The one guy you'd. . .
18-03-2006 23:33:43
turn gay for. I know I don't post much but I thought this would be a fun post. Post the one guy you'd turn gay for. Mine would be, England's own David Beckham.

http//[" alt=""/img59caf43ac9]
18-03-2006 23:34:34
he does look gay... but there is no fucking way I would turn gay for any guy... shrug how bout a girl you'd cheat on your girlfriend thread shrug
18-03-2006 23:37:25
[quotef6f761e4c3="tjwor"]he does look gay... but there is no fucking way I would turn gay for any guy... shrug how bout a girl you'd cheat on your girlfriend thread shrug[/quotef6f761e4c3]
we'll save that for some other time -)
18-03-2006 23:38:36
[quote86d14ff958="aguy"]WHAT THE FUCK[/quote86d14ff958]
don't act like you've never seen someone and thought to yourself, "You know what, If I were gay I would be all over that guy."
18-03-2006 23:38:37
Well then...I'm not sure how one voluntarily "turns" gay...but if you say so.
18-03-2006 23:38:58
[quotefe5f4be6a5="aguy"]WHAT THE FUCK[/quotefe5f4be6a5]
haha, that was my initial response, but thought I should add more... you did hit the nail on teh head tho!
18-03-2006 23:39:01
[quote82ea4623a8="bickman00"]I know I don't post much but[/quote82ea4623a8]
Evidently there's a very good reason for that.
Personally I'd turn gay for bballp6699, but I know he'd never have me. cry
Why bball, WHY??!!
[quote30d91d84a5="bickman00"][quote30d91d84a5="aguy"]WHAT THE FUCK[/quote30d91d84a5]
don't act like you've never seen someone and thought to yourself, "You know what, If I were gay I would be all over that guy."[/quote30d91d84a5]
I can 100% honestly say I have never ever felt this way. If you would go gay for one guy... im sure you would do it for more
theres nothing worse than a closet gay.. so annoying
18-03-2006 23:43:01
[quote691643bb41="aguy"][quote691643bb41="bickman00"][quote691643bb41="aguy"]WHAT THE FUCK[/quote691643bb41]
don't act like you've never seen someone and thought to yourself, "You know what, If I were gay I would be all over that guy."[/quote691643bb41]
I can 100% honestly say I have never ever felt this way. If you would go gay for one guy... im sure you would do it for more
theres nothing worse than a closet gay.. so annoying[/quote691643bb41]
Exactly, it would take Millions of $'s for me to even think about it... and thats not even saying I'd do it for that...
18-03-2006 23:50:10
I take back every statement I have made...

http//[" alt=""/img96d806d8c6]
OMG shamash is back!!!111
18-03-2006 23:56:05
This wasn't a smart thread to make.
18-03-2006 23:57:36

http/" alt=""/"54/2935/lostmatthewfoxwideweb430x3294a.jpg[" alt=""/img3d5e2032ea]
in about a quarter of a second
19-03-2006 00:06:13
You guys are so gay now...Brad Pitt...pre Jolie.
19-03-2006 09:26:56
[quote43bfd73565="drummer_kew_03"]You guys are so gay now...Brad Pitt...pre Jolie.[/quote43bfd73565] Thinking the same thing. If i had to choose one guy he'd be the man.
19-03-2006 10:52:30

http//[" alt=""/img4c80b29f5c]
He is soo sexy... lol
19-03-2006 10:54:54
fucking worst thread ever..
19-03-2006 11:35:22

http/" alt=""/"54/2935/lostmatthewfoxwideweb430x3294a.jpg[" alt=""/imgd1469eb96e]
in about a quarter of a second[/quoted1469eb96e]
lol lol wink P Awesome answer
19-03-2006 11:39:44
I don't even think I could turn gay, that is like EWWWW!
19-03-2006 11:43:36
I'm a Hurley man myself. )
19-03-2006 11:47:09
[quoteabcf1eda06="theysayjump"]I'm a Hurley man myself. )[/quoteabcf1eda06]
Hey there's more to love! D
19-03-2006 19:04:57
I dont know if this counts but...If I were a dude I'd turn gay for Ryan Reynolds

http//[" alt=""/img6803803873]
[quote0d081b1542="kt006"]I dont know if this counts but...If I were a dude I'd turn gay for Ryan Reynolds

http//[" alt=""/img0d081b1542]
hes my favorite actor.. i still wouldnt go gay for him
damn i never knew he was in that good of shape
19-03-2006 19:35:24
[quote14c27e1e81="theysayjump"][quote14c27e1e81="bickman00"]I know I don't post much but[/quote14c27e1e81]
Evidently there's a very good reason for that.
Personally I'd turn gay for bballp6699, but I know he'd never have me. cry
Why bball, WHY??!![/quote14c27e1e81]
If I gave some to you I'd have to bring enough for the whole class.
19-03-2006 19:37:05
[quotea37fc01a86="aguy"][quotea37fc01a86="kt006"]I dont know if this counts but...If I were a dude I'd turn gay for Ryan Reynolds

http//[" alt=""/imga37fc01a86]
hes my favorite actor.. i still wouldnt go gay for him
damn i never knew he was in that good of shape[/quotea37fc01a86]
That has to be photoshopped.
19-03-2006 19:45:41

http//[" alt=""/img94557e1893]
He is soo sexy... lol[/quote94557e1893]
I concur!
19-03-2006 19:45:47
[quotea0f5b1b111="johnjimjones"][quotea0f5b1b111="aguy"][quotea0f5b1b111="kt006"]I dont know if this counts but...If I were a dude I'd turn gay for Ryan Reynolds

http//[" alt=""/imga0f5b1b111]
hes my favorite actor.. i still wouldnt go gay for him
damn i never knew he was in that good of shape[/quotea0f5b1b111]
That has to be photoshopped.[/quotea0f5b1b111]
There's probably some touch ups, but no he really is that ripped.
[quote44dbbf6a73="drummer_kew_03"][quote44dbbf6a73="johnjimjones"][quote44dbbf6a73="aguy"][quote44dbbf6a73="kt006"]I dont know if this counts but...If I were a dude I'd turn gay for Ryan Reynolds

http//[" alt=""/img44dbbf6a73]
hes my favorite actor.. i still wouldnt go gay for him
damn i never knew he was in that good of shape[/quote44dbbf6a73]
That has to be photoshopped.[/quote44dbbf6a73]
There's probably some touch ups, but no he really is that ripped.[/quote44dbbf6a73]
he was kinda chubby in just friends and in van wilder
19-03-2006 20:05:00
^^^That is chuck norris body I believe...^^
19-03-2006 20:37:45
[quote01992e5123="johnjimjones"][quote01992e5123="aguy"][quote01992e5123="kt006"]I dont know if this counts but...If I were a dude I'd turn gay for Ryan Reynolds

http//[" alt=""/img01992e5123]
hes my favorite actor.. i still wouldnt go gay for him
damn i never knew he was in that good of shape[/quote01992e5123]
That has to be photoshopped.[/quote01992e5123]
I just saw Waiting and that looks basically the same, except it does seem photoshopped because he wasnt that hairy....
19-03-2006 22:20:02
[quote10324abb08="johnjimjones"][quote10324abb08="aguy"][quote10324abb08="kt006"]I dont know if this counts but...If I were a dude I'd turn gay for Ryan Reynolds

http//[" alt=""/img10324abb08]
hes my favorite actor.. i still wouldnt go gay for him
damn i never knew he was in that good of shape[/quote10324abb08]
That has to be photoshopped.[/quote10324abb08]
i remember watching a documentary about blade trinity and he said he got really in shape for the role, so that IS how he looked for that role.
19-03-2006 22:32:52
It's times like these when I wish -Karma was still around roll .
It seems like everyone here is turning gay or bi. I'm not even going to get started on the subject, But it seems like to comes up on every single thread.
[b6476a6c239]What ever happend to men likeing women ? [/b6476a6c239]
[quote5f20fc1683="JordanE"]It's times like these when I wish -Karma was still around roll .
It seems like everyone here is turning gay or bi. I'm not even going to get started on the subject, But it seems like to comes up on every single thread.
[b5f20fc1683]What ever happend to men likeing women ? [/b5f20fc1683][/quote5f20fc1683]
It's called having an educated and open-minded discussion. And we don't know about you, no one is "turning" gay or bi. And yes, sometimes that -KMA button does come in handy. is around, but apparently not everyone uses it.
19-03-2006 22:36:57
Veek has gone gay
19-03-2006 22:40:48
[quote8d9b73a196="akalic"]Veek has gone gay[/quote8d9b73a196]
I don't think he was ever straight while being a member of FiPG.
[quote22f869a2fc="JordanE"][quote22f869a2fc="akalic"]Veek has gone gay[/quote22f869a2fc]
I don't think he was ever straight while being a member of FiPG.[/quote22f869a2fc]
You're wrong. I decided to "turn" gay once I got to the forums.
19-03-2006 22:42:34
Its the new trend anyways, gays are turning into a joke, unfortunately..
19-03-2006 22:43:47
[quote6825e41a58="Veek"][quote6825e41a58="JordanE"]It's times like these when I wish -Karma was still around roll .
It seems like everyone here is turning gay or bi. I'm not even going to get started on the subject, But it seems like to comes up on every single thread.
I wouldn't call talking about what guy you would turn gay for an educated
[b6825e41a58]What ever happend to men likeing women ? [/b6825e41a58][/quote6825e41a58]
It's called having an educated and open-minded discussion. And we don't know about you, no one is "turning" gay or bi. And yes, sometimes that -KMA button does come in handy. is around, but apparently not everyone uses it.[/quote6825e41a58]
I wouldn't call talking about what guy you would turn gay for an educated discussion.
[quote1ad385a46d="JordanE"][quote1ad385a46d="Veek"][quote1ad385a46d="JordanE"]It's times like these when I wish -Karma was still around roll .
It seems like everyone here is turning gay or bi. I'm not even going to get started on the subject, But it seems like to comes up on every single thread.
I wouldn't call talking about what guy you would turn gay for an educated
[b1ad385a46d]What ever happend to men likeing women ? [/b1ad385a46d][/quote1ad385a46d]
It's called having an educated and open-minded discussion. And we don't know about you, no one is "turning" gay or bi. And yes, sometimes that -KMA button does come in handy. is around, but apparently not everyone uses it.[/quote1ad385a46d]
I wouldn't call talking about what guy you would turn gay for an educated discussion.[/quote1ad385a46d]
Educated in the sense of being able to discuss a topic without being sterotypical.
I don't feel you're worth debating with. Have a good night.
19-03-2006 22:48:16
[quotef338c0338d="Veek"][quotef338c0338d="JordanE"][quotef338c0338d="akalic"]Veek has gone gay[/quotef338c0338d]
I don't think he was ever straight while being a member of FiPG.[/quotef338c0338d]
You're wrong. I decided to "turn" gay once I got to the forums.[/quotef338c0338d]
So, are you totally gay or bi? I understand that guys can be attracted to guys. I don't agree with it, but whatever. I'm just wondering how someone can not be attracted to women. It just doesn't compute in my mind.
19-03-2006 22:48:38
[quoteee502220d9="Veek"][quoteee502220d9="JordanE"][quoteee502220d9="Veek"][quoteee502220d9="JordanE"]It's times like these when I wish -Karma was still around roll .
It seems like everyone here is turning gay or bi. I'm not even going to get started on the subject, But it seems like to comes up on every single thread.
I wouldn't call talking about what guy you would turn gay for an educated
[bee502220d9]What ever happend to men likeing women ? [/bee502220d9][/quoteee502220d9]
It's called having an educated and open-minded discussion. And we don't know about you, no one is "turning" gay or bi. And yes, sometimes that -KMA button does come in handy. is around, but apparently not everyone uses it.[/quoteee502220d9]
I wouldn't call talking about what guy you would turn gay for an educated discussion.[/quoteee502220d9]
Educated in the sense of being able to discuss a topic without being sterotypical.
I don't feel you're worth debating with. Have a good night.[/quoteee502220d9]
And I feel the same about you. Sweet dreams.
20-03-2006 08:00:31
[quote7b8ce1a058="aguy"][quote7b8ce1a058="bickman00"][quote7b8ce1a058="aguy"]WHAT THE FUCK[/quote7b8ce1a058]
don't act like you've never seen someone and thought to yourself, "You know what, If I were gay I would be all over that guy."[/quote7b8ce1a058]
I can 100% honestly say I have never ever felt this way. If you would go gay for one guy... im sure you would do it for more
theres nothing worse than a closet gay.. so annoying[/quote7b8ce1a058]
exactly...finally someone got it right. way to go aguy
I do not find men attractive and I don't have a clue how I could make that happen. Quite frankly, I am perfectly happy being straight and will stay that way.
20-03-2006 10:15:02
[quotea96e47004c="Jake"]I do not find men attractive and I don't have a clue how I could make that happen. Quite frankly, I am perfectly happy being straight and will stay that way.[/quotea96e47004c]
god damn it Jake I figured you'd go gay for me. cry cry
Anyways I also don't find men attractive whatsoever and won't ever go gay.
Now if the question is what man would you change your life with.
Id go with
Dwyane Wade
Mike Jordan
Nick Cage
20-03-2006 11:04:15
hey guys how about we choose a guy we would go gay for and have sex with in our dreams, but not real life? you go first.
20-03-2006 11:16:31
I always fantasize about Michael...

http//[" alt=""/img48f076c1f8]
How dreamy...
20-03-2006 19:41:39
bball, is that you? nice...
20-03-2006 20:26:42
[quote3a681ac996="bickman00"][quote3a681ac996="aguy"]WHAT THE FUCK[/quote3a681ac996]
don't act like you've never seen someone and thought to yourself, "You know what, If I were gay I would be all over that guy."[/quote3a681ac996]
i havn't you fickin quere
20-03-2006 21:09:46
...and I thought I was a homophobe
20-03-2006 21:15:25
[quote8c0ae26aa6="drummer_kew_03"]...and I thought I was a homophobe[/quote8c0ae26aa6]
You are, but you at least have the decency to not flame. lol
20-03-2006 21:29:25
ive already turned gay for this guy, just waitin till his divorce....

http//[" alt=""/img7527f817f0]
20-03-2006 21:53:33
haha, well he does have 10,000+ posts... that's sexy.
21-03-2006 00:41:34
OMG you guys are all so horrible! hahaha
21-03-2006 04:26:48
[quoteef7a45f6f6="rboyettester"][quoteef7a45f6f6="bickman00"][quoteef7a45f6f6="aguy"]WHAT THE FUCK[/quoteef7a45f6f6]
don't act like you've never seen someone and thought to yourself, "You know what, If I were gay I would be all over that guy."[/quoteef7a45f6f6]
i havn't you fickin quere[/quoteef7a45f6f6]
5 day vacation for the inflammatory language, 2 extra days for not being able to spell it
21-03-2006 11:58:03
You mean he wasn't spelling "squire"?
You mean he wasn't spelling "squire"?[/quote417ec51d5f]
roll roll roll
Can't you see, he was clearly trying to spell "squirrel."
21-03-2006 12:41:29
I got it, it was QUARRY!
[quote5df51f9d23="theysayjump"]I got it, it was QUARRY![/quote5df51f9d23]

http//[" alt=""/img5df51f9d23]
21-03-2006 12:42:41
21-03-2006 16:45:34
7 days is a lil harsh ain't it. After all it's not the most wholesome blue-collar topic ever.
21-03-2006 17:33:07
Maybe the topic should be renamed "The guy you'd never leave your girl alone with" or something like that... ?
21-03-2006 17:40:20
There's nothing wrong with the topic (rule-wise) but there is something wrong with flaming or being rude and antagonistic.
21-03-2006 18:22:02
I honestly don't think there's anything wrong with the topic. I just thought it would end the whole "im straight, i can't pretend to be gay" posts. IMO all the guys that posted agreeingly with the topic showed security in their sexuallity.
21-03-2006 19:04:33
OMG...u guys make me laugh so much....wink
21-03-2006 19:28:47
i was talking to rboyettester, and he says he is sorry and that he was joking around. He understands that he is banned, but he is sad that he is gone for 7 days. Rboyettester begs for ur forgiveness.
[quote73739ca0fe="amir89630"]i was talking to rboyettester, and he says he is sorry and that he was joking around. He understands that he is banned, but he is sad that he is gone for 7 days. Rboyettester begs for ur forgiveness.[/quote73739ca0fe]
50 posts, temp-banned, and begging to let back in? Addicted already.
21-03-2006 23:29:42
[quote553f7be4a2="Veek"][quote553f7be4a2="amir89630"]i was talking to rboyettester, and he says he is sorry and that he was joking around. He understands that he is banned, but he is sad that he is gone for 7 days. Rboyettester begs for ur forgiveness.[/quote553f7be4a2]
50 posts, temp-banned, and begging to let back in? Addicted already.[/quote553f7be4a2]
Or already addicted and coming back? wink
There's a difference between thinking a guy is attractive and being attracted to them. Veek on one hand is teh hotness1!!11 but I'm not attracted to him. Same goes for Admin and that monkey dude.
I've kissed a guy before and let me tell you; it was better than when I kissed my sister.
Or already addicted and coming back? wink
There's a difference between thinking a guy is attractive and being attracted to them. Veek on one hand is teh hotness1!!11 but I'm not attracted to him. Same goes for Admin and that monkey dude.
I've kissed a guy before and let me tell you; it was better than when I kissed my sister.[/quotebc89fe2df7]
Could it be someone who has annoyed most of the board in the past? Have we just discovered his new name? shock
And, I you should have kissed a guy before your sister... o shock
22-03-2006 08:43:38
Or already addicted and coming back? wink
There's a difference between thinking a guy is attractive and being attracted to them. Veek on one hand is teh hotness1!!11 but I'm not attracted to him. Same goes for Admin and that monkey dude.
I've kissed a guy before and let me tell you; it was better than when I kissed my sister.[/quote67a53bd35e]
We understand it's hard to tell the difference when they're wearing skirts... ;)
22-03-2006 09:17:06

http//[" alt=""/img90039038ee]
22-03-2006 10:09:22
[quote7e18087de1="kt006"]Maybe the topic should be renamed "The guy you'd never leave your girl alone with" or something like that... ?[/quote7e18087de1]
thats bs. Introducing girlfriends to celebs and or rich/good-looking men is a litmus test. If you really like a girl and want to test her loyalty then you introduce them to the more succesful/feared man to check if there still loyal to you.
From a guys perspective if a girl cheats on us it was never meant to be.
From a girl's perspective if a guy cheats on her then it's because the girl was hot and that the guy couldn't control his sexual craze. Thus all women are skeptcial of even introducing their own friends to their men. In fact there are women who will never allow there men to be alone at any point with one of their friends.
22-03-2006 11:00:37
for the second time in 12 hours, i don't even know where to start
e thanks pal i owe you a beer
22-03-2006 11:28:09
Maybe with quotations around good2speed? ;)