25-11-2004 16:34:32
So I'm looking at ebay auctions for in-ear headphones and came across this
"[ibb636c8f39]It can be used with any version of iPod (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and mini). Even if you don't own an iPod, these headphones will work on any standard line level jack and would be an [bbb636c8f39]ignoramus[/bbb636c8f39] upgrade from the ones that came with your player.[/ibb636c8f39]"
errrr.... lol
25-11-2004 20:20:51
rofl. they look like junk too. just get some good sony or koss headphones, they always deliver quality sound.
Eric P
25-11-2004 22:32:57
ig·no·ra·mus ( P ) Pronunciation Key (gn-rms)
n. pl. ig·no·ra·mus·es
An ignorant person.
26-11-2004 07:43:17
[quote26d38f8c91="r2d2_unit"]rofl. they look like junk too. just get some good sony or koss headphones, they always deliver quality sound.[/quote26d38f8c91]
haha, i know. i clicked on it to see what they were and read that.
if i can get enough referrals on freeitech, i'll just get the in-ears from them. i only need 2 more. until then, i dont mind using my low-budget (yet better than the stock buds) sony headphones

http//www.dollardays.com/images/d35/image2/mdr-w08l.jpg[" alt=""/img26d38f8c91]
26-11-2004 10:16:16
I wouldn't get the in-ear's from apple. They are crap. For a little more, you can get shure e2c's which are a giant step up.
26-11-2004 11:07:22
yeeeeeeeah but they're not trendy and white D
To be honest though, I've never liked earbuds at all, even before Ipods were around. So we'll see.
26-11-2004 19:57:24
[quote4842d47a7d="Oldfashionedhussy"]To be honest though, I've never liked earbuds at all, even before Ipods were around. So we'll see.[/quote4842d47a7d]
yeah same here. i dont even know why i use the apple ones.