, i got attached here. now i can't go back.[/quote1f1400f5b2]
wise decision...stay here 8)[/quote1f1400f5b2]
ditto, a4f people seem to jump down everyone's throat at any single chance they get. What I like about here, is people don't flame as much. a4f has a flame comment on 1 out of 4 threads it seems shrug
26-03-2006 19:09:36
[quoteb88ee8e965="Iloveipods2"][quoteb88ee8e965="AndrewForge"][quoteb88ee8e965="shopaholic"]b/c A4F was down, i got attached here. now i can't go back.[/quoteb88ee8e965]
wise decision...stay here 8)[/quoteb88ee8e965]
ditto, a4f people seem to jump down everyone's throat at any single chance they get. What I like about here, is people don't flame as much. a4f has a flame comment on 1 out of 4 threads it seems shrug[/quoteb88ee8e965]Each site has their "ups and downs" that varies from person to person. I'm just stopping another breakout of the forum wars.
26-03-2006 19:10:33
[quoteb5a94a1ed4="Iloveipods2"][quoteb5a94a1ed4="AndrewForge"][quoteb5a94a1ed4="shopaholic"]b/c A4F was down, i got attached here. now i can't go back.[/quoteb5a94a1ed4]
wise decision...stay here 8)[/quoteb5a94a1ed4]
ditto, a4f people seem to jump down everyone's throat at any single chance they get. What I like about here, is people don't flame as much. a4f has a flame comment on 1 out of 4 threads it seems shrug[/quoteb5a94a1ed4]
shock You've been here for a year and consider there to be less twats here?
26-03-2006 19:21:29
Fucking twats.
26-03-2006 19:27:29
[quoteb9117317ec="theysayjump"][quoteb9117317ec="Iloveipods2"][quoteb9117317ec="AndrewForge"][quoteb9117317ec="shopaholic"]b/c A4F was down, i got attached here. now i can't go back.[/quoteb9117317ec]
wise decision...stay here 8)[/quoteb9117317ec]
ditto, a4f people seem to jump down everyone's throat at any single chance they get. What I like about here, is people don't flame as much. a4f has a flame comment on 1 out of 4 threads it seems shrug[/quoteb9117317ec]
shock You've been here for a year and consider there to be less twats here?[/quoteb9117317ec]
lol lol you're right, not less twats, just more twats that know how to surpress their twat-ige.
27-03-2006 00:18:27
I just started the freebie stuff, and i'm usually not active on the forum but...
this weekend i had stuff i wanted to post up and luck has it that a4f is down. so i guess it's meant to be! i confess.. i do have a sn there before this one. i have 3 tr there though. heee
anyways ppl here are real nice and helpful (and funny, i must admit), so i am attached. haha